Columbine High School Shooter mod?

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Slash - what about CS? Think about people killed or held hostage by terrorists... Is that disrespectful? And what about the countless films, TV shows and games that have been based around WW2? Where do you stand regarding to those? Or indeed any form of conflict, ever?
Should we live inside a sanitised bubble where the real world has no effect on what we view or tackle with media?
Originally posted by Slash
I'm disgusted by DoD. Out of respect for the people who died in WW2 they should shut it down! They are sick.

You sir, are an idiot.
today many or even most of the people are against the war in Iraq and the behaviour and attitude of the USA, but I swear in five years or so there will be a shooter with this background playing as a GI for the USA and many shooter fans will like the game.
Already happened, check the Desert Combat mod for BF1942..

I don't like to go into these games v real-life moral issue discussions, because they are to complex.. I was (and still am) against the war on Saddam because I don't believe the reasons & excuses given for it by the US & UK, and no country should be allowed to attack another country outside UN resolutions.. If it was to rescue the Iraqi people from a brutal dictator I can name dozens of other countries the US & UK should attack next, to 'save' their people aswell.. We all know by now the excuse 'weapons of mass detruction' were bullshit.. But I like the idea terrorists, general bad people, and all other criminals in the world know we (we = western civilization) will hit back if they hit us (did Iraq hit us??).. But on the otherhand hitting back doesn't stop terrorisme, it probably makes it only worse (more people hating you).. We took the Berlin wall down, and now Isreal is building it's wall, people will never learn.. You see it's all so complex, because people are complex.. You would get all depressed and want to shoot yourself trying to think of a solution for world peace.. So best thing to do is just forget about it, live your life properly and play computergames like CS, BF1942 DC or highschoolshooting mod, whatever.. Peace!! :cool:
WWII was a battle between armed nations over the fate of the world. Columbine was some sick ****s murdering unarmed kids. Anyone see a difference?

Making games about wars is acceptable. Combatants understand the risks involved.

A game about murdering childern is unacceptable.
its not the shooting and the death thats involved thats the problem, i doubt any of us here will play a hello kitty mod. its the fact that you are shooting children and not soldiers. Reliving history is fine and dandy, no problem with that. However depicting highschool students getting blasted apart by shotguns is NOT fine and dandy.

Even in postal 2 there was something to do besides the random shootings. You had psychos that wanted to kill you, you had irony and humor, errands that had to be done, and a bunch of other things that didn't immediatly invove shooting people. Besides half the town in that game carried concealed weapons. And the game was fictional.

Notice that while there are many games about war, just how many of them are about the horrors of a german ww2 concentration camp? If there are i doubt any of them allow you to play german guards.

Oh and while we're at it how about a game about the mother that killed her kids!

Seriously I play FPS because of the action involved and the graphics and the playability, etc. I do not want to play a murder simulator
Its always ok to kill nazis thats why there is a lot of ww 2 games.
I seriously don't believe some of the people in this thread.... while all I know about the Columbine Shootings is that defencless kids were killed by armed people, I really find it hard to understand the people who say that war and murder are the same thing. IN WAR SOLDIERS SHOOT BECAUSE THEY ARE TOLD TO, THEY OBEY F*CKING ORDERS, if they are told to stop THEY F*CKING stop. Murderers don't, quite simply, have morals or ethics, and it is possible to preserve them in wartime. I.E Geneva Convention etc. In war it's a kill or be kill situation. Murder is killing someone who DOESN'T fight back, otherwise it's manslaughter, which is slightly, although not much more defendable. On a side note, I agreed with Gulf War 2.... for reasons I will explain in another thread. :)
Riiight...I know lets mimic an event that nearly had gaming banned in the US, because of 2 kids (of millions mind you) who happened to have played DOOM.

Gaming is still on very shakey ground with politicians, parent groups..even consumer groups. This is not the kind of publicity gaming needs. These people have a helluva alot more say that the games industry.

No major department store in the country is willing to risk thier reputations over games if there is a massive outcry from powerfull, albiet overly conservative groups. Nor do games generate so much revenue that a store would want to justify keeping them around despite boycotting and protests. Sure games make a good amount...but not enough. (Actually I remember reading somewhere that Target makes more selling wall clocks and picture frames per year than games make)

Walmart is already on the path to banning games from thier stores, and other major store would be all to willing to follow suit if things escalated to such a point.

Obviously it would take alot more than a couple dumb ass kids with lame ideas to get games banned, but this is definately a step in the wrong direction. I certianly would not support a project like this, and I think its in all of our best interest as gamers not too.
guys games are games and nothing will change that in my eyes.... hell I would play a game where the sole purpose was to kill pregnant women with sharpened sticks if it was fun enough
Games are politics just like every other product on the market.
Originally posted by alb1221
guys games are games and nothing will change that in my eyes.... hell I would play a game where the sole purpose was to kill pregnant women with sharpened sticks if it was fun enough

Shows how much brain you have left.

People who think games are just games are too naive. Like everything else, it damages our mentality one way or another. I for one found myself more aggressive and unstable after playing games for what... 7-8 years? Someone on these boards posted a story about small kid, who watched so much porn when he was 3 years old, thanks to his grandfather, that he needs medical help now. Nice story eh? Right now you can say whatever you want, but when you will have children of your own, you will understand what games can do to people and will always try to protect your offspring.
WW2 was about some ****ed nazis who murdered 50 million UNARMED jews because the believed something... thats why WW2 games to a points should be reconsidered...not that they should be shut down, since it's not that you have to pull a switch and gas a lot of people, and well...that is the difference from WW2 mod to the colombine mod...!
Theres also too many WW2 games to be shut down now.

They were even around in the time of DOS!
I think we shouldnt give these games popularity. Its going to be soo bad if VALVe or somone gets in trouble for one of these bullshit mods. Lets just completely ignore it. They wont be able to get any publicity if we, the biggest fan site, just ignores it.
Some people are really sick in thier heads.

Shooting innosent kids. this guy should have a custom title "I am mentally ill"
Originally posted by Mr.Reak
Shows how much brain you have left.

People who think games are just games are too naive. Like everything else, it damages our mentality one way or another. I for one found myself more aggressive and unstable after playing games for what... 7-8 years? Someone on these boards posted a story about small kid, who watched so much porn when he was 3 years old, thanks to his grandfather, that he needs medical help now. Nice story eh? Right now you can say whatever you want, but when you will have children of your own, you will understand what games can do to people and will always try to protect your offspring.

Bad parenting has nothing to do with video games, violent or not. There is a proper mentality that a child needs to mature to before they can be introduced to games. 7-8 years of gaming isnt going to damage anyone who has already learned self control and right and wrong. If the kid wasnt mentaly ready to play video games, then its the parents fault.

People need to raise thier kids right, and people need to take personal responsibility for thier own actions.

Blaming the world for your childs problems is a sad and feeble minded attept to shift the responsibility for that child off your own shoulders. Just like the dumb ass who got fat cuz his parent took him to MCDonalds everyday so he tried to sue mcdonalds...hes fat, and its his parents fault, sue them.
Originally posted by Parasite
Bad parenting has nothing to do with video games, violent or not. There is a proper mentality that a child needs to mature to before they can be introduced to games. 7-8 years of gaming isnt going to damage anyone who has already learned self control and right and wrong. If the kid wasnt mentaly ready to play video games, then its the parents fault.

People need to raise thier kids right, and people need to take personal responsibility for thier own actions.

Blaming the world for your childs problems is a sad and feeble minded attept to shift the responsibility for that child off your own shoulders. Just like the dumb ass who got fat cuz his parent took him to MCDonalds everyday so he tried to sue mcdonalds...hes fat, and its his parents fault, sue them.

I agree that it is a bad parenting, but thinking that games are harmless is not better either.
Originally posted by EVIL
Some people are really sick in thier heads.

Shooting innosent kids. this guy should have a custom title "I am mentally ill"

Whats teh difference between shooting virtual kids and shooting real kids who play as virtual adults?
its just the thought about shooting kids, even when thiy are virtual kids... it really doesnt mather
Games are just that, games, how you are effected is how you let them effect you. I use games to relieve stress by giving me an outlet to exert any violent tendancies I might have at the moment.

Anyone who says a game has an undeniably negative effect is simply weak-minded. We are only affected by what we let effect us. I allow games to effect me in a positive, stress relieving way.

That said, young children have very weak minds and generally need to be eased into games, tv and whatnot by parents. Good parenting and raising of a child can teach them to only allow positive effects.

Also, so many of you fail to see this distinction. You call it sick to want to play a game about murder, despite the fact that it is a game. I'd rather see a hundred games about murder then 100 murders any day. Games are not real, they do not have any effect other then what you let them. So you can choose to be disgusted but do not force your disgust upon others.

If someone wants to make a mod about columbine, 9/11 or killing his parents in his sleep, let him, it's just a game and is a lot better then the actual event. As for respect, yes it's always good to have a certain degree of respect for victims of tragedies but just because you respect something does not mean someone else should. If I told you I respected...say satan, does that mean I should get all of you to respect him too? Should I want to ban games like Diablo that use satan's name and portray him as a demon? Should I campaign to ban the bible because it says satan is evil? (Note this is hypothetical, honestly I don't believe satan exists)

No, of course not, it's ridiculous to even consider, and this columbine situation is equally ridiculous. We all have a right to our own views, that's guaranteed by the first ammendment (fun fact: the bill of rights only applies to you if you're 18 or older).

So let games be games, it's about time people just stopped blaming things on games, movies, music, television, and everything else under the sun. If we expect to have any personal freedom in this world we must also claim personal responsibility for our actions.
you still have a small amount of people who are mentally ill (capable of killing without remorse) and let violent games in the form of killing schildren effect thier actions. its obvious that people that are against the extreme games, (killing kids and the like) try to avoid murder caused by a game. 2/3 years ago it was very hard to immagine you are shooting at a kid, the graphics where of a such low quality your brain doesnt recognised the bunch of polygons as a child. but now the graphics are becoming more realistic it gets easier for a brain to recognise it as a child and therefore get easier at killing a child (virtual or real) the more realistic graphics are becoming the worse it gets IMO

but i agree with a big part you said fallout
okay now the post you have all been waiting for...

Isn't it time the US just reviewed their gun laws?
(for reference see the Australian Government Gun buy back sceme after Port Arthur). If it wasn't so easy for kids to get hold of guns I think alot of lives could have been spared. And more importantly it would free up Mod making crews to map out any location they want :)
Oh... but I guess US should probably review their church going laws, foreign policy and labour laws and a few other things while they are at it. (PS: *My toungue lies firmly in my cheek ppl, so chill. I have my hands in the air too btw)
uhuh, I find it wrong at how easy someone can get hold of a weapon.
This isn't a question about whether or not games influence people or not. Making a mod about murdering people in their sleep or killing kids isn't what the gaming industry needs. Personally i feel anyone going through the trouble of making a game like that is a sick bastard. Not to mention its association with half life would sully the game we all love through association to the piece of crap mod.
Come on ..ww2 simulations are ok, so high school shooting simulations are ok too? bullshit..sinds when are military operations the same as some young guys - with twisted minds caused by several things that they saw wrong in their lives,or build up frustration - that start shootin young people in a school...???
It's unetical...
...and what would the fun be of this mod? no one is shootin back,harmless victims they were...

Maybe we can all blame it on "Duke Nukem"..'shit happens' ? rebuilding like the school for a duke level i would have no have to know haw far you can go in life

Dirty Harry"a man 's got to know his limitations" ;)
What's the ****in difference between killing innocents and killing trained soldiers? Innocents can't fight back? Guess what, innocents CAN fight back. People wouldn't do this shit in the first place if it wasn't so goddamn easy. Someone breaks into my ****in classroom and starts shootin I'm gonna hit the ****in deck and try to take him out before he takes me out. It's that ****in simple. "Do unto others before they can do unto you."

I will say that if a mod like this was made and the entire point would be to kill students (who did nothing but run and hide and didn't fight back at all) and there were no repercussions whatsoever (a PC being slaughtered without a chance is NOT a repercussion) I probably wouldn't play it. But if there was some sort of challenge (The cops come into the school trying to take out the PC for example) I'd play it. Look at State of Emergency. All you do is run from one place to another killing countless innocents. And you're supposed to be with the good guys. Of course, the objective isn't to actually kill the innocents, but if I remember correctly you don't get penalized. The objective is to get from one place to another while avoiding the police. Avoiding the police is utterly impossible and there are literally THOUSANDS of innocents running around. And you're supposed to shoot JUST the police? Bullshit. And that game was ****in awesome.

The moral of the story is this: In real life, killing is unethical. It doesn't matter what you're killing, if it isn't for food it's unethical. In the virtual world, it doesn't matter. I virtually slaughter virtual innocents and I'm sure their virtual familys are virtually heart broken and that they won't be able to go on living their virtual lives and maybe they'll commit virtual suicide causing even more virtual problems for their virtual friends and virtual family. Do I give a ****? No. Because they are VIRTUAL! THEY ARE FAKE! GET THAT THROUGH YOUR THICK ****IN SKULL! IT'S NOT ****ING REAL!!

And if parents aren't responsible enough to screen the material that their kids get, then they're bad parents. I agree that young children probably shouldn't be exposed to this kind of violence. But it's not the creator's fault if a parent is stupid enough to let their child play a video game that they obviously object to. And if they don't know the content then they shouldn't even have kids. If they can't take the time to make sure their kids aren't being exposed to something this violent (or something that could even POSSIBLY have a supremely negative impact on the child) they don't deserve their kids.
Originally posted by EVIL
uhuh, I find it wrong at how easy someone can get hold of a weapon.

I know, it's called the black market, every country has one practically. The majority of weapons used in illegal actions are illegally obtained, like columbine for instance. Gun laws only serve to disarm the honest man, as the criminal can easily obtain weapons that rival those carried by soldiers.

Originally posted by Yo-Han
Come on ..ww2 simulations are ok, so high school shooting simulations are ok too? bullshit..sinds when are military operations the same as some young guys - with twisted minds caused by several things that they saw wrong in their lives,or build up frustration - that start shootin young people in a school...???
It's unetical...

First of all, learn to spell and use proper punctuation. Secondly, they're both the same because, and remember this statement, they're both NOT REAL. I hardly see how changing a few billion or trillion ones to zeroes and zeroes to ones is unethical when it causes no real-world harm. The fact is that whether it's full of fluffy bunnies or sadistic demons wearing bondage outfits it's all a simulation. You can let go and have fun as long as you realize it's not real. Sure the day may come where it can look and feel real, but that doesn't change the fact it's not. You're just manipulating binary data, and as long as people realize that it's not real then things will be just fine.
We were making a Half-Life 1 mod a few years ago that placed you as a student in a school that was overrun with terrorists. You had to save the students and the school...kill the terrorists. This was back around '99.

We got a lot of pressure from a lot of people who couldn't even grasp the fact that the game wasn't about killing students, it was about saving them. We whimped out and shut the mod's production down. We had about 70% of it complete and it was only a few months before the release.

Seriously though, we really did whimp out, because there was no reason for us to stop making it. We knew what we were doing wasn't wrong in any way, but these idiots out there only saw it as a student-killing game.

We started the development back up a a few months ago, before the announcement of HL2. Now that HL2 is coming out, we're going to make it for HL2 instead of HL1. This time around, we aren't going to listen to the people that don't see the game for what it really is. If they can't figure out that it's about saving the school and fellow classmates, then that's just too bad.

There wasn't a name for the mod a few years ago, but now it's called Memnite High. It's a single-player mod along with a co-op mode. There isn't going to be a deathmatch mode or anything like that, because then the mod would probably become a mod about killing students which isn't going to happen.

This mod we're making has nothing to do with Columbine, so it's probably not the mod that all of you are talking about. Whoever's making that Columbine mod is definately doing it just for the attention. I don't think it's going to be good for gaming if this mod gets a lot of popularity and it's all about killing students. Bad things would probably happen if that's the case.
First let me say that 99% of the community on computers (aside from the people who play mario and other such bull) Play games to get away from reality, to relive stress without physically taking it out on a person. The computer is a place where we can live out fantasies (sexual included) without having to worry about consequences.

If some sicko feels the urge to create a mod or game about killing people in a school then go for it. As long as it doesnt go beyond that then hes preventing himself from actuaully doing it... good on him. If some other sicko sees it as a chance to plot out the same thing in the game to do as his high school thats his problem, but we are all going to take the hit for it.

Just like we all did when columbine happined and they blamed it on doom.. I knew a few people at columbine and know of a few friends whose friends died durring the event. None of them are the same as they were after that.. I was stuck 10 miles from that school in my own school wondering if we would be next.

One person plays a game and sees relief from tension, stress and can refrain from actually going out and doing whats portrayed in the game. Another person plays it and becomes happy, starts plotting out to do the same thing as shown in the game. These are 2 different types of people of which there should be no comparision of.

I dont want bullshit answers on this... So.. would you, a gamer, or online chatter, rather play games and live out fantasies online without consequence or would you rather go out and do it, risking getting yourself, innocents, and others in trouble or killed?

Think about it..
OOh yeah it's not real so it's not bad...thinkin you can fly is also not real ,try jumpin trough a window then..even a virtaul game can do damage..but i believe it' s the real world that does the most damage

..such a mod would only be unetical for those who actually got involved closely and would see it or hear of it ...those few are enough to respect

Fight back a machine gun with what?...a pen, a chair ,your teachers underwear?

And what is the differnce in real life(yeah there i was talkin about real life ,not games) between killing unarmed citizens and soldiers? ooh yeah let's talk war crimes(killing unarmed cictizens ) good!!
I didn't bother to read everything here but heres my thoughts. making a mod based on a couple of guys walking into a school and shooting everyone for no reason would be weird. It would suggest the makers had some problems. However in halflife, I'm sure plenty of people killed everyone Barney and Scientist in the game. Is that considered sick?

CS would actually suit the setting very well. Hostage situation...yes that would work. Bombing....that would also work. It wouldn't be sick at all.

Ive said it before. At the moment people would consider a film or game about something like 9/11 to be in bad taste. Yet think of the amount of WW11 mods and other games like it, which are OK now because we weren't directly involved. Killing is used throughout so much as entertainment, and to be honest its not good for anyone. But this would be no more "disrespectful" than any other game about killing.
WW11..... did I miss 11 world wars in boring old History GCSE ;)

I feel that a game that involves killing someone who cannot fight back is not right, it just wouldn't be for me. And it would get lampooned, and gaming would be dragged down with it. :(
Well they made a movie about Columbine..that's different then just a mod where you would redo it..

Most ww1 and 2 movie's,other wars,(if they are good, for ex.' thin red line','full metall jacket')should be educational four other genartions..our youngsters have to know what horror war was...movies are then both entertaining and educational..

There will be 9/11 movies later i took a while for the first Vietnam movie too...('apocalypse now' i thought)

movie's are not games..good movies can be thought provocing in a good way

OOh we can go on like hours like that..considering there will be stupid reply's of kids here i'm gonna rest my case...have fun playin those good games ;-)
Everybody knows about WW11. Man you really are behind the times MrBadger. Although its fair i suppose, after all it was a rip in the space time contunium that allowed us to witness it. It wont technically happen for another 6 months....that does mean we have 9 world wars to go through in 5 months and 29 days though. Most of them are fought with sticks and stones, so they arent that bad.
Ha, wouldn't be around for long. It's okay with games like postal, but as soon as they label it to an actual event it crosses the line :/ Still, sick.
Rose Grad School Shooter

PLas - I do recall that the two also had knives and bombs with them that day.

Anyway does Valve filter what mods can go on sale for Steam? What if this mod reaches them do you think Valve will block the sale of the mod?

If some group out there is really doing this then can we all at most hope that it turns out terribly?

Another way to look at this would be the existence of Horror Movies(e.g. Friday the 13th). What is fun/entertaining about people getting killed by a psycho/monster/blob?

All I have to say is that I'm in AMERICA and these things should exist if it is already out there. Games shouldn't be banned because it offend people. Hell I'm offended by that trash 'Gigli' but I wouldn't have it banned for whatever reason. Bad taste is no excuse for something to not qualify as being void of artistic merit. If this mod did go on sale I simply wouldn't buy it. There's your cure from this 'social ill', just ignore it.
Re: Rose Grad School Shooter

Originally posted by peoplesuc
PLas - I do recall that the two also had knives and bombs with them that day.

Anyway does Valve filter what mods can go on sale for Steam? What if this mod reaches them do you think Valve will block the sale of the mod?

If some group out there is really doing this then can we all at most hope that it turns out terribly?

Another way to look at this would be the existence of Horror Movies(e.g. Friday the 13th). What is fun/entertaining about people getting killed by a psycho/monster/blob?

All I have to say is that I'm in AMERICA and these things should exist if it is already out there. Games shouldn't be banned because it offend people. Hell I'm offended by that trash 'Gigli' but I wouldn't have it banned for whatever reason. Bad taste is no excuse for something to not qualify as being void of artistic merit. If this mod did go on sale I simply wouldn't buy it. There's your cure from this 'social ill', just ignore it.

Steam is owned by Valve, so free speech rights do not apply here and they can decline to sell it through Steam if they wish.
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