Codename Gordon Available For Pre-Loading

Chris D

Staff member
Jul 1, 2003
Reaction score
As we reported last week, Codename Gordon, the Half-Life based side-scrolling platform is to be released on Steam, and if you restart your Steam clients right now you'll find that it's already available for pre-loading in preparation for when it is released.

It will be here long before Half-Life 2, but as yet no firm date for Codename Gordon has been set.

You can download Steam from here, and you can find information on Codename Gordon here.
10 City17 bucks says that they'll end E3 by announcing that C:G is playable. Hopefully as part of a bunch of other announcements. :)
do you think that CG will have any new content?
Means its downloading but it wont run yet

i thought i could open the file but the cg is currupt :naughty:
pre-loading = The means to acquiring Steam content before it officially goes live and playable.

If they made HL2D playable without anybody pre-caching it first, people would restart Steam to see a new playable game and the content servers would all be bogged down with all the thousands of people that download it.
They just put up "normal game" and "bonus game" high scores, it will most likly be put up tomorrow
Chris_D said:
It will be here long before Half-Life 2, but as yet no firm date for Codename Gordon has been set.
16th. Even without that date, I don't know why you're saying there's no firm date when it's finished and entering the preloading stages. :|

No No No,,,,,y would ne serious gamer want such rubbish as this on there systems????? even my son who is 10yrs old was fit 2 tell me that if he wanted 2 play crappy platform games he would trail out his old ps1!! think that says it all!!!!!

Complete waste of space and time ...

what r u thinkin steam?

Is there truly a market 4 this rubbish?
Does Anyone know if they are keeping the Forum members names in the game?
Theres obviously gonna be a 2d side scroller for source...well there better be! :D

Anyways, I swear! theres a 2d sidescroller for hl1, its hosted on phl somewhere
well, Valve let slip it'd be activated in a "couple of days" in their characteristic short way.
Varsity said:
16th. Even without that date, I don't know why you're saying there's no firm date when it's finished and entering the preloading stages. :|
There is NO firm date. It could be out tomorrow, Monday, or next Friday. That's not a very firm date now is it?
At the time I posted the news I didn't know that though did I? But Varsity's confused as to why I said there was no firm date at the time.
wormstrangler said:
Sure is. Obviously they've never played Metal Slug (or Duke, or the dozen other kick shooter side scrollers). Stupid gits.

Drool. METAL SLUGGGGG. *has NeoGeo emu*

I was very excited about the Metal Slug Advance game for GBA. :D I hope it comes out soon.

And to the topic, I hope CG comes out soon...nice pre-HL2 game to play.
Reven said:
What do you mean?...

He took a list of names from his forums and they were put into the game when he was making it. I didn't know if they were still in the game now that valve is in the mix.
Would anyone be interested in starting a multiplayer side scroller mod using source?
was talking to x-t about porting it to the GBA or DS :'( says it wud cost to much money i vote we get valve to fund it :D~
BeeRkEG - it would be easier to code your own little engine to do that
Onions said:
BeeRkEG - it would be easier to code your own little engine to do that
Not is you did it DN: Manhattan Project style.
Clifie (or w.e his name is :p) has posted saying its gonna be released today, thought id share that

edit: hehe already posted, sorry