
Dr. Freeman

Jul 11, 2003
Reaction score
We see collaborations in music all the time and some times it turns out great and other times not so much. P. Daddy/Diddy featuring Jimmy Page was a neat colloboration off the top of my head.. i am sure u guys can name more.

so i was thinking if musicians can collborate, why not game developers? a joint venture into a totally new title that could/would change the way gamers look at games.

imagine iDSoftware teaming up with Black Isle.. with iD's great skill of delievering polished games and Black Isle with their skill of adding interesting RPG elements to the game... a new genre of gaming can be invented (if thats possible).

we all know how good Valve is on their own.. imagine Square-Enix teaming with them?

oh well...i know its all a pipe dream but how many of u think a collboration is about time? :)
i was expecting some interesting views from pple :|
i guess gamers aren't interested in collaborations.
nintendo have done a few collaborations with some companies this generation.
I'd like to see a collaboration between Valve, Bioware and Blizzard. With that level of manpower, resources and talent boggles the mind at what they could create.