Collectors edition and distribution timing


May 14, 2004
Reaction score
(Note: Apologies if this has been posted before, but the search didn't find anything.)

We are aproaching the beta phase of half-life 2, and beyond that, going gold, followed by the production and release of the game. :cheers:

People have been discussing the contents of the collectors edition, and which box cover they are going to buy (maybe the collectors edition contains all 3 box covers.. :D ) but something else concerns me.

I trust valve to include enough cool extras to make buying the collectors edition worth while, so I am likely going to be purchasing it, and I would also think that many die-hard half-life fans will also be buying it. The problem is Steam. Due to the nature of Steam the release will probably happen at midnight PST (I like being on valve time..), and the boxes will probably be available the following day. I don't know if I can wait say, 8-10 hours for shops to open and recieve thier copies, especially if there is a shipping delay that causes it to be late.

One solution is to fork over even more cash to buy a monthly steam subscription ($9.95 was it?) for the month of release, but that seems like a waste. My prefered solution would be for valve to include with a preorder the 'CD Key' (really a steam key). You get your key upfront, and can go home and and use it to activate half-life 2 on your steam account. This would allow all the pre-order users to download the (several gig) game before the release, and be ready to go at midnight on the happy day. This is less of an issue for the regular-preorder customers because they gain less by buying a boxed copy over a steam copy, but for the collectors edition, there are likely going to be physical extras (a t-Shirt was mentioned, and a beanie head-crab was suggested..) that you simply can't 'download'. It would be very cool of valve to make sure these die-hard fans arent left waiting for a few extra hours/days to recieve thier physical copies.

My other thought was to do this for all copies, and to give things like the SDK, BINK Videos, the benchmark etc out over steam to the pre-order users as a thankyou. Thats early sales and money in the bank (although not necessarily for valve).

This issue could be compounded by the world wide release. I know many of you are in Europe, and I can immage the likelyhood of shipping delays increasing greatly over there. I wouldn't mind waiting a couple days for a benie head-crab, if I had the game to distract me, but a couple of days waiting, while people are posting thier reviews and experiences about the game (or worse NOT posting them beacuse they are playing the game) would be pretty tough.

If they leverage it properly, Steam could be 'the great equalizer' for a world wide, truly simultanious release.

This post got longer than I had intended but.. whacha think? Good/bad? Possible/reasonable on the distribution end? Having a crisis over dispising Steam and getting the game sooner? :D
Its a damn good idea, about the Steam 'key'. The only problem is I don't think VALVe would go to that trouble. (trouble for them that is)

I should think the thought of doing something like that seems like a lot of work for them. I'm sure the world wide release will be just that, world wide. When American games have a world wide release us Brits normally receive the game in stores on the right day, although, I hear its quite bad sometimes on the continent :(

Other than that, I would LOVE it if they did something like that, just doesn't seem plausible from their point of view. Why don't you send your idea to VALVe, always time, eh?

Nice first couple of posts btw ;)
It is some work for them, but they have to get CD keys together sooner or later, right? That is the downside, but on the other hand it would extoll the virtues of the new platform everyone seems to be flaming on a regular basis.
If it gets me the game a half day earlier that would be a big boost for its image.

Duracell said:
Why don't you send your idea to VALVe, always time, eh?

Nice first couple of posts btw ;)


Who should I mail about distribution and steam related stuff? Gabe, or someone else?
I'm really not sure, normally Gabe will forward the email to the appropriate person so, yeah give it a go.
Here is the message I sent. As I promise below, any relpy will (of course) go into the Valve info thread..
To:[email protected]
Date: 05/19/04 - 11:10 PM
From: [ME]

Dear Mr. Newell,
First of all great work on Half-life 2 so far, I'm sure it will be more than worth the wait! I am concerned about the collectors edition distribution timing conflicting with the availability from the steam platform. In essence steam users would be able to play at midnight the day of release, while the dedicated fans (me included) could be waiting hours, or days for the collectors edition to arrive or ship. As a solution I propose distributing the Half-life 2 CD key to users when they pre-order the collectors edition (and perhaps the regular edition?) so that they can pre-load the game over steam, and play the moment of release, just like everyone else. The down sides are the distribution issues, and some extra bandwidth cost, but as a major plus this would be a great promotion of steam, which has been received with mixed feelings by the community. I initially created this as a thread on, which you can view here: and has additional ideas.
The core issue is that your die-hard fans are going to be torn between the collectors edition for the goodies, and the steam version because it will be available sooner. How are you planning on addressing this issue? Can you give us any tidbits on the collectors edition, or an update on the single player only/regular/special editions? (people have speculated the different box characters indicate different editions).
Thank you again for your time, community oriented developers are very rare. Let the dev team know they've done a great job from what I've seen, and I am eagerly awaiting release (when its ready of course!)

Your loyal fan,
-Kelerain [Real Name Removed]

( Note: I intend to forward any response to the 'Valve info thread' at: )
If you're talking about retail preorders, then Valve don't see a penny of that until after the game has shipped.

My other thought was to do this for all copies, and to give things like the SDK, BINK Videos, the benchmark etc out over steam to the pre-order users as a thankyou

Or, a slap in the face for people who don't preorder? That's pretty lame.
Well, I've been bugging people for months concerning details of just the regular Steam distribution, so good luck! Your idea is interesting, but PiMuRho has a valid point about excluding those who don't preorder. If you really want a SE, I think Rick Ellis has said there will be comparable cool stuff in the Steam version of the SE. I can't imagine what that would be, but he said it. But like I said, I just want to know the regular details: price, pre-caching, extras, etc. I think it's to Valve's advantage to get this info out ASAP. People need to know whether to preorder or get it off Steam. Obviously, if people knew they were getting cool stuff from Steam they wouldn't preorder from a retail store, thus putting more money directly into Valve's pocket.
PiMuRho said:
If you're talking about retail preorders, then Valve don't see a penny of that until after the game has shipped.
I figured that. But it would still help Valves relationship with the distributors. They already go to some lengths to entice preorders.

PiMuRho said:
Or, a slap in the face for people who don't preorder? That's pretty lame.
That is true, it is rather exclusionary. Perhaps a smaller perk, getting the videos a week early, an exclusive pic or two? Lots of angles to consider for sure.

Gossoon said:
If you really want a SE, I think Rick Ellis has said there will be comparable cool stuff in the Steam version of the SE.
Yeah, I do recall that vaugely now that you mention it. And that makes sense.

Gossoon said:
I think it's to Valve's advantage to get this info out ASAP. People need to know whether to preorder or get it off Steam. Obviously, if people knew they were getting cool stuff from Steam they wouldn't preorder from a retail store, thus putting more money directly into Valve's pocket.

This is the big advantage of steam. The collectors edition costs a nice margin extra, and valve is seeing more of the margin directly due to cutting out the normal distribution chain, so perhaps they are going to ship the physical extras or copies of the special edition directly to the steam buyers? That would be an even better solution in my mind. probably easier to arange for valve as well.

Gabe is a pretty busy guy, and many of these decisions may not have been thought about, much less been decided. But I agree we need some info in a timely manner, and some of the setup needs to beggin pretty soon as well, to be ready when distribution time comes. Who knows, maybe I'll get lucky.. :)
There shouldn't (and wouldn't) be any perk for preordering. Valve neither encourage or discourage it - it's entirely down to the retailers.

Consider this - Steam is Valve's favoured distribution method. They'd love nothing better than if everyone bought HL2 via Steam. If you could preorder over Steam, then your idea would have merit. However, Valve have absolutely nothing to do with the retailers that people can preorder from - so why give those people some extra benefit?
kerlerain u raised some interesting issues regarding the world-wide release :)

i see PiMurho's point but still, perhaps Valve will do something special.. who knows
as for the Collectors Edition, im getting one regardless of when its released but i would like it as soon as possible.
The pre-order idea doesn't work, you're preordering with retailers, not Valve, the logistics of coordinating with retailers to make sure people didn't cancel their pre-orders and actually paid would be essentially "unpossible". Besides, Valve gets a larger percentage of the gross when you order through Steam, they're going to do everything allowed by their contract with Vivendi to promote Steam instead of retail. It will probably be cheaper for consumers through Steam, and it will probably be available earlier.

I think a better idea is this: Valve sells HL2 over Steam at $10 off the retail price. If you want to pay an additional $10 (plus S&H), Valve will ship you the paper box and plastic disc you people seem so enthralled with (I'm not a collector of pretty game boxes, they just get lost at my house). Then everyone can buy over Steam, but still get the full-on glossy marketing collateral and physical media lovin if they want it.
PiMuRho said:
Valve have absolutely nothing to do with the retailers that people can preorder from - so why give those people some extra benefit?
Mostly to keep positive relations with the major distributors, its not *all* about money is it? :rolleyes: But, yes, I can see your point. I think the best move for Valve would be thier collectors steam edition, and to ship the goodies or similar. Once they can get people to start buying through Steam, they wont need to depend on the retail chain as much. Another important thing they need to do is let us know the what/when/where/how on this issue, so we can make our decisions a pre-orders with enough time to spare. I pre-ordered my UT2004SE a week or so before release, and they stoped selling it the next day (at the location I chose). I would really, really hate to miss out on a HL2SE because I was waiting for a steam version that either didn't materialize, or was for some reason, not worth while.

dscowboy said:
The pre-order idea doesn't work, you're preordering with retailers, not Valve, the logistics of coordinating with retailers to make sure people didn't cancel their pre-orders and actually paid would be essentially "unpossible".
Yeah, thats true. Its a logistical nightmare. It is still an issue that needs to be resolved however.

dscowboy said:
I think a better idea is this: Valve sells HL2 over Steam at $10 off the retail price. If you want to pay an additional $10 (plus S&H), Valve will ship you the paper box and plastic disc you people seem so enthralled with (I'm not a collector of pretty game boxes, they just get lost at my house). Then everyone can buy over Steam, but still get the full-on glossy marketing collateral and physical media lovin if they want it.
Its not so much the regular version I am worried about, its the collectors edition, which will likely include some physical extras (Like UT2004SE had headphones) which you just can't download. I want my T-Shirt and beanie head-crab or keychain or whatever they come up with :) Otherwise, what is the point of buying the SE?

Thanks for all the quality feedback everyone. You've brought up a lot of interesting points. Maybe someone at Valve can find a minute to address these issues. :D
kelerain said:
(Note: Apologies if this has been posted before, but the search didn't find anything.)

We are aproaching the beta phase of half-life 2, and beyond that, going gold, followed by the production and release of the game. :cheers:

People have been discussing the contents of the collectors edition, and which box cover they are going to buy (maybe the collectors edition contains all 3 box covers.. :D ) but something else concerns me.

I trust valve to include enough cool extras to make buying the collectors edition worth while, so I am likely going to be purchasing it, and I would also think that many die-hard half-life fans will also be buying it. The problem is Steam. Due to the nature of Steam the release will probably happen at midnight PST (I like being on valve time..), and the boxes will probably be available the following day. I don't know if I can wait say, 8-10 hours for shops to open and recieve thier copies, especially if there is a shipping delay that causes it to be late.

One solution is to fork over even more cash to buy a monthly steam subscription ($9.95 was it?) for the month of release, but that seems like a waste. My prefered solution would be for valve to include with a preorder the 'CD Key' (really a steam key). You get your key upfront, and can go home and and use it to activate half-life 2 on your steam account. This would allow all the pre-order users to download the (several gig) game before the release, and be ready to go at midnight on the happy day. This is less of an issue for the regular-preorder customers because they gain less by buying a boxed copy over a steam copy, but for the collectors edition, there are likely going to be physical extras (a t-Shirt was mentioned, and a beanie head-crab was suggested..) that you simply can't 'download'. It would be very cool of valve to make sure these die-hard fans arent left waiting for a few extra hours/days to recieve thier physical copies.

My other thought was to do this for all copies, and to give things like the SDK, BINK Videos, the benchmark etc out over steam to the pre-order users as a thankyou. Thats early sales and money in the bank (although not necessarily for valve).

This issue could be compounded by the world wide release. I know many of you are in Europe, and I can immage the likelyhood of shipping delays increasing greatly over there. I wouldn't mind waiting a couple days for a benie head-crab, if I had the game to distract me, but a couple of days waiting, while people are posting thier reviews and experiences about the game (or worse NOT posting them beacuse they are playing the game) would be pretty tough.

If they leverage it properly, Steam could be 'the great equalizer' for a world wide, truly simultanious release.

This post got longer than I had intended but.. whacha think? Good/bad? Possible/reasonable on the distribution end? Having a crisis over dispising Steam and getting the game sooner? :D
Excuse me by bringing a little of the forums in here but...
to long didn't read
kelerain said:
Its not so much the regular version I am worried about, its the collectors edition, which will likely include some physical extras (Like UT2004SE had headphones) which you just can't download. I want my T-Shirt and beanie head-crab or keychain or whatever they come up with :)

Good point. When we buy HL2 over Steam, there should be an optional "CE Package" checkbox that adds $35 and they ship all the goodies to you.
sabre89 said:
Excuse me by bringing a little of the forums in here but...
to long didn't read

Its an old tactic actually. Make the post long enough that it tends to be people who care, and have something intelegent to say, are the ones who read and respond. Not saying its you at all, but notice we didn't have any of the Steam bashers yet in this thread? (*Cue Steam bashers* :rolleyes:)

I do get your point however. It was a bit longer than I intended...
But I couldn't help get a little over-enthusiastic about HL2 :imu: :cheers:

sabre89 said:
Beanie head-crab would be so cool.

I kinda feel bad for not digging up the source, but IIRC someone mentioned this in a thread, or talked to gabe about it (as a SE Extras possibility) and he replied to the effect of 'I'll consider it'. And I have to agree, A beanie headcrab (maybe a keychain version) I would adore. Ofcourse it might keep me up at night, but hey, like HL2 isn't going to do that already? :D
i wonder if you get the monthy subscription, if you stop paying monthly you won't get to play the game anymore? or even download it, even if you forked over atleast enough months to pay for the game 3 times.
You stop the subscriptio, you stop being able to play the games......
Guy's, I e-mailed Doug about wether there will be a European release of the Collectors Edition, here's the mail (which I'll add to the Vavle e-mail thread in a sec)...

From : Doug Lombardi <[email protected]>
Sent : 20 May 2004 21:20:02
To : "xxxx xxxxxx" <[email protected]>
Subject : RE: HL2 Collectors Edition availability...?


Thanks for taking the time to write to us, and for your interest in our

The details on the collector's editions are still being finalized. But
we hope to offer them around the world. Soon as we have the final pieces
in place, we'll get the word out on this.


-----Original Message-----
From: Iain Morton [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Thursday, May 20, 2004 1:03 AM
To: Doug Lombardi
Subject: HL2 Collectors Edition availability...?

Hello, I was just wondering something about the HL2 Collectors Edition.

Will it be released world-wide, or just be limited to the US? I remember
UT2004 Collectors Edition never saw the light of day over here in
Europe, which has my kinda worried.

Thanks if you can reply, as I know you're busy with HL2, and congrats
for another excellent showing at E3 this year.

All the best to you and everyone at Valve... :)

Wait... is it me or did he say "collectors editions"? OMG! there's gonna be more than one!!! [/mindless speculation]
i would like a t-shirt in the special edition, thank you