Combine Citadel


Sep 5, 2003
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What in bleedin' hell is that massive building that constantly shifts and stuff? has anybody got any imaginative idea what it may be? is it something that reaches all the way to space, or is just a big building?
Well obviously its the Combine Citadel, and from what The Adminstrator is saying in the VU video i'd say the Citadel is something to do with his grand plan of things. I could be wrong
Im guessing just a v tall building

Theres sum concept art of inside (we think) the citadel, it seems to show pods or wot ever being move, they culd be manufacturing combines for all we know.....

''you'll have to wait and see'' - Gabe Newell
I reckon that the Citadel might to be the HL2 equivalent of Xen... completely alien and perhaps disorienting compared to the rest of the game..a lot of wierdness leading up to the final showdown...- maybe you'll be running through halls of combine soldier-cloning labs, or infant strider creches!
Perhaps there will be some big resistance operation to blow a hole in the side of Citadel so Gordon can get in!
The purpose of the citadel is to destroy the city slowly, i think...because in the striders movie you see that its "eating" the buildings. And it could also be a headquarters of the combine
Yeah, I'd put it down as some sort of combine HQ. It is slowly 'replacing' City 17 which I think is quite a nice touch to the storyline. I wouldn't be surprised if Gordon managed to get past the barrier somewhow. Maybe towards the end of the game?
I'd put it down as a Combine base of sorts, that they use those things to take over cities. And they produce all the combine tech, striders and hydras and the like.
i think, my personel belief, there are more citadels around the entire planet and they are trying to drain earth of its recourses by digging into them, yea it sucks i know
Brian Damage said:
He gets past the barrier in "Barricade"... doesn't he?

That seems more like just a small "checkpoint", rather than the real citadel eating thingie.
I think at sumpoint u will go inside the citadel, hopefully to blow it up ^.^ HAHAHAHAHHAHA!!....