CoD4 Variety Map Pack-1st impressions

  • Thread starter Thread starter Cavalry
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I downloaded and played those new CoD4 maps, and the fun factor has definetly been restored, even though there are only 4 maps.

Creek-"Fun at first" - After downloading these new maps (which takes a 1/2 hour) I was slammed with a new update. Every piss poor error message on the f*cking planet was recieved (807005a;870b052a etc..) and I was not wasting a half hour to not be able to play, so I continued to click update. After another hour, I found myself doing the happy dance as the update bar finally increased and my system restarted. I proceeded to enter the Xbox Live area with fear that the first room I entered would be filled with screaming dolts and American jackass's, but was utterly surprised by the fact that NO ONE WAS F*CKING TALKING!Our first match was Search and Destroy on Creek, and when it finally loading the damned map, I was shot with the most amazing looking forest I'd seen in a game. About 5 seconds in, I was being sniped in every possible direction, and decided to snipe back. The gameplay was no different, other than the fact that the RPG now flies in a straight line.

Broadcast- "Explosive Television!" - Fun running around for 20 minutes only to be killed by those god damn juggernaut bitches. Broadcast is a fairly big map thats based on the ending television studio in Charlie Don't Surf, but with more rooms and a stairway to the roof.

Killhouse- "CQB TRAINING" - not yet played as its only availible for team tac. and 1v1.

Chinatown- "Remake" - cannot rate as I havent played it enough
First impressions:

Creek - Not bad, but the rest of the map is wasted because of the stupid ridge. Seriously, all the action takes place on the top of the grassy ridge or on the ledge going to it, and it's either a battle between gunning down the people on the ridge or being gunned down trying to get to the ridge. I'll have to play some Objective on it.

Chinatown - Too complicated for games less than 5 v 5, but I've played it like three times and I'll wager in a few more plays I'll have it down on the back of my hand. To be honest, I loved flashbang'ing and storming dazed rooms full of enemies in maps like Crossfire, so I'm really looking forward to some CQB with the silenced MP5 in this later. For all you Carentan fans, it's pretty much identical, it still has it's predecessor heart so don't worry.

Broadcast - Shite. Well, no, but just ****ing annoying. Far too complicated for it's own good, far too many rooms that no one uses and no good unless it's a game with more than 5 people per team, and even then it has no good balance of outdoor/indoor combat so it turns into a spam fest that Vacant only just escapes being fun from.

Killhouse - Haven't been online with it, looks quite good from a private match wander around I had but also far too small and simple, but we'll see how it plays in combat.

All that said, I haven't played COD in a while because of the BF: Bad Company beta and Halo, so I'm a little rusty from the different types of gameplay each game has, as well as the controls and whatnot.

I need to rant about Infinity Ward, though. The way they have handled this DLC has been disgusting. First of all, what I hate about some game companies is how they have to trickle all their information through other gaming sites, where half the time it's either a) an interview with one guy from the team or b) rumours, speculation or downright bad information. To top this off, the videos they released came again through other gaming sites and were of crappy one minute gameplay footage scenarious where the person playing didn't show off the maps at all, and even those videos I had to search for through other sites.

From as far as I could tell, the marketing for this map pack was non-existant. I didn't even know they came out this month until yesterday, let alone knew it was called the 'Variety' map pack, when I was browsing the many sites devoted to 'the game of the year' and all of which told me all different dates - hell, the one site was going on about some crazy tokens and that the maps were released on the 10th?

Basically, Infinity Ward need to keep in touch with their fans. They should take a leaf out of Bungie or Valve's books, both developers that trickle their information fluently and from their own mouths at well maintained sites or actual devoted sites (such as here, kudos to the news team for updates). Pissed me right off, this handling has.

(Not to mention that Bungie seemed to be ready to trump Infinity at every turn - actually releasing a proper DLC trailer for the upcoming three, giving proper in-depth analysis to each level as well as pictures and, to top it off, including a hell of a lot more content right out of the blue. See: new Bungie update.)
Can I download it for the PC?
Nope, 360 exclusive at the moment. Coming for PS3 later on, and they're currently "looking into" releasing them on PC. Which probably means it'll be free for you guys a few months down the track because there isn't really any reliable way to cash in on it on PC.
Nope, 360 exclusive at the moment. Coming for PS3 later on, and they're currently "looking into" releasing them on PC. Which probably means it'll be free for you guys a few months down the track because there isn't really any reliable way to cash in on it on PC.

They could lump them all together and call it an expansion, but I don't know if I've ever seen a 'multi-player only' expansion - except for MMORPG's
Why does the pc always seem to get the raw end of the deal with so many games? Was just starting to get excited until I read "360 exclusive" :'(
Musk, because its so much easier to pirate on the PC.:)
Really though. 1 copy leaks out and two weeks later, 100,000 people are playing it on user servers. lol.

It's not me, I've got better things to do, but I've seen things like this.

I really like CoD4. I would buy more Single player missions. I don't play MP though.
Multiplayer is the best part.
It is, once you get to make your own class.
I hate how consoles are getting more attention from Devs nowadays.
I was getting those same errors Calvary but, I managed to fix it by doing the HD maintenance.

Anywho... as for the maps my favorite is Broadcast. I noticed a lot of people that I played against liked to play dead in the center of the building where all the desks are and stuff resulting in plenty knife kills for me. I found my little route that works for both sides which goes around the side of the broadcast and onto the roof and from there down into the infrastructure and reverse.

Creek is the most luscious looking out of the bunch but, since this map is very obvious about the theme, which is supposedly sniper dominant - the 6 rotations I played, well... weren't so sniper friendly. So, it was kind of a letdown having expectations of having this sniper battle feeling. I'm not trying to say that there won't be any sniper-esque battles totally... to be honest i've witnessed more camping in overgrown than this map but, then again that was in hardcore TDM, which has major camping on every map... so maybe once these new maps get implemented into the regular modes it might prove itself.

Chinatown is pretty fast paced. I like how the battles sometimes intensifies resulting in heavy street battles. Very confusing at first for me, I hear it's a remake from Carentan from COD2 and I don't really remember how that map played so I can't compare em.

Killhouse is what it is a Killhouse and is perfect for a quick 1 vs 1. It's not too exciting but, it's also good for those 1 v 1 fans who need something other than that other small map with the cargo crates. I am assuming airstrikes and helicopters don't work either which is very good too.
I haven't downloaded the variety map pack yet due to not having microsoft points. I play COD4 alot, I have plenty of space left on the Xbox 360 hard drive, so I intend to get the card.
Got all maps with in the hour of release. Very impressed.

Killhouse - Good for Cage matches etc. Shame it isnt used for Team Objective or in any other gamemodes.

Chinatown - Good map for team deathmatches. Fun map but can be frustrating with the amount of windows covering each street when people decide to camp in them.

Broadcast - Amazing level good for anything. Plenty of areas to fight in with a variety of Snipering (from the house across the car park), close quarters (in the room), open area (the roof and car park) and areas to take cover (that large main section of the building with the computer desks in). Also, did you know you could plan C4 in the back of the toilets without moving the lid. Its a sneaky way to kill campers who like having a sh*t while shooting you when you run past.

Creek - My favourite level to date. Good for snipering or counter-snipering. I dont enjoy snipering so I enjoy moving slowly up the edge of that high hill in the middle, moving underneith the snipers as they lie slightly over the edge, silently killing them with pistols or moving up and stabbing them. Then moving up onto the hill and shoot people as they come out of the barn. Love it!! :laugh:
Nope, 360 exclusive at the moment. Coming for PS3 later on, and they're currently "looking into" releasing them on PC. Which probably means it'll be free for you guys a few months down the track because there isn't really any reliable way to cash in on it on PC.
What the hell happened to the good old days when you just bought a game and that was that? When, if the developers chose to release some goodies in a patch six months later - whether it was a new map or two, a new weapon or a new vehicle - they were free gifts that anyone who bought the game in the first place could enjoy?

*grumble* Hate all this multi-platform preferentiality bullshit. *grumble grumble*
I agree that paying for extra stuff that should be free anyways is lame. Like what somebody from Valve said, "You pay the fee for the amusement park to get in, then you shouldn't have to pay extra just to go on each ride inside the park"

The main reason why I made the purchase was because I was constantly being badgered into buying the maps so that I could play with my brother and my friends
Meh, atleast PC gamers get free maps and mods... but atm if the server uses a custom map it's unranked and so you can't use your custom sets.