Code Stolen In Retaliation???



I was just reading a bit about this stolen code situation... It says that it was stolen on Oct 2, just a few days after Half Life 2's original release date. Does anyone think that whoever stole the code did it to 'punish' Valve for missing the release date?
The Valve network started getting breeched over a month ago, before the delay was official.
I don't think anybody knows when it was actually stolen, however it definately became availible to the public around October 2nd.

As for it being stolen because they didn't meet their release date; Gabe mentions that they knew they had security issues way before release. If it was stolen in late september, it's obviously not because they didn't meet Septmeber 30th. Some speculate that the entire reason HL2 was delayed was because of the leak which may have taken place between the 19th and 22nd of September.
yea the code was stolen on the 19th september i think, so nothing to do with retaliation, though it might of had something to do with the release date getting pushed back
It still remains the same. All the people involved in stealing and distributing the source code should have their balls cut off and fed to goats.
nah i heard it was stolen on 9/11. The people who did it will be searching for attention and no doubt come from broken homes and the like. This is their way of having a bit of superiority for once in their lives. In other words they get the chance to "own" somebody big time whilst they have a massive audience. Thi will no doubt make up for all the times the've been "owned" . I mean come on $40-50 for a game these people could afford that no prob.
Gabe has said on this very forum that the code was copied around September 19th.
Originally posted by Cooper
It still remains the same. All the people involved in stealing and distributing the source code should have their balls cut off and fed to goats.

Why such effort? Just let the goats chew the balls off.

No it wasn't a retaliation. But the delay being caused by the leak sounds possible to me. But do you guys think Valve knew before screenshots appeared on the internet how bad the leak really was? If they knew around the 20th how bad it was, then it's probably the cause of the delay.
I think they hacked it because they could.
Whoever did it saw an opportunity, probably because the headers in the emails gave him a pointer.
And perhaps through some research and scanning of their network, they found a vulnerability. :p
I doubt they did it "because" of anything.

Also, I hope the delay was because of the leak, because then we have higher hopes for a holiday release.
Well, if the delay IS because of the leak, then I think as gamers WE should "retaliate" and help Valve catch the little punks that did this.

Then they can cheat and "rage" at checkers all they want while being OWNED in a Federal "pound me in the a$$" prison :LOL:
Who's to say it wasn't released in retaliation for the delay?

Don't you think it's possible that a hacker downloaded the source code because of all the delay rumors flying around, and then after it was officially delayed s/he decided to release it? This still "punishes" Valve for the delay. I wonder if it would have happened if the game came out when they said it would...
i think whoever did it was looking for anythiing , this could be internal information or text documents or whatever and he came across the source files on accident.
I think delays are beter then releaseign a shity game, people need to stop whining, let them finish it, and make it the best it can be, vavle take your time, as long as you need, dont let anyone rush you, complete game will sale far beter then a rushed game
Originally posted by Dregan29
I think delays are beter then releaseign a shity game, people need to stop whining, let them finish it, and make it the best it can be, vavle take your time, as long as you need, dont let anyone rush you, complete game will sale far beter then a rushed game
Thanks for reading...
I am one of the people who believes the delay was caused by the source code leak.
i don't think anyone has the right to punish anybody, especially valve!!
Originally posted by Tarkus
i don't think anyone has the right to punish anybody, especially valve!!

What kind of utopian society do you live in?