CoD4 Beta Signups - 5pm PST


May 27, 2003
Reaction score

We worked hard to get this beta done July 26th. Since then we've been working on logistical issues, MS cert, what would be involved to make everything work internationally, number of keys, and a bunch of other boring non-game stuff. Most of it is just related to being the first 3rd party console game to offer a beta.

Now there are even more logistical issues coming up. Streetwise is pumping up their servers in an effort for charlieoscardelta to be able to handle the beta traffic. Additionally, since they are testing the new servers right now they can't really update them. So putting up countdowns, changing and testing the scripts to gather info for tokens, etc would have to wait a bit.

24 hour notice:
But we've been playing the beta internally, and it's so much fun we are dying to play with you. So... let's blow off waiting for the site and just consider this the countdown -- there will be a way for people to register for the beta starting 5pm PST tomorrow. Some of those will be playing as early as tomorrow night.. tick tock tick tock.

The roll out:
The beta is going to roll out in waves. Rather than just putting a million people in the beta and hope nothing goes wrong, we will ramp up the playercount over time.

As fourzerotwo mentioned, right now some friends/family are testing. The press will be joining in the next couple days -- including those of you who make it into the first wave.

No worries if you aren't in the very first wave (most won't be), we should have a new wave of players every day or so as we ramp up.

Details on how to register for your chance to be in the beta will be posted tomorrow at 5pm PST*. So stay tuned for details, it will be a limited time offer.

*= this may not be the only way to ever get in the beta, but it is the way to have a chance to get in the early waves.

Good luck to everyone :) I hope to see you ingame soon!

Oh, and I made a new thread so people would realize that signups are in a few hours.
Edit: Ok never mind just read the original thread WOOHOO Im excited just got home with Bioshock and now this! Its gonna be a fun night!!
Is this for NA only or everyone?

I can't even get onto the site. I'm assuming it's basically gone into meltdown. :P
Yeah, the sites ****ed to hell. But seriously, why do I even need to register to view stuff like media, videos, etc? I understand registering for the beta, natch, but what?

Can't even do that anyway. I pressed submit, took me to a server error and now I can't even reach the site to see if I can log in anyway.
Managed to get onto the beta page. Clicking 'Enter Now' seems to do absolutely **** all though. ;(

Edit - Ah. Now it's actually loaded properly the 'Enter Now' button changes to 'Coming Soon..' when you mouse over it.
Sites down for maintenance on my end. Feth it, can't be arsed right now. How big is this beta going to be? Is it going to be continuous, or will it stop when it gets to a certain amount of players?
Yeah it's buggered here as well. I'll probably give it a go whenever they decide to give out the next load of keys.
Site is surprising. Does the signup begin today or tomorrow?
Well signup was supposed to be today, but site is getting owned.

For those who want to get in the beta, make sure you have 1 gig available. The site says 1.7 GB, but that's incorrect.
just for the 360 at this time right?
and is it United States residents only?
Yes to both.

Here's the form for those wanting to sign up.


Alright guys, so here’s the deal. The Friends and Family portion of the beta has been going great, and we’re ready to let in the early first wave of CharlieOscarDelta members to help us start testing it out further. Since this is earlier than expected we’re going to do a special First Wave Beta Lotto to determine who will get an early chance at the Beta, don’t worry though, there are going to be many more waves of people let in after this. We decided to do email lotto so that it’s completely fair to all who enter.

Here’s how it’s going to work. Below we have an email you will need to send to us. Copy and paste the following email EXACTLY, fill in the answers, and send it to us. The lotto email will be open for 24 hours and that’s it. Then we’re shutting the sucker down, again, I remind you that if you don’t get in this first wave, DO NOT WORRY! This is just the first of many chances to get into the beta.

That’s it, that’s all you have to do to be eligible for the first wave. Copy and paste the text below into an email to [email protected], fill in the answers and send it in. Make sure you copy and paste the text below EXACTLY otherwise your email may be lost. Now here’s the email:


Location (city, state, country):

CharlieOscarDelta username (if you have one):

Rank on CharlieOscarDelta:

What is the current level cap for the beta:

What button do you press to activate your streak rewards (radar, airstrike, etc):

What button do you press to use your weapon attachments or explosives (m203, c4, etc):

What's your all time favorite multi-player game (for reals):
What's your all time favorite multi-player game (for reals):
For reals?

Has someone edited this to keep people out, or was that always there? o_O
Bah, I don't know the answers to any of those anyway.

Damnit, what's a nigga gotta do to get a freakin invite? Maybe if I show IW my reciepts for every single CoD game to date :P
right d-pad
left d-pad

There's the answer to your trivia. Now go enter dammit ;)
Still can't sign up today on the site. Guess I'll have to try sending them an email, though its highly unlikely to be selected for the first wave.