Columbine High School Shooter mod?

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Jul 9, 2003
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I read on that a group was planning on making a mod about the incident at Columbine HS in Colorado. There a rumor that some boys in Canada were making one for Half Life 1. But then they said it was as hoax.

Did anybody else read anything about this? Does anybody care if someone out there really wants to make a school shooter about Columbine?
it would be taken down immediately
if it was made, Churches, the Governemt, CNN, and everything inbetween would be all over it.
Believe it or not, but there were plenty of shool-setting type maps before Columbine (even for Doom I remember). But then they because unpopular for obvious reasons.
the type of people that make those games are the people who give us gamers a bad name, well aside from the actual killers, and counterstrike players who speak too much 1337.

Those games are just plain done in bad taste

Lets not forget that whenever the subject of FPS games comes up on the news there's almost always some sort of Lieberman-esque or Tipper Gore-esque person claiming that these "evil games" make us violent, or some crap like that
personaly i think it would be awsome to be able to play cs in a school like enviroment. so much potential for some very creative missions there. also playing in a 2 story mall would also make for some very exciting times.
Originally posted by another-user
personaly i think it would be awsome to be able to play cs in a school like enviroment. so much potential for some very creative missions there. also playing in a 2 story mall would also make for some very exciting times.

Sure, its a cool idea, but it depends what context it is in. If you are shooting at students and stuff like that, then it is just sick and horrible. If it is just a school with no other people besides the other players, yea, I can see how it would be fun.
If people want to make a mod about the high school shooting, then with all due respect it would be legal, especially if made in another country. USA doesn't have jurisdiction over everywhere, believe it or not.

Other people could easily be offended by WW2 games, but that doesn't seem to bother anyone.
Originally posted by another-user
personaly i think it would be awsome to be able to play cs in a school like enviroment. so much potential for some very creative missions there. also playing in a 2 story mall would also make for some very exciting times.

as long as its As_ is good. Hostage is wrong, and bombing is completely wrong. Hostage, not so wrong.. ehh... just what i think others think.
Obviously you are interested since you started this useless thread.

Lets see what would they have to do...
make a map...
with guns ... amazing modification...HL doesn't have any of those things.
It's probably just some attention deprived pricks who are too stupid and unskilled to make a mod of any merit so they make one thats controversial. What's next? A KKK simulation?

And about the CS maps, personally I think it's bad taste to have school maps. It's just dis-respectful. But I think the best way to do it would be a hostage map, where you have to rescue students because players are penalized for hurting them and it's also fairly realistic. About the WW2 mod thing, wars are different. DoD isn't disrespectful at all, it simply depicts the events as accurately as possible.
Welcome to 2003, where killing VIRTUAL (synonyms: fake, non-existant, nothing, bullshit, not there, fictional, fantasy) students is wrong.
Originally posted by guinny
Welcome to 2003, where killing VIRTUAL (synonyms: fake, non-existant, nothing, bullshit, not there, fictional, fantasy) students is wrong.

It's disrespectful and tasteless. If someone in your family, or maybe a close friend died in a school shooting I don't think you'd be too happy about some punk ass prick recreating that event for no other reason than to garner attention.

That's one argument, the other is that this type of game actually could influence kids to do things like this. Doom isn't going to make someone shoot up their school. A game in which players shoot up a school may. Just think, there's some kid somewhere who is failing, has no friends, girls won't look at him, etc. He plays this game and thinks - hey, that could be me. Let's face it, you'd have to be pretty disturbed in the first place to play it so it is likely to influence it's audience.
It's just wrong, guns and schools dont mix. Also the next school shooting would be blaimed on CS instead of the movies. Some countrys even have a ban on HL1 because it has guns...
actually the mod was in the making for a long time, it got shut down though.
While we're at it, lets make a holocaust and Stalin era starvation mod. Experience the absolute bottom end of humanity.
if you guys think thats bad why dont you play postal 2 thats some "sick" stuff as you would put it. I mean its just a video game!!!
that would get alot of press and probably be a blast to play................................ literally :borg:
If they made a mod about that, they would be sued! And, ya know what....It would be funny!!:cheers:
eyesore is right, a mod about this was in production for hl1 for along time... They even tried saying things like this wouldnt be possible without the help of phl.. Many people rallied together to shut it down, but I can't remeber what happened to it... Perhaps the team just fell apart... It was quite sick if i remeber it, becuase there would be news postings congradulating the killers for doing what they did and inspiring the mod...

Anyone who makes a mod about this stuff should be shut down.
Yeah, there is nothing amusing about the shooting.
Disrespectful it is. However, You could argue that it is wrong to simulate military fights. What seperates them is the publicity.

Noone is horrified at the idea of sponsored and endorsed battle (wars)
in a game. But if you take a school shooting and turn it into game, moralists will throw up their arms in protest. Kind of ironic.

And pardon me for this flame: How the hell could you seperate yourself from Counter-strike or any other game, but not the same engine and controls with a different map and models? I really doubt anyone not influenced by one type of game will by influenced by a differently themed game. If you're not ill or affected enough to believe you're a gunner in one game, WTF would you fool yourself to be gunner in another? Killing is not a moral thing (ever?) but for some reason a columbine simulation (not real again, simulated) is less moral then being a terrorist that has kidnapped people, planted bombs, and proceeds to kill counter-terrorists.

ok done with that part. I agree with canceling the project out of respect for the victims and their families; but i do not think you should be able to argue effectively that because the setting or situation is not moral in life, it can't be done in game. Also that someone can trick themselves into taking one mod more seriously then another. If one game is going to make someone go nuts, that isn't the only game capable.

(respect for victims > game "morals"> "poisoning minds")

rant is... done :cheese:
ya I know, killing is killing, so when you are killing people over in iraq having a good time in "quest for saddam" people dont do much, but then sombody makes a mod that affects the U.S., people cant stand it. Am I missing something here? Oh well, as long as its not people actually going around murdering I dont give a shit.
Noone is horrified at the idea of sponsored and endorsed battle (wars)

There is a big difference between war and murder. War is justified if there is a net benefit to society/harmony/order.
The fact that someone could make a MOD based on the Columbine school shootings is part of what makes America such a great place. Any MOD made with this theme would also be protected by the first amendment so it couldn't be "shut down." Personally I may not agree with the concept of making such a MOD, but I do respect their constitutional right to make it.
theres a couple of maps that i played in counter strike. i think one of them was columbine and the other one was kind of the same setting.
they were pretty funny. i think if they made a columbine mod for hl2 i would play it. why not? just a game noone getting hurt or anything. you kill people in hl2 why not do it in school? its just a game anyways
violence in a game=fine
violence in real life=not fine

end of story
There is a difference between battle and murdering.

In most games you go around fighting people who shoot back. In columbine the asses went around shooting people that couldn't shoot back.

Sure, the first amendment protects alot of things, but thats not an excuse to just go and irresponsibly make something that glorifies the murder of students. Just because you can doesn't always mean you should.

Also what kind of sick SOB would want to play this? probably the same SOBs that play those white supremisist games, murder their neighbor's pets, and generally make asses of themselves/have no value to society

Lets not forget all the negative publicity gamers in general would get and the fuel that the antigamer feds would recieve in the fight against the games we play
while we are talking about this.....cough cough postal 2 cough cough
yes it is a good game. on a somewhat similar topic i think people need to take a step back and define game and reality a little more often.
postal 2 was fun, i hope they make something like it for hl2 :D
i love violence and death
in video games that is :D
a columbine mod would damage the image of 3d shooters enormously. that would be the stupiest idea a shooter-fan can have. I also cannot really support shooters with a true background and/or story like WWII, vietnam etc., because e. g. today many or even most of the people are against the war in Iraq and the behaviour and attitude of the USA, but I swear in five years or so there will be a shooter with this background playing as a GI for the USA and many shooter fans will like the game. I don´t like developers making money, because we have such a bloody and cruel history.

better invent a science fiction story like half-life or don´t use fictional conflict like OPF. this is also fun and doesn´t hurt someone
Originally posted by Wesisapie
USA doesn't have jurisdiction over everywhere, believe it or not.
Is it just me, or do I hear the CIA laughing?

Originally posted by grompl
a columbine mod would damage the image of 3d shooters enormously. that would be the stupiest idea a shooter-fan can have. I also cannot really support shooters with a true background and/or story like WWII, vietnam etc., because e. g. today many or even most of the people are against the war in Iraq and the behaviour and attitude of the USA, but I swear in five years or so there will be a shooter with this background playing as a GI for the USA and many shooter fans will like the game. I don´t like developers making money, because we have such a bloody and cruel history.
I think that games, like any other artistic medium (and let's be frank, gaming IS a fledgling art-form) has the right to use and depict certain areas of history. However it's a shame that so far it seems to have been used badly. There aren't really any "Oh the horrors of war" games, really - it's something that could be done quite easily and effectively. But they also have a biased portrayl of history <Coughs> Vietcong <coughs> Perhaps you could argue that Op Flaspoint did the former to an extent in that it perfectly simulated the frailty of the human body but then it also fell prey to the latter biased portrayl of history (even though the events depicted were fictional).
A game depicting the current Iraqi conflict/the Afghanistan conflict would, on the other hand, be a shameless cash-in and would, without doubt, be horribly one-sided to the point of near-propaganda.
But yes, the idea of a Columbine mod is in grotesquely bad taste. War is war - but this was an unwarranted massacre against "innocent" people. The September Eleventh events are also a) Poor fodder for a computer game and b) Is in poor taste, especially as it's so close to when they happened.
The people who do these kinds of mods are just trying to stir up controversy but end up sullying the gaming community as a whole - a community that gets enough flak as it is from the Right without having members from within seemingly sabotaging its growth as an artistic entity by providing them with legitimate salvos.
Such a shame.
I'm disgusted by DoD. Out of respect for the people who died in WW2 they should shut it down! They are sick.
slash you have some very bizaare views. through your logic is it safe to say that only fantasy video games exist? don't you think that would get a bit monotonous? don't you think its human nature to recreat prts of history and conflicts? (reenactors etc) are you disgusted by reenactors?
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