Combine Conversion


Apr 29, 2005
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So does anyone have the details on what happens to be a stalker?

All Raising the Bar ntoed was the saline solution and hobbling plus conditioning. But were they nerually enhanced? Or anything on that order.

I mean there is similarities iwht the Strogg. The strogg however haphazardly put their victims and pulled them apart and rebuilt them, mutilating them more than anything were as the combine have a surgical and mechanical efficiency.
game doesn't go into specifics. But it would seem that they cut out whats not important, slap a few mechanical parts, and set them up so maintenance is dirt cheap. I think they are lobotomized too, or at least messed with in the brain.
Flyingdebris said:
game doesn't go into specifics. But it would seem that they cut out whats not important, slap a few mechanical parts, and set them up so maintenance is dirt cheap. I think they are lobotomized too, or at least messed with in the brain.
Combine soldiers have lobotomy scars, but not stalkers.
naw the combine soldiers definitely aren't lobotomized. They have cyber implants, but not lobotomized.

They are too smart to have had their frontal lobe fried
ríomhaire said:
Combine soldiers have lobotomy scars, but not stalkers.
What do you call that large metal plate on its forehead? I'm betting under it its missing a lot of brain. :thumbs:
Flyingdebris said:
naw the combine soldiers definitely aren't lobotomized. They have cyber implants, but not lobotomized.

They are too smart to have had their frontal lobe fried
Well, they have a big hole in the side of their head.
I'd imagine that the only human components left would be the most vital internal organs. Infact, whole sections of brain matter may be removed, and either eplaced or just left.
Either way, they are fairly messed up :bonce:
what purpose do the stalkers serve? They seem pretty worthless to me, not even the equivalent of an actual human.
imagod284 said:
what purpose do the stalkers serve? They seem pretty worthless to me, not even the equivalent of an actual human.
Slave labour.
Slave labor you can trust with your secrets, because they have no way of communicating them to the outside. Slave labor you don't have to feed. Slave labor that can't fight back or run away. Slave labor with completely modular limbs, so you can "outfit" them with the tools they need for their job, but none other.

Plus, these giant pyschic slugs seem to get a thrill out of cutting other living things open, so they probably use the Stalkers for all kinds of experiments, too.
While we do know they are kept for slave labor, what I don't get is how efficient can they be? I mean, they are operating on as little organs as possible, not to mention whats happened with their legs.. They are strong, though. I wonder how they got strong? steroid implants or something? They are pretty much mindless drones now..

It would suck so bad to become a stalker.. I'd much rather die.
Talyn said:
Slave labor you can trust with your secrets, because they have no way of communicating them to the outside. Slave labor you don't have to feed. Slave labor that can't fight back or run away. Slave labor with completely modular limbs, so you can "outfit" them with the tools they need for their job, but none other.

Plus, these giant pyschic slugs seem to get a thrill out of cutting other living things open, so they probably use the Stalkers for all kinds of experiments, too.

Ohhhh, they fight back. :)

Stalkers are pretty much like the assasins from HL1. They run in, shoot you with lasers, then run away before you can get a good shot at them.
IsolatioN said:
It would suck so bad to become a stalker.. I'd much rather die.

Thats the thing. You practally are dead. there is nothing left of who you were, so I doubt they are self-consious (sp?) They ar ecompletely mindless. alot like :borg: