Coca Cola

Are you becoming addicted to coca cola

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Addicted to coke?

Oh, you're talking about the drink :x
Duh ! :p would refer to illegal substances in a forum Title is Coca Cola aswell :LOL:
I'm the type of person who goes on binges. I'll binge on computer games non-stop for 2 months then not play a computer game for 8 months.

The same thing with coke. I'm not really in a coke binge mood right now. ;)
When you drink allot of water or fruit juice for awhile, then you have coke... you realise how crap the stuff is. its horrid and i avoid it whenever i can.
I prefer pepsi but that dont mean I hate it
It's real easy to become addicted to it :( I usually drink only water, but recently I've been living off Cola. I must stop though, it's horrible stuff
used to drink soda.. don't much anymore, as far as colas go, it's the best. but i prefer to other types of soda if i'm going to drink any at all.
Yeah, I used to drink fizzy drinks but this past few months I just haven't bought any apart from at college where the only alternative is a small bottle of water for twice the price of the pop, or a hot drink like tea, coffee or hot chocolate. Most of the time I take my own drink...

My brother is addicted to coke though :) He keeps saying he isn't but he "used" to be.
oldagerocker said:
When you drink allot of water or fruit juice for awhile, then you have coke... you realise how crap the stuff is. its horrid and i avoid it whenever i can.
I'm with this man ^

And HS you crazy scot!
oldagerocker said:
When you drink allot of water or fruit juice for awhile, then you have coke... you realise how crap the stuff is. its horrid and i avoid it whenever i can.

the water part i totally agree with, but u gotta watch the type of juices u drink.. my doctor told me there are some juices available which happen to be just as sugery as soft drinks.
like Fruitopia.. that fruit drink is so sugery.. i wouldn't be surprised if it contained more sugar than Coke does :O

as far as soft drinks go, admittedly, i drink too much of it... and i need to stop that and start drinking alot of water instead.. :eek: :x
I usually drink Snapple Iced Tea or Gatorade.
Coca Cola comes when I have no other option. I've come to learn that soda isn't all that good for ya'.
User Name said:
I usually drink Snapple Iced Tea or Gatorade.
Coca Cola comes when I have no other option. I've come to learn that soda isn't all that good for ya'.
Why not just drink water? It is a lot cheaper/free.
Foxtrot said:
Why not just drink water? It is a lot cheaper/free.
The major reason why is because it has no taste. I only drink water when there is nothing other to drink in the house. The water fountains at school are something I hit often throughout the day, too.
Irn-Bru > Coke
Irn brew makes girders...or something like that.

Coke is ok sometimes but...... Uber milkshakes >water> pure orange juice> Coke > all
seriously though im addicted.
must be the caffiene.....
Ill drink it, I dont like it much though.

Im not real fond of pop at all anymore
SpuD said:
Ill drink it, I dont like it much though.

Im not real fond of pop at all anymore

pop = soda to the smericans out there
I hate it.

Pepsi's pretty good though. Root beer is better.

Don't drink much soda. Hardly ever drink it at home. Sometimes at work, tastes better there.

Mostly drink juice, milk (lotsa milk), V-8, tea (iced & hot), that's pretty much it. Oh, and beer. I used to hate beer but it tastes good to me now, sometimes.
neptuneuk said:
pop = soda to the smericans out there
generally speaking. midwestern americans call it pop, east-coast americans call it soda. i've heard west-coasters refer to it as both pop and soda-pop.
neptenuk i Also cant get enough of the stuff although i think it can give ill affectsd to ones health > :sleep:
No Limit said:
Addicted to coke?

Oh, you're talking about the drink :x

hehe, you know there was a time when they were both together.
Kel Loves orange soda

From Kenan & Kel

Blimey that bit used to annoy me so bad
I drink a lot more URGE than i drink cola, but then i drink much more ice tea than urge again.