Collector's Edition Bonus Items

a vid that shows how you can beat all of hl2 in under an hour
i bet you have to do that really cheap ladder trick and make your own ladders like the dude did in that hl1 under one hour vid
I want to see this HL1 in under 1 Hour vid! Can anyone link me?
If i couldnt get my Headcrab hat, then an inflatable/rubber Snark to throw at my enemies/parents/pets/old women would suffice.
T-shirt for sure. Poster, DVD, etc.

Too bad though, since mine is already pre-ordered.
/got nothin'

But I think the ID Card sweepstakes is such an awesome idea someone should mail VALVe about it! :)
We want G-Man's used pants!
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee! :bounce:

Windows Xp desktop theme
A special Physics demo level with that Blue beamer that moves stuff around that wont be featured in the game
DvD of course
2 Warnings before 5 year Vac ban
Walkthrough Guide Featuring all traps pointed out
Crowbar Keychain
A DVD with a crap ton of stuff...... You know, about as much as you could fit onto a DVD. Videos, Utilities, Walkthrough, Hammer Tutorials, High Res Images, exclusive maps.

Video DVD with the making of, and staff interviews. (SWEET!)

An Alyx Blow Up Doll :P

Lots of vinyl HL2 Stickers

A custom in game GUI

A non-firing bullet with the HL2 logo engraved (maybe keychain)

A sweet huge ass poster

A flex-fit hat

City17 map (never thought about that did you?)

hl1 in source (unlikely, but what the heck)

and hl2
It's all "I want, I want" with you guys hehe...

How about a completed version of the game sometime this THAT to much to ask...?
Woo, thanks for the link, I DLed the vid, nw i'm trying to extract it.....
A talking Alyx doll

Alyx Doll- "Oh Gordon, you are so good at turning me on"

Gman's Tax returns

A gold card with a halflife character on it

A fan fiction novel (based on hl1 incident)

An encyclapedia of the HalfLife universe
The Technical Schematics of a Strider.

Gabes Shoping list(Just so we know what a Managing Directer eats)

An Audio Commentary(Like on Films) that you can play the game through with it on and at various parts it starts talking.I know it would be distracting but cool.
Recipes (none of you thought of that, did you!? Pwnz0rd!!)
Haha, Nicely said.

I feel so used. :)

it was a 'b', I swear ... it just drank too much and fell over.

nice metal case with like a raised HL2 symbol
I don't know what the culture over at Valve is like, or what Gabe is like in his spare time, so I think it could include:

- Large assortment of faux gold and silver necklaces and jewelry with the HL logo on it. 8 golden rings that spell out "H A L F L I F E" when you put your fists together. Until proven otherwise, Gabe Newell could very well be a closet "bling bling" fiend.

- HL2 toque. See above.

- Headcrab mini plush toy :E

- Barney Calhoun action figure with "Deathblow" karate chop action and Kung Fu Grip hands. :sniper:

Or maybe just a T-shirt and keychain. :p
I really like the idea of the Guide to the Half Life Universe... I picture it somewhat like one of those big "Visual Dictionary" or "Incredible Cross-Sections" books, like the ones they did to tie in with Star Wars...
Real box (the ones we used to get before this millenium) with a signature from Gabe on it. The game in DVD and some 1/30 miniature Gordon to put next to my computer. oh well..maybe I bring this to santa.
Voodoo_Chile said:
An Audio Commentary(Like on Films) that you can play the game through with it on and at various parts it starts talking.I know it would be distracting but cool.

Actually it would be a brilliant idea if Games began to do that. There's interesting stories of how they fixed stuff in different area's and I'm sure plenty of anecdotes, just like the movies.
A dvd of the making of HL2: with alot of footage behind the scene with modelers, programmers, concept artists, 2d artists, PR etc. etc.

Something like 4 hour footage, that would be cool :)
A book with all the Half Life² concept art would make my day

edit: fenric, your such a spamwhore :p 22 post's a day.. sjeesh :D
brokenjago said:
HL in Source!! COmpletely remade....

Oh my god...... I would buy that in les that .000000000000000000001 seconds
I would buy it instantly, so if there was only 1 copy i'd get it. :D
t-shirt(s),keychain(s),strategy guide,poster definetly,more stuff maybe. dont think there wil be action figures.
The original Half Life story written by Marc Laidlaw. Not as a novel, just detailing exactly what happened and why etc.