I downloaded and played those new CoD4 maps, and the fun factor has definetly been restored, even though there are only 4 maps.
Creek-"Fun at first" - After downloading these new maps (which takes a 1/2 hour) I was slammed with a new update. Every piss poor error message on the f*cking planet was recieved (807005a;870b052a etc..) and I was not wasting a half hour to not be able to play, so I continued to click update. After another hour, I found myself doing the happy dance as the update bar finally increased and my system restarted. I proceeded to enter the Xbox Live area with fear that the first room I entered would be filled with screaming dolts and American jackass's, but was utterly surprised by the fact that NO ONE WAS F*CKING TALKING!Our first match was Search and Destroy on Creek, and when it finally loading the damned map, I was shot with the most amazing looking forest I'd seen in a game. About 5 seconds in, I was being sniped in every possible direction, and decided to snipe back. The gameplay was no different, other than the fact that the RPG now flies in a straight line.
Broadcast- "Explosive Television!" - Fun running around for 20 minutes only to be killed by those god damn juggernaut bitches. Broadcast is a fairly big map thats based on the ending television studio in Charlie Don't Surf, but with more rooms and a stairway to the roof.
Killhouse- "CQB TRAINING" - not yet played as its only availible for team tac. and 1v1.
Chinatown- "Remake" - cannot rate as I havent played it enough
Creek-"Fun at first" - After downloading these new maps (which takes a 1/2 hour) I was slammed with a new update. Every piss poor error message on the f*cking planet was recieved (807005a;870b052a etc..) and I was not wasting a half hour to not be able to play, so I continued to click update. After another hour, I found myself doing the happy dance as the update bar finally increased and my system restarted. I proceeded to enter the Xbox Live area with fear that the first room I entered would be filled with screaming dolts and American jackass's, but was utterly surprised by the fact that NO ONE WAS F*CKING TALKING!Our first match was Search and Destroy on Creek, and when it finally loading the damned map, I was shot with the most amazing looking forest I'd seen in a game. About 5 seconds in, I was being sniped in every possible direction, and decided to snipe back. The gameplay was no different, other than the fact that the RPG now flies in a straight line.
Broadcast- "Explosive Television!" - Fun running around for 20 minutes only to be killed by those god damn juggernaut bitches. Broadcast is a fairly big map thats based on the ending television studio in Charlie Don't Surf, but with more rooms and a stairway to the roof.
Killhouse- "CQB TRAINING" - not yet played as its only availible for team tac. and 1v1.
Chinatown- "Remake" - cannot rate as I havent played it enough