Collector's Edition idea


Feb 22, 2004
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Do you think it would be interesting if they got together all the main people who worked on HL2 and had them talk through their favourite sections of the game a la the director's commentaries you get on DVDs? It could be useful for mod-makers and it would give real insight into the game development process.

I was thinking they could include them as binks in the collector's edition.

Is it worth suggesting to Valve? I imagine they might be a bit busy at the moment...
I think they already have the plans ready for this.... but it's a nice idea anyways...
IIRC, Prima is doing a "The Making Of..." book that will probably have tidbits exactly like this, although perhaps not in video form.
Unreal Tournament 2004 Special edition had an extra DVD with materials about how to make models and maps in UT.
It was a really good deal :) plus it came with a headphone.

But it would be nice with some documentary about how to make maps and models in hl2 :)

nice idea there JimmehH
a lot of recent games have special editions with "making of" features

fable, halo2, etc
That's a really cool idea, I'm actually listening to the Simpsons Season 4 (Probably one of the top three seasons of The Simpsons) Audio Commentary.

So, do you mean as you play the game through they'll have commentary?
a simple paper map of the whole city 17 would be worthit all alone (i really like these kind of things..)
i think its going to have HL:S as one of the bonus things, and a making of stuff
Baal said:
That's a really cool idea, I'm actually listening to the Simpsons Season 4 (Probably one of the top three seasons of The Simpsons) Audio Commentary.

So, do you mean as you play the game through they'll have commentary?
I was thinking that 30 hours or so of commentary would be a bit excessive so they could just do a voiceover of their favourite parts or the parts that were the most challenging maybe.
What about an in game commentary that is activated when you reach a certain area and talks about the part you are playing while you play it.

Also would be cool-
A HL2 theme for windows (I saw a thread where someone was working on this)
In game help (like Myst: Masterpeice Edition)
Concept art
Tarkus said:
a simple paper map of the whole city 17 would be worthit all alone (i really like these kind of things..)

OH yeah just like GTA3,VICECITY posters, where at the back you have the whole map...............That would be awsome :p
Yeah, crossing around in the city in a car watching the paper map how to drive ;)
Or... you could actually drive in a real car with a real map of your hometown in your hands. But that would be stupid, because you couldn't drive pedestrians over. Or drive through a pile of barrels just to see how they fly.
As far as material components go, I'm hoping for a book of concept art. I'd also like the furry headcrab. ;)

As far as data, HL: S would be nice. A making of DVD with possible tutorials ala UT2K4
how about t shirt, headcrab, commentary and free ATI x800 Voucher!
id really like a Art book, a tshirt, posters, maybe a hl2 logo keychain, or maybe a lil gman doll that you press a button on his back and he insults you. or maybe a lil half life 2 science kit for the rebillion force inside of you. or maybe Dr Breens guide to inslaving the world in 8 easy steps
I think Valve should get with KENNER and get some action figures made, I bet they would make a ton of money I would buy a headcrab shove it on my monitor.
I would want a blow up gman or soldier and a fury headcrap maybe a map would be cool too.
Haha, this has turned into one of those "What I want in the CE" threads. Go continue it on one of those because it's very off topic. If I was a mod I would Close this right now, but I'm not so I wont.

I want either a furry headcrab, a Headcrab face mask (So you look like you've been turned into a zombie), a headcrab stress ball, some sort of Action figure, my favourite would be a combine, lots of concept art, a 'making of...' DVD, or osmething else. I'ts all good and VALVe will make the right choice.

DigitalAssassin said:
Closed? Doesn't seem closed to me... ;)

Haha! I'm not a Mod, Digital Assasin! I just thought it would be funny... Anyway, whatever. I doubt VALVe would actively make dolls of characters/enemies to put in the CE. It just sounds too... Pokemon-y?

Not that I wouldn't mind a doll, of course! :D
i doubt it would happen, but i'd REALLY love to see the old version of,HL1, you know before they re-did it? Check this
it would be interesting because you could see how they went about creating the first HL, and how they tried to impliment ideas into it before finishing it off.

or maybe im just a crazy guy, who knows?
I'd only like this feature if they spoke while totally drunk and/or smoking joints. If it's 2 guys talking through a scene i'd like one to be a little tipsy and the other to be legless.

John: "And yes, here i remember this scene"
Bob : "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhprsp skssssssss"
John "ahahahah bob"
Bob: "ohhhhhhhhh man i love you man"
John: " Hahah this scene was great to work on....wait maybe that's the next scene"
Bob: "immmmaaaaaa waht's agojn on1?"
John: "Cut cut ahahah stop the recording"
*sounds of ruffling and loud noise as Bob attempts walk"
John: "OH FOR ****S SAKE BOB"
*smashing and breaking sounds follow, Bob has fallen through a glass door and is lying in a pool blood, John hurriedly rushes to stop the recording*
ukfluke said:
a lifesize blow up G-Man is all i want :D

why would you want a lifesize blow up of gman when u could get a lifesize blow up of alyx.

lol i got a lifesize angelena jolie in my room :thumbs:
hero said:
why would you want a lifesize blow up of gman when u could get a lifesize blow up of alyx.

lol i got a lifesize angelena jolie in my room :thumbs:

Dude, you are my hero :thumbs:
Why not a furry snark that makes those awesome snark sounds when you squeeze him. He could be partially animatronic and move around and stuff, or maybe he could move his beak when you squeeze him. I want a snark or a headcrab.
Mr-Fusion said:
I'd only like this feature if they spoke while totally drunk and/or smoking joints. If it's 2 guys talking through a scene i'd like one to be a little tipsy and the other to be legless.

One of the best movie commentaries is like that. Cannibal! The musical (Trey Parker and Matt Stone from South Park). They, and some friends, proceed to get hammered throughout the commentary. Good stuff :D

But, I think they all have legs...ahh well. Can't win them all.