Code far from complete


Oct 6, 2003
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I found something very interesting in the source code. It seems that the code we have is far from complete.

Every time something in the code needs they add a comment next to it //FIXME. When I did a search through the entire to see how many occurences there were it said there 1495 occurences. If that's all that Valve had then was no way the game was ready which leads me to believe that this code is very out of date.

I've attached a screenshot to prove my point. I hope it's okay to post stuff like this.

[Edit - No, it's not. Please don't attach images of the source]
yes I agree.. I think its pretty safe to say the source code is far from complete.. but the real question is
is the source code that was released, the source code valve has?

in other words, does valve have more done.. or is that it?
and no one knows but valve.
// hint, check the timestamp on the files and you will see the "truth"
^ Intersting point. Some of the files were modified as late as Sept 13th.

Well I don't know enough C++ programming to say how incomplete the source is.

Maybe the broken bits are small and easily fix-able. If that was the source then there was no way it was ready for sept 30th. It's quite easily possible it could have been fixed in time for a november release though.
An engine that incomplete would have never been licensed out to another company more than a year and a half ago...
Originally posted by Rant
// hint, check the timestamp on the files and you will see the "truth"
couldnt the hacker have messed around in that area? since if you have played the beta/seen screen shots, you know 98% of the things, just in the E3 version are missing.
so it boggles the mind as to this beta being anywhere near as functional as the e3 one even.. and if this isnt the e3 version (it looks very pre-e3) there could be a build after it too.
Logically, this cant be 5 years of work, no way no how.
but as I said, its all speculation until valve slap us with some info.... well even then its kinda jittery on the facts... I would prefer my local game store fill me in .. somewhere along the lines of "yo dude yer copy of Half-life 2 is in"
Originally posted by darkmistx
If that's all that Valve had then was no way the game was ready which leads me to believe that this code is very out of date.

That is what I said in another thread, this "demo" is alot older then whatever was shown at E3 period!
It's definatley an outdated demo or a glimpse of it. I can;t imagine that there is that much artwork and textures that aren't even implemented. The AI doesn't even do anything. It's very old indeed.
exactly, Valve are in this to make money.
they wouldnt announce a release date just so that they could show off their product.
theres no incentive in tricking your fans.
loyalty aside, its pure logic.
valve havent lied, its simply improbable to the point of being impossible.
the hacker has it out for Valve, and he still may be telling the truth.. this build is all they had on their network... so what? is that the only place they store their resources and code?
a more likely scenario is that build was being prepared on the network to become the E3 build... but was forgotten/neglected/accidentally backed up.
and thats what was jacked... this guy doesnt seem to have much skill.. I think of him more as a "l33t haxx0r" (a person who downloads "hax/exploits" made by others and uses them, than a true hacker.. he tried his luck and actually came out with something... what a fluke. even his nfos point to him being a noob in the scene... look at its format, look at his style, look at how he releases things and how useless his patch was.
its all rookie.
thats my 2 cents though
You must be new to Valve code. Even the HL1 SDK source code has //FIXME like comments still.
how many did hl1 have though, is it anywhere near the thousand the hl2 source has?
hey flyingdebris love that avatar, are you the guy who made the costume? or do you have links to the pics.. I was curious to check it out.
on topic: no one said the hacker released all the code, but it stands to reason that he did... since in his nfo he points out that since the code was out there was no point in withhilding the beta (or something to that effect)

*shrugs* who said he has? who said he hasnt? its all speculation, there are no facts. if valve says he has, its probably not true.. if the hacker says he hasnt, its the same deal.. who do you trust? both sources are "untrustworthy" to different degrees, simply because of their motives.

only thing we can do is wait for release.
and ye gods Im buying 2 special versions that day (for my two comps)
There are really people who believe Valve sat there and did nothing between E3 and the leak and yet managed to release a dx9 feature set video?

Link in my sig.
Originally posted by Adam
You must be new to Valve code. Even the HL1 SDK source code has //FIXME like comments still.

Yeah, Valve sucks. Why can't they just write perfect, error-free code that is unable to crash, malfunction or fail to work on any system? They are probably making buggy code on purpose, just to make the fans edgy.
Originally posted by SGT Tenor
It's definatley an outdated demo or a glimpse of it. I can;t imagine that there is that much artwork and textures that aren't even implemented. The AI doesn't even do anything. It's very old indeed.

i hope so, would hate to think it comes out and is called crap by every 1 :/
sometimes in programming, u put stuff like FIXME when u have found a less than elegant way of solving a problem. It does not mean it will be a bug.
Originally posted by deepcore
Yeah, Valve sucks. Why can't they just write perfect, error-free code that is unable to crash, malfunction or fail to work on any system? They are probably making buggy code on purpose, just to make the fans edgy.

actually half life 1 is okay compared to most games
Don't you think it is safe to say that the Source code found on Gabe's computer isn't everything there is? Gabe is not the only one in that office with a computer you know...
I don't understand.. the stolen source works great.
i mean, what exactly is missing besides the scripts and models/textures that's making you all think it's crap?
i was stunned when i first tried the e3 techdemo, when you could lift the mattress and shit like that, it worked just as the e3 vid but without dx9 shaders, since i don't have a dx9 card.

but anyway, i dunno what you were expecting, but beside some minor bugs i didn't see anything wrong with it, except missing FILES.(note, not a code problem)
Originally posted by Saltpeter
Don't you think it is safe to say that the Source code found on Gabe's computer isn't everything there is? Gabe is not the only one in that office with a computer you know...


I'm not sure why so many people are so quick to believe someone who broke into a computer and stole code when they say, "That's all there is...valve lied."

Gabe is the head cheese, but the coders (on other computers) would surely have the most updated and complete code, and basing who has what code soley on what Gabe had seems a bit silly to me.

Same with the "beta." There is nothing saying what Gabe had on the computer or what build it was. It looks to most people to be the E3 or, most likely, older build, yet people seem to still want to think it's "all they have and lied." Again, he may just have certain stuff on his to computer to check out here and there while the main stuff is elsewhere.

Add to that Valve coming out only months ago to annouce the release date of the game after a working on it for 4+ years (when they could have come out at ANY time and announced ANY date they wanted to make sure it was on time). It makes ZERO sense they would be that far behind and then announce some random date which they had no hopes of reaching.

I don't get it.
Originally posted by Slash
An engine that incomplete would have never been licensed out to another company more than a year and a half ago...

this is the answer 2 all your questions :cheers:
oooo fishy fishhy that went whereever i did gooo!
Perosnally I believe that the source is the the most recent version Valve had, but the beta is a very old build.
This engine is finished as far as i can see.

Everything is there, only the map and player/AI logic isen't connected/scripted/set!

Why is it not connected? This beta has only 1 purpose as far as i can see, record demo's and showoff.

They script a sequence together, run around it, tweak it, record it. These maps are not the game. They are parts from the full game picked for shooting movies. Sequences that followup to have some playtime.

As u see the source of the game and play the beta, its sollid. It crashes because files are missing ..., did u get any memory, pointer or other error? I didn't.

It also seems allot is missing from the beta, because its assembled for a specific computer and GFX card. So allot of features of the full game are left out.
wasnt the beta created from the source tho?
Originally posted by Adam
You must be new to Valve code. Even the HL1 SDK source code has //FIXME like comments still.

but are there 1495 of them? i doubt it. if you read the first guy's post, you'd see he said there are that many :P

i think the source code is on the done side...those bugs that are left are most likely minor...even though there might be a ton of them. the beta resources are pre-e3 though...they just have to be.

most notably, the strider e3 video can't be recreated because the level is incredibly incomplete...there are tons of other examples. none of the story is there, just snippets. lots of the NPCs don't have audio files for what they're's just 2d text :P
its possible to see the strider in map c17_13

just walk into the hole in the map where the strider should appear out of.

he walk out and stops, if u shoot the bridge abit untill it explodes, he walkes off into a building ;P
i've tried that 23498237 times and it doesn't work...guess i'm doing something wrong...but either way it just walks off into a building afterwords?

really, many of the maps in this release are far from complete
u spawn, just take first street left, over the debry walk right into the hole in the map (u can stand on it) go to the outer wall (almost close to the next street). Walk untill u cant go any further, trigger is located in the right corner. Just strafe left right.

type impulse 101, get the rocket launcher and blow the bridge, it will walk into building.
i know what you're talking about...i've had people explain it to me, i've tried copying the demo just doesn't happen :P

EDIT: i dont really want to talk about that wasn't the point is that the release seems pre-e3...the strider thing was just an example...even if it's wrong there are many others :P
The strider map and the barney streetfight map do not work for me at all. The bsp is version 17 and the engine only excepts version 18. That of course means the maps are from an older build and the engine is more recent.
For anyone who believes even the slightest in the hackers comment of "This is all what Valves got" has a very special disease
That disease is called STUPID.
LOL the stupid disease is spreading quickly on this forum.
Just to put things in perspective about 1000 FIXMES in 1000000 lines of code really isn't a lot.

And I’d have to agree for the beta someone has paired up old content with the up-to-date binaries from the source.

Either that or valve really are 6 months away from completing the SP game, which is possible but unlikely.
Just to put things in perspective about 1000 FIXMES in 1000000 lines of code really isn't a lot.
I havnt been reading about this FIXME thing in the thread, but each FIXME could be related to a function about 15 lines big (lets say thats the average). 1000 x 15 = 15,000 lines of code that require fixing.
10,000 / 1000000, thats 1.5% of code that requires fixing.
But there is probably mroe than 1 million lines of code. I really dont know cause I dont have the source code.
So 1% of the code has a non critical problem. This still sounds pretty good to me.
Yeah sure, but thats 15,000 lines of code that could be a bit buggy or could have been done in a different, more efficient way. I don’t really care though :cheers:
The hacker has no way of knowing if he got all of Valve's code or not. He's just grandstanding. I would suggest you not listen to him.
I seem to have missed something here, at what point were we discussing how much code the hacker stole?

Generic replies are bad mkay?