CNN slips the best headline ever!

How do you have internet in such a shithole country? Nevermind, I don't care, I'm going to play ps3 on the HD projector.

Oh yeah there's internet only in America :rolleyes:
If you could read you would see that I wrote "I lived" which is past.

My media does not brainwash me. What I watch has no intention of doing so. You see, I don't assume all bias on TV is the product of an agenda. All I have to do is exercise a little critical thinking and cross-check my news sources. I voice my complaints when I see inaccuracy or grievous bias. But I get by fine in the meantime.

Your and some other people's writings here just prove my point :laugh: The best accomplishment of your goverement and media was to convince you that you aren't brainwashed. Works pretty well I see.

Ha! You're a right ****ing idiot, aren't you? Since when has my media ever been restricted by the boundaries of my nation? US sources, British sources, Canadian sources, blogs... Hell, I could watch C-Span and get my news without filters. Oh, but I guess they're also making up poo-poo stories to slander Russia?
You're a step away from venturing into conspiracy theory territory. Go ahead and cross it.

You know what always makes me laugh? You start debating something with someone and then you reach a point we he starts insulting you. It's their way expressing their anger when they can't prove a point and everything is against them.
Oooooh so you're mentioning Canadian, British and US media to prove me that it's not only american media, holy shit, you're just trying hard to prove my points aren't you? :laugh: Of course, Americans and Brits, those two have nothing to do with each other, its not like Blair is always talking with Bush's dick in his mouth right? :laugh:
Sorry I admit I made a mistake, I should have said "The western media and few of their friends here" :rolleyes:

...Or any forum populated by sensible people. That sentiment is not a product of US media bias. It's a product of years and years of watching the failures of communism stack higher and higher. If you think differently, then congratulations on being a dimwit.

Yeah it just amazes me that all those "sensible people" are always from countries with American influence. OMG WHAT A COINCIDENCE.

As for Russia... Surely you understand that when your government puts an ever-increasing stranglehold on the news media and become suspected of being involved in murder, it's going to get bad news.

I really hope you just get banned for being an obvious racist. Racist trolls are the most boring kind.

As for Russia... Surely you understand that when your government puts an ever-increasing stranglehold on the news media and become suspected of being involved in murder, it's going to get bad news.

I agree that, being the noobs that they are, they did some mistakes covering their actions. They ought to learn from the professionals, when your goverment does something like this, they do it sooo damn perfectly that everyone's bitching for a while and then forgets it. Let me remind you the bombing of Serbia and the thousands of innocents that were killed by "mistakes" that everyone forgot and doesn't give shit about (oh wait I should say "liberating" since this is the meaning of the word according to the dictionary of American English?).
Oh wait lets not forget that you live in a "free country" (note that none other country in the 1st world uses these 2 words since it would be utterly stupid to do so since world war 2 or something :laugh: but hey it's one more catchy phrase that americans use to make themselves feel better) where kids get arrested for drawing something violent or making a map of their school in a video game, or how about this article that made me lol at their stupidity :laugh:

I really hope you just get banned for being an obvious racist. Racist trolls are the most boring kind.

You call me racist? Coming from a country where all blacks are considered criminals and to this day hated, every arab goes balalallala and is a terrorist, every mexican is stealing? You have invented a trillion stereotypes and have a million ways discriminate yourselves from each other yet you're still somehow consider others racists....
You call me racist? Coming from a country where all blacks are considered criminals and to this day hated, every arab goes balalallala and is a terrorist, every mexican is stealing? You have invented a trillion stereotypes and have a million ways discriminate yourselves from each other yet you're still somehow consider others racists....

Oh, delicious irony/hypocrisy.
Oh God, this is sad. I'm not gonna quote/reply to you, but instead summarize how ridiculous you're becoming.


Prove it.


But that makes no sense.


You're an idiot.


What? You called me racist and brainwashed.




A little helpful information, by the way: I spent eight years of my life in Europe, where I started and finished high school. So next time you feel the need to accuse me of being brainwashed by US media, you just might want to shut the **** up a tiny bit, seeing as how you know nothing about me. :thumbs:
I liked the flavor of conspiracy you shoehorned into your argument when you talked about British media. They're all in on it too, eh? I stand by what I said previously. It's an objective truth that you're an idiot. As to who is more racist, I'll leave a mod to decide that.

Also, kudos for spewing apologetics for Russia's actions. A real winner, you.
I've lived in Russia for many years

Then you should know that all media systems in Russia are owned by companies with incredibly close ties with the Kremlin? It's also funny how Russian media has to make the US appear to be an enemy (remember when both countries did this? Yeah the US stopped, Russia didn't). In fact the last independent station was just taken over a few months ago.

Your and some other people's writings here just prove my point :laugh: The best accomplishment of your government and media was to convince you that you aren't brainwashed. Works pretty well I see.

So you brainwashed yourself to think Americans are brainwashed? Bravo you win a free cookie!

You know what always makes me laugh? You start debating something with someone and then you reach a point we he starts insulting you. It's their way expressing their anger when they can't prove a point and everything is against them.
Oooooh so you're mentioning Canadian, British and US media to prove me that it's not only american media, holy shit, you're just trying hard to prove my points aren't you? :laugh: Of course, Americans and Brits, those two have nothing to do with each other, its not like Blair is always talking with Bush's dick in his mouth right? :laugh:
Sorry I admit I made a mistake, I should have said "The western media and few of their friends here" :rolleyes:

Holy christ is everything a giant conspiracy to you? Not everyone is allied with the USA you realize? It's very easy to take US sources, anti US sources and neutral sources and compare the three.

Yeah it just amazes me that all those "sensible people" are always from countries with American influence. OMG WHAT A COINCIDENCE.

America affects Australia through trade, I'm sensible and from a country that doesn't believe in the bullshit the US pulls on a daily basis in Iraq. We keep ties because the US is a very powerful trading partner.

Fun fact: America influences Russia.

You call me racist? Coming from a country where all blacks are considered criminals and to this day hated, every arab goes balalallala and is a terrorist, every mexican is stealing? You have invented a trillion stereotypes and have a million ways discriminate yourselves from each other yet you're still somehow consider others racists....

Fun fact: Go to any country where your race isn't dominate, people WILL stereotype you.
Also, I'm not one to care much about forum fashion, but... Damn, ZeeM. It's 2007 and you're still wearing an anti-Steam avatar and signature. Let it go already.
Also, I'm not one to care much about forum fashion, but... Damn, ZeeM. It's 2007 and you're still wearing an anti-Steam avatar and signature. Let it go already.

omfg thats liek so olde you must go fashion and have a 300 related avatar omfg fashion!
ZeeM said:
Your and some other people's writings here just prove my point The best accomplishment of your goverement and media was to convince you that you aren't brainwashed. Works pretty well I see.
"You're in denial."
No I'm not!
"Ha! See!"
omfg thats liek so olde you must go fashion and have a 300 related avatar omfg fashion!

A man is nothing without a keen sense of fashion.


A little helpful information, by the way: I spent eight years of my life in Europe, where I started and finished high school. So next time you feel the need to accuse me of being brainwashed by US media, you just might want to shut the **** up a tiny bit, seeing as how you know nothing about me. :thumbs:
I liked the flavor of conspiracy you shoehorned into your argument when you talked about British media. They're all in on it too, eh? I stand by what I said previously. It's an objective truth that you're an idiot. As to who is more racist, I'll leave a mod to decide that.

Also, kudos for spewing apologetics for Russia's actions. A real winner, you.

Sooo you spent 8 years in Europe, and let me guess, by Europe you mean Britain?. I only know that you have some attitude problems, but hey who am I to judge the mentally challenged :laugh:
I'm not spewing apologetics for anyone, they are dumbasses for what they did only they get much more negative attention from the western media for these actions and I wonder why so, when that stuff was a LOT worse in the chaotic 90's when russia was still weak and recovering but the last few years that its slowly becoming a threat again, the western media started spewing their good old propaganda again :laugh: Ohhh how I love those huge coincidences.

Then you should know that all media systems in Russia are owned by companies with incredibly close ties with the Kremlin? It's also funny how Russian media has to make the US appear to be an enemy (remember when both countries did this? Yeah the US stopped, Russia didn't). In fact the last independent station was just taken over a few months ago.

I do watch the russian media and I ought to know more than you about that. How do you know the Russian media makes the Americans look bad? Oh the American media told you so, I see...
Yes I remember when "both" countries did that. I can assure you that if russians did it once, the americans did it 50. Lets not forget all those movies making fun of russians or trying to promote the "bad russians" and "good americans" image? How about the media? Even in the comedies they joked and still joke about "ruskies" and the "commies" all the time.
They did it constantly back then and still doing it today although a lot less while i hardly even remember any russian movies that display the america negatively (or display it at all) and you can rarely hear anything about them in comedy shows etc and its far from what you would call "degrading" or "insulting". Not to mention that america shoved all this propaganda shit up the whole's world mouths while the russians just kept it to themselves.

So you brainwashed yourself to think Americans are brainwashed? Bravo you win a free cookie!

I see it everyday on THEIR news, on THEIR media, on THEIR tv, on THEIR forums, on THEIR blogs, or from americans that I chat with, in their movies, in their "culture" everywhere, in their attitude and the way of thinking about the rest of the world, I see it wherever I go. But all they know is what they watch on THEIR media, THEIR blogs, THEIR tv and thats why they cant say that some of their opinions aren't the product of pure propaganda.

Holy christ is everything a giant conspiracy to you? Not everyone is allied with the USA you realize? It's very easy to take US sources, anti US sources and neutral sources and compare the three.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist (although someone reading my posts in this thread would think so :p) and those aren't consipracy theories (its not like I told you about the moon landing or 911) those are normal things that the human was doing through all of his history yet people today deny it like its not in our nature, its called strategy and its used to overpower the enemy or enemies for economical profit.
This aside, just sit and think yourself the economical and political interests of each and why this is an udeniable fact.

Fun fact: Go to any country where your race isn't dominate, people WILL stereotype you.

Not so fun fact, its not only about the stereotypes

Oh God, this is sad. I'm not gonna quote/reply to you

since you don't have anything useful to say.

Let me summarize it in a more realistic way (without the influence of your bipolar disorder):
ZeeM's argument: Your media brainwashes people by spreading lies
Absinthe's argument: You're an idiot

Oh god, you have issues :laugh:

Also, I'm not one to care much about forum fashion, but... Damn, ZeeM. It's 2007 and you're still wearing an anti-Steam avatar and signature. Let it go already.

So what, does it change my opinion about Steam? I didn't know opinions should be based on trends :dozey: Its much better than a few years back but its concept still sucks (except for valve, but who cares about them). Only positive are the easy updates.
Sooo you spent 8 years in Europe, and let me guess, by Europe you mean Britain?.


Stopped reading there. My time is better wasted elsewhere than here, conversing with a person that can't stop talking out of his ass for even a sentence. You're just a culturally ignorant simpleton and anybody else here could attest to that.
ZeeM's argument: Your media brainwashes people by spreading lies
Absinthe's argument: You're an idiot
Actually, it's a little more like this:

ZeeM's argument: Your media brainwashes people by spreading lies
Absinthe's argument: You're an idiot for the following reasons <etc>

But then again you're probably being brainwashed by Russian media propaganda, so this is all falling on deaf ears.
I do watch the russian media and I ought to know more than you about that. How do you know the Russian media makes the Americans look bad? Oh the American media told you so, I see...

I don't live in America now do I? The American media doesn't influence me at all. Your whole brainwashing argument is redundant bullshit. So please do yourself a favor and crawl of the whole you've been living in. What part of the Russian media being practically 100% controlled by the Russian government don't you get? News reporters as part of their work have to put America in bad light. surely if Russia is so great they can ignore all the hate towards it? Apparently not.

Yes people hate Russia, but in comparison in todays media a lot more hate America.

I see it everyday on THEIR news, on THEIR media, on THEIR tv, on THEIR forums, on THEIR blogs, or from americans that I chat with, in their movies, in their "culture" everywhere, in their attitude and the way of thinking about the rest of the world, I see it wherever I go. But all they know is what they watch on THEIR media, THEIR blogs, THEIR tv and thats why they cant say that some of their opinions aren't the product of pure propaganda.

I don't watch TV, all forums are full of some sort of bias hence all the anti American websites, blogs are stupid and Oh noes you chatted with some Americans, way to represent 300 million people. People hate America just as much as America hates your beloved Russia, which frankly isn't being represented these days, theres the whole Iraq/terrorist/scare tactics thing going on.



Zeem theres a very easy thing you can do to avoid arguing with "Ignorant Americans" and that's to shut your mouth. Your little rant won't change the world when the world doesn't need changing.
I dont hate russia even if some stuff are like too rude there
The thing is I have nothing against Russia what have they don to piss me off recently? Nothing I can think of. America on the other hand I probably criticize at least once per day, I then also criticize my own government for being retards themselves.
Why are Russians always moving?

Because they're Russian.
Sooo you spent 8 years in Europe, and let me guess, by Europe you mean Britain?. I only know that you have some attitude problems, but hey who am I to judge the mentally challenged :laugh:
I'm not spewing apologetics for anyone, they are dumbasses for what they did only they get much more negative attention from the western media for these actions and I wonder why so, when that stuff was a LOT worse in the chaotic 90's when russia was still weak and recovering but the last few years that its slowly becoming a threat again, the western media started spewing their good old propaganda again :laugh: Ohhh how I love those huge coincidences.

I do watch the russian media and I ought to know more than you about that. How do you know the Russian media makes the Americans look bad? Oh the American media told you so, I see...
Yes I remember when "both" countries did that. I can assure you that if russians did it once, the americans did it 50. Lets not forget all those movies making fun of russians or trying to promote the "bad russians" and "good americans" image? How about the media? Even in the comedies they joked and still joke about "ruskies" and the "commies" all the time.
They did it constantly back then and still doing it today although a lot less while i hardly even remember any russian movies that display the america negatively (or display it at all) and you can rarely hear anything about them in comedy shows etc and its far from what you would call "degrading" or "insulting". Not to mention that america shoved all this propaganda shit up the whole's world mouths while the russians just kept it to themselves.

I see it everyday on THEIR news, on THEIR media, on THEIR tv, on THEIR forums, on THEIR blogs, or from americans that I chat with, in their movies, in their "culture" everywhere, in their attitude and the way of thinking about the rest of the world, I see it wherever I go. But all they know is what they watch on THEIR media, THEIR blogs, THEIR tv and thats why they cant say that some of their opinions aren't the product of pure propaganda.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist (although someone reading my posts in this thread would think so :p) and those aren't consipracy theories (its not like I told you about the moon landing or 911) those are normal things that the human was doing through all of his history yet people today deny it like its not in our nature, its called strategy and its used to overpower the enemy or enemies for economical profit.
This aside, just sit and think yourself the economical and political interests of each and why this is an udeniable fact.

Not so fun fact, its not only about the stereotypes

since you don't have anything useful to say.

Let me summarize it in a more realistic way (without the influence of your bipolar disorder):
ZeeM's argument: Your media brainwashes people by spreading lies
Absinthe's argument: You're an idiot

Oh god, you have issues :laugh:

So what, does it change my opinion about Steam? I didn't know opinions should be based on trends :dozey: Its much better than a few years back but its concept still sucks (except for valve, but who cares about them). Only positive are the easy updates.

Have you noticed that you're blatently stereotyping yet?
Words fail me, I'm unsure how some long time members survive this long. We'll see him in 1 month when he's got that bee out his bonnet.
I'm saving up my best ammunition till last, some people may have been quick and saw it earlier but I removed it.