CoD 2 or an expansion pack?


Jul 9, 2003
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what would u rather have? and do u think that there will be one

expansion pack... i damn well hope
I probably wouldn't mind an expansion pack if it stood up to the quality of the game itself.
But I'd say after one they should set their sights on a sequal.
If by expansion pack you mean it would be either cheap or free, then expansion pack.
expansion pack, just for a nother nation or theater.
I thought that they were working on an expansion pack for the consoles that was due out in the summer. But judging by the success of CoD, it'll be available for the PC too. I'm not sure if this is accurate (it said something like that off of the trailer), but here's hoping!
Sequel. Why? Just imagine a D-Day scene done CoD style, on the HL2 engine!
I wouldn't be suprised to see an expansion pack. Perhaps expanding upon the three nationalities, or adding another to the mix. I always thought it'd be interesting to see a WW2 game from a German perspective. Perhaps it's not PC to release a game like that.
I have always wanted to do D-Day from another beach. Every WW2 game that has D-Day beach assaults do Omaha.
that's because Omaha didn't go as planned. every other beach went pretty much by the numbers. so omaha makes for interesting gaming.
Originally posted by Dedalus
that's because Omaha didn't go as planned. every other beach went pretty much by the numbers. so omaha makes for interesting gaming.

I suppose...but I'd still like to see the other beaches as well. You can only do Omaha so many times.
they'll probably do a sequel...they're gonna have to compete with MOH: pacific assault, which has some pretty sweet features.
after playing COD i dont think i could go back to Medal of Honour. Sequal and expansion if u ask me.