Cold War: Melting Point; Brand New Site


May 15, 2003
Reaction score

We have redesigned our site, what do you all think?
We also have a *working* application page (fianlly)
And new media out of our ears, look on the page for the details.

Also! Sign up on the site!
me likes ;)
maybe the blue text doesn't fit into the logo....anyways, nice and clean.
Postnuke is a pretty good CMS. I don't particularily like the colours on the site though :x Maybe get a different camouflage pattern, it's kinda ugly.
expect thigns to change....
Like the forums (ugly, ugly templte) and some other stuff.
You have modern weapons but when the Warsaw Pact exsisted we didn't have the M16A3(Marine Corps use the M16A4, Army still uses M16A2 TODAY).

Could you please explain?
Ahh thank you for mentioning that. I forgot to add this tidbit in the the "about" section.

The mod pits the two Cold War Sides, NATO and the Warsaw Pact, against each other in modern, dynamic, battlefields.

You will also see new wepaons like the Ma6A3, FN2000, etc in the mod.
An American Marine carrys 13 Magizines for their M16A3/A4(364 rounds). They fill each magizine up with 28 rounds so the spring doesn't wear out.

They carry 3 Fragmentation Grenades, 1 Smoke Grenade, and 1 incendeary. A couple in the platoon will carry other types of grenades like Thermite(used to melt through engine block).

NCOs and Officers carry the M92 Barreta with 2 Magizines on the belt or pockets and one in the gun.

What you call the "Support Gunner" has the M249 and they carry 400 rounds. Two belts.

Platoon Gunner would carry 400 rounds as well for his M240.
Because there wasn't any info that I could see on the site.

Just making sure you got it right:-D

" The heath and stamina will be closely intertwined. When you are shot, you will permantly lose some stamina. You will be able to take 3-4body shots before dieing, depending on gun/bullet."

Well that isn't very realistic.

When a 5.56 mm bullet hits you it tends to fracture into multiple peaces. The peaces with then yaw outwards, making a gigantic exit wound. In other words if you get hit you won't be able to move on your own.

The 7.62 from the Ak-47 will tumble when it hits your body and pretty much liqify any body tissue within a couple inches of the bullet. Same thing your going down.

Sorry for the Graphic detail
Geez only 13 magazines? In Canada, we have 5 full magazines and carry additional rounds to fill the mags when they are empty.
This is one of those realism versus gameplay issues. I know what the bullets can do. We will keep it much, much more realistic than, say, CS, but we want to keep it fun. IE hand greandes will be powerful, but they won't be the realistic tactical nukes you see in America's Army.

Often times, when people get shot, they experiance a period of adriniline rush where the person who was shot is able to move and act as if they wern't hit for a period of time.

*EDIT* Also thank you for your information, it is helpful, but we among our team are members/former members of armies of multiple nations. :)
now that is an anal retentive atention to detail. and i salute you praxus. And i'm not in the military i'm just an Air Force brat.