CNN slips the best headline ever!


Party Escort Bot
Aug 23, 2004
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Looks like the folks at the much maligned CNN indulged in a little bit of wishful thinking on Friday during a report of British Prime Minister Tony Blair's resignation announcement.

In a video caption of Blair, CNN plastered the words "Bush Resigns" across the screen.
Well same thing, he sucked so much Bush d*ck that first thing that comes to your mind when you see him is bush.
Good lord, the idiocy in some of those responses is appalling.

Some Idiot said:
One day soon our "journalists" will discover the consequences of attacking our elected president in wartime! They may plead "no harm done" when that day comes, but show them no mercy! If not for the media and their so-important power this war would have been won already. But because of their lust to keep their unearned power, hundreds of Americans are dying needlessly!
It's not Bush's fault this war drags on. It's the medias fault!

I suppose all you can do is LOL...
Damn media for forcing Bush to make piss poor decisions in war time!!!
Some Idiot said:
One day soon our "journalists" will discover the consequences of attacking our elected president in wartime! They may plead "no harm done" when that day comes, but show them no mercy! If not for the media and their so-important power this war would have been won already. But because of their lust to keep their unearned power, hundreds of Americans are dying needlessly!
It's not Bush's fault this war drags on. It's the medias fault!

the media should be tried for treason
And yet many of you deny that CNN is biased in any way.:upstare:
People still call it the "Clinton News Network"?

I think it's time for conservatives to pick up some new tricks, because the old ones are dying hard.
As well as that, Fox has continually admitted to pushing a right-wing bias and Murdoch himself has been quoted numerous times expressing that he has an agenda. I'm not aware of any similar statements from CNN, and so I find that I attribute most bias on CNN to be more an unintentional product of just general mindset at that news agency. I'm talking about CNN in the States, mind you. I can't say I've had many complaints with CNN International.
American media biased? :eek: OMG NO I DONT BELIEVE THAT :eek::eek::eek:

Factoid: Media bias is a global phenomenon.
Good lord, the idiocy in some of those responses is appalling.

I suppose all you can do is LOL...

I can't stand the "Time of war" argument, it makes me wanna puke. So, the President...of the free world...isn't open to criticism when he starts an unjustified/useless war???? Gimme a break.
Truth hurts eh?

Not really.

That our propaganda effects the rest of the world is dubious. I'm inclined to think from my own experience that most people from outside of the US either don't care, know better, or hate us any way. The biggest victims of American media bias are Americans themselves. Now, if you wanted to argue the cause/effect relationship between gullible American voters and courses in foreign policy that have affected the world, we'd have something to work with. But that is not the same thing as calling us the homeland of propaganda.

We are not the originators of propaganda, nor are we the most effective at it. That half the US population is now against the Iraq war despite the administration's wishes shows that your assessment is bull. There are many, many nations that are far better at the spin game than we are. There are in fact governments with near total control over information available in their countries. And unlike the US, they don't stop short of killing dissenters.

So if you want to argue the merits and faults of US media, then go right ahead. I'm well aware of its problems. But don't peddle this kind of ignorant, uneducated, neo-hippy slop. Even if we're restricting geopolitics to the West, Russia is a far worse offender in terms of day-to-day, pervasive media control.
come on as much as I think fox"news" and ilk are purveyors of propaganda they dont hold a candle to this
I like how fat little cherub Kim rides the white horse ..he looks like a midget on that thing tall is he? 5'2" with skates on?
There are many, many nations that are far better at the spin game than we are.

You mean like Nigeria and a few others? We're not talking about the 3rd world.

Russia is a far worse offender in terms of day-to-day, pervasive media control.

:laugh: See what I'm talking about? You yanks have been brainwashed so much that even though you KNOW that your media is brainwashing you, you still accept what they say and fool yourselves by believing that you aren't really brainwashed... Oh the irony.
Have you ever been to Russia? How do you know all that stuff? Oh, your media says so? I see...
I like how huge is the ignorance among you yanks about the rest of the world yet you act like you know everything. E.g. someone mentions "communism" on an american forum and everyone goes whining about how evil are the commies and how bad communism is and pity those who lived under communism... If this stupid close-minded thinking is not a product of your shitty media then what is :laugh:
I've lived in Russia for many years and I still have many relatives living there with whom I am constantly in touch. For the last few years that Russia has been getting back on its feet (i.e. new threat to the US) your media has been spewing propaganda everywhere to show how evil Russia is while at the same time your country was "liberating" iraq, afghanistan,serbia you name it, being one of the biggest threats to the planet having an idiot cowboy for a president and YET it's people STILL believe all that shit your goverment and media says. If this is not what one would call the work of the masters of propaganda, then what is?
You mean like Nigeria and a few others? We're not talking about the 3rd world.

:laugh: See what I'm talking about? You yanks have been brainwashed so much that even though you KNOW that your media is brainwashing you, you still accept what they say and fool yourselves by believing that you aren't really brainwashed... Oh the irony.
Have you ever been to Russia? How do you know all that stuff? Oh, your media says so? I see...
I like how huge is the ignorance among you yanks about the rest of the world yet you act like you know everything. E.g. someone mentions "communism" on an american forum and everyone goes whining about how evil are the commies and how bad communism is and pity those who lived under communism... If this stupid close-minded thinking is not a product of your shitty media then what is :laugh:
I've lived in Russia for many years and I still have many relatives living there with whom I am constantly in touch. For the last few years that Russia has been getting back on its feet (i.e. new threat to the US) your media has been spewing propaganda everywhere to show how evil Russia is while at the same time your country was "liberating" iraq, afghanistan,serbia you name it, being one of the biggest threats to the planet having an idiot cowboy for a president and YET it's people STILL believe all that shit your goverment and media says. If this is not what one would call the work of the masters of propaganda, then what is?
Actually international organizations independent of the US, and often criticizing the US, confirm what absinthe is saying. Russia's track record is far worse then the one of the US.
You mean like Nigeria and a few others? We're not talking about the 3rd world.

I do believe I explained that your claims don't make sense even when restricted to the West.

Either way, there are countries that are worse than us. I'm sure quite a few people aspire to more, but we're talking as-is.

:laugh: See what I'm talking about? You yanks have been brainwashed so much that even though you KNOW that your media is brainwashing you, you still accept what they say and fool yourselves by believing that you aren't really brainwashed... Oh the irony.

My media does not brainwash me. What I watch has no intention of doing so. You see, I don't assume all bias on TV is the product of an agenda. All I have to do is exercise a little critical thinking and cross-check my news sources. I voice my complaints when I see inaccuracy or grievous bias. But I get by fine in the meantime.

Accept what they say? Accept what exactly? As I have said, I have my fair share of complaints against US media as well. But I don't exaggerate it into a totalitarian hellhole in order to fight it.

Have you ever been to Russia? How do you know all that stuff? Oh, your media says so? I see...

Ha! You're a right ****ing idiot, aren't you? Since when has my media ever been restricted by the boundaries of my nation? US sources, British sources, Canadian sources, blogs... Hell, I could watch C-Span and get my news without filters. Oh, but I guess they're also making up poo-poo stories to slander Russia?
You're a step away from venturing into conspiracy theory territory. Go ahead and cross it.

I like how huge is the ignorance among you yanks about the rest of the world yet you act like you know everything. E.g. someone mentions "communism" on an american forum and everyone goes whining about how evil are the commies and how bad communism is and pity those who lived under communism... If this stupid close-minded thinking is not a product of your shitty media then what is :laugh:

...Or any forum populated by sensible people. That sentiment is not a product of US media bias. It's a product of years and years of watching the failures of communism stack higher and higher. If you think differently, then congratulations on being a dimwit.

I've lived in Russia for many years and I still have many relatives living there with whom I am constantly in touch. For the last few years that Russia has been getting back on its feet (i.e. new threat to the US) your media has been spewing propaganda everywhere to show how evil Russia is while at the same time your country was "liberating" iraq, afghanistan,serbia you name it, being one of the biggest threats to the planet having an idiot cowboy for a president and YET it's people STILL believe all that shit your goverment and media says. If this is not what one would call the work of the masters of propaganda, then what is?

And I've lived in the United States for many years. I have to say, I find it rather odd that I haven't encountered any of these mind control rays you've apparently heard so much about.

What my government says and what my media says are separate things. Learn to distinguish the two. Fox News aside, I have never seen any on-screen push or defense of our foreign policy except in editorial segments. And the reason for Bush's election as well as re-election has far more to do with religion than propaganda even did. As for Russia... Surely you understand that when your government puts an ever-increasing stranglehold on the news media and become suspected of being involved in murder, it's going to get bad news.

I really hope you just get banned for being an obvious racist. Racist trolls are the most boring kind.
You mean like Nigeria and a few others? We're not talking about the 3rd world.

:laugh: See what I'm talking about? You yanks have been brainwashed so much that even though you KNOW that your media is brainwashing you, you still accept what they say and fool yourselves by believing that you aren't really brainwashed... Oh the irony.
Have you ever been to Russia? How do you know all that stuff? Oh, your media says so? I see...
I like how huge is the ignorance among you yanks about the rest of the world yet you act like you know everything. E.g. someone mentions "communism" on an american forum and everyone goes whining about how evil are the commies and how bad communism is and pity those who lived under communism... If this stupid close-minded thinking is not a product of your shitty media then what is :laugh:
I've lived in Russia for many years and I still have many relatives living there with whom I am constantly in touch. For the last few years that Russia has been getting back on its feet (i.e. new threat to the US) your media has been spewing propaganda everywhere to show how evil Russia is while at the same time your country was "liberating" iraq, afghanistan,serbia you name it, being one of the biggest threats to the planet having an idiot cowboy for a president and YET it's people STILL believe all that shit your goverment and media says. If this is not what one would call the work of the masters of propaganda, then what is?

How do you have internet in such a shithole country? Nevermind, I don't care, I'm going to play ps3 on the HD projector.
I've been to Russia. I hear Putin recently decreed 50% of all news must be 'happy news', and that opposition leaders could not be interviewed nor their names printed.

Most of the people who were willing or able to discuss politics when I was there espoused the opinion that the place is becoming more and more totalitarian. This is also the general impression from every piece of news media ever!
totalitarism and biased-manipulated media is the fashion nowadays
<This post has been censored to appease our totalitarian dictators. Have a nice day!>
Lol, why hasn't this thread been moved to the Politics forum? It started as a joke, but now it's turned into a serious debate? *As if any MORE serious debate could be made of this topic...*

So please move?