Columbine High School Shooter mod?

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"I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to say it." -Voltaire
I may disagree with what you have to say, but I shall defend, to the death, your right to misquote Voltaire.
thats why computer games get bad reputation, ****ing mother****ing morons cant they show any respect for the families of murderd children. Things like that will ban computer games globally some day... #&¤#%
Trust me, computer games will never be banned. Its becoming a lot more mainstream and grosses as much as Hollywood films do.
Originally posted by h00dlum
thats why computer games get bad reputation, ****ing mother****ing morons cant they show any respect for the families of murderd children. Things like that will ban computer games globally some day... #&¤#%

Take a chill pill dooder.
What if this game goes on sale and the profits go towards the construction of that memorial site? Then would it be less harder to swallow the concept? Me personally I would never pay for crap like that. Even if the cash ended up helping someone out in a positive way. I'm stingy with cash.
Now I hear that there is a group thats doing a mod for Doom 3 called, "Doom for Columbine". A take from 'bowling for Columbine'. Pretty clever title IMHO.

Also I hear that the producer and director of 'bowling for Columbine' is financing a team to recreate the events of that tragic day as a Half-Life 2 mod. Not much info has surfaced but I'll let you all know when more developes.

These people and the trash thay they produce must be examined and scrutnized. They cany hide nor can their actions go unchecked. Else their lies will soon become truth. THAT CAN'T HAPPEN PEOPLE!!!
I'll bet everyone that has posted here has shot a scientist or a Barney....
These guys just came to work and were dealing with tragedy when here comes good ole Gorden Freeman with fire in his eyes blowing everything in sight away...
Now now don't be jumping to conclusions. I'm sure that if mike moore knows anything about game design(about as much as his junk) that there will be alternatives to that day.

I've read that almost all the evidence collected during the investagation and deposition of the parents will be destroyed in a week and 2 days unless futher requests are filled.

How messed up is that? Why would the judge order that? The parents of the victims are still not convinced that all the evidence was not released to the public.

There is something larger going on here. I'm torn as to how to feel about all this. On one hand I want all the evidence exposed for the public and on the other I wan't everyone affected by all this to move on with their lives and stop brooding.

Choices that we can't make and the outcomes that don't affect us. How preposterous am I?
Originally posted by ValVed RaY
you kill people in hl2 why not do it in school?

The it's tasteless to base a game off of a real-life tragedy that occured so recently.

HL2 is a science fiction game that features a character versus aliens and monsters. Its design was inspired by other games and action movies.
Also, the core of the plot is to survive against a large army that is trying to kill you and the rest of the Earth. The game itself is groundbreaking by industry standards.

A Columnbine mod would 'feature' the wholesale slaughter of children. Its design would be inspired by the senseless deaths of real people who had families who grieved for them only a few years ago. There would be no real plot, or one which trivializes the event even more. The actual game would involve shooting at motionless, defenseless targets. A step backwards for gameplay.

If this sounds fun, I'm very sorry for you.
Even if you didn't object morally, the gameplay would suck a lot.
I'd rather play deer hunter, and that game bites.
If someone fantasizes about going into a school and killing children, is it not better that they do it in a video game?

I think games are just a chance to fantasize, to do stuff you wouldn't (or shouldn't) normally do. Thats all.
imho a school shooting mod is tasteless. Thats it. Shooting aliens and soldiers isn't considered tasteless, not in films and not in games. But shooting kids and splatter stuff IS considered tasteless by the public, same in B-splatter-movies as in games like SOF2 (splatter) and postal2 (shooting innocents).

As for a school-shooting mod, anyone ever was in the official postal2 forum? They've got about 20 mods for school shooting and columbine in the works, the other 80 mods are about raping, baby killing and other sick stuff...;act=SF;f=4

I came accross it when i was testing Postal2 out by a friend... we thought we'd take a look at official site and found the official forums...

really strange people there.
We aren't debating whether people who play/mod postal 2 are retarted or not. That issue is a given.

What should be argued is..

What makes a game fun?
Where do you think the future of gaming is going?
Can video games be more then just entertainment?
What would make video games another catagory of artistic expression?
If games are meant to be sold then aren't mods a more powerful expression of creativity?
I've got no problem with people fantasizing about antisocial behavior.
The real problem is when they start making their fantasy a reality.

Write short stories, draw wacky pictures, make twisted mods, talk and chat about derranged activities. Just don't brake any laws doing them.
Originally posted by peoplesuc
I've got no problem with people fantasizing about antisocial behavior.
The real problem is when they start making their fantasy a reality.

Exactly :thumbs:

Trouble is that some people do, and then "video games" are to blame. Note: not the actual deranged person!
Thats just pure evil, ok a 9/11 mod would be ok because you dont really kill people, but this is just awful (sp).
I remember when i was at secondary school and we used to play CS sometimes over lunch.

At the time i had just got world craft working and had made a map of my house and thought how cool it would of been to make a map of the school as it ment that anyone new that came along new the map like the back of thier hand and didnt have to die tonnes before they got used to the layout. Also because it was quite bit we were going to split it into two maps so that there was a bit of variaty

I managed to convince my tech teacher to find the blue-prints and everything... everyone thought it was a realy good idea. My school was Madras College in St.Andrews, its got that old school kind of feal to it and we manged to create quite a bit.... but then i left after 6th year and couldnt be arsed, never finished it :)

Like i said, at the time it would of been ok but looking about at it to do it again it might not go down so well
A 9/11 mod or Columbine mod could be excellent ideas, everyone automatically assumes you would be the "bad guys" and your goal is to destroy buildings or kill innocent children. What if there were mods where you get word about some of your school mates planning a school shooting, then the next day of school, you go to class and listen to a professor talk about some stupid shit and then you hear gunshots and you have to take out the perps with stuff that you find. Or you could be the SWAT team and take out the losers in black trenchcoats.

The 9/11 mod could be killing the highjackers and landing planes safely, or evacuating people from the building. Of course playing the role of the bad guys might add to the dynamics of the situation. Even though people say its horrible, i would seriously like to play a game where you kill innocent people for fun... ohh yeah, GTA III.
I say let them make it and post the game on HL so I can play it, or make one on here, would be good to play that game!!!! Please post a Columbine school shooting game on here!!!!!!!!!!!
Jesus H Christ. Check the dates of all other posts in this thread... Yeah.
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