Combine costume 98% complete PICS!!

Jul 23, 2003
Reaction score
Behold the glory


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Photo-edit the red tip of your Uzi there, and we might have something.

Great for Cosplay no less.
the uzi was the best looking toy gun in my local area. i don't have the money for airsofts or replicas

anyway cosplay is what its for
wow!!! put it on amazon so we can buy it!!! :D
don't worry about the uzi, its great non the less
Haha, very impressive. You aught to see if you can get a position working for the "Alcatraz Platform". You look real enough. ;P
Wow ! Nice costume ! Hey, i wanna a headcrab costume :D
Hah, thats great.

I'm just a stupid pirate for halloween. Well, pirates kick ass, but not as much ass as that.
when i found out the combine masks were based on a real design, someone on these forums mentioned something about having used them in ukraine as part of safety drills. I jumped into action and searched google for 3 hours looking through every gasmask picture i could find until i found it. A PMG communist bulgarian gasmask from 1982. Upon ordering it on ebay i began to look for clothes to give me the combine military look of that black and white concept art piece. It seems a website called Shopbulgaria puts these 'en mass on ebay. It only cost me 27 bucks, shipping included
Yeah, almost as cool as coming to a Star Wars convention dressed like a storm trooper or as Luke shouting "may the force be with you" wielding a plastic lightsaber

you've gone too far.

anyway, looks good :D
Maybe i should cram out my sig550 out of the cupboard and take a few pictures too ;)
That gas mask gives me the creeps. It has a eerily evil quality to it

Hug me!
no i don't think i want to hug you, you see the mask has made me evil
To be honest, I find all this a bit TO far, just like those anime fan party's where you see geeky japanese dressed up as goku or kaneda. Its all a bit to geeky for my taste. but i must admit, the costume is nice. but it doesnt really resembles the real constume, no fancy belt and a similar armourvest. no yellow stripe on the sleeves
Originally posted by EVIL
To be honest, I find all this a bit TO far, just like those anime fan party's where you see geeky japanese dressed up as goku or kaneda. Its all a bit to geeky for my taste. but i must admit, the costume is nice. but it doesnt really resembles the real constume, no fancy belt and a similar armourvest. no yellow stripe on the sleeves

Kaneda? Whats that? You shouldn't call people geeks when you pbviously know what they're dressed up as.
That is great! Lol, send it to gabe...might make him smile but abit
and get a better camera, it's all grainy and underexposed
Haha, that'll be great for Halloween. You should spraypaint the mask black and everything.
Obviously your girlfriend didnt take those pics :E
Goodshit anyways. :thumbs:
Kaneda from AK][|2A !!!!1!1!
cos play is fun to look at :)
Originally posted by EVIL
To be honest, I find all this a bit TO far, just like those anime fan party's where you see geeky japanese dressed up as goku or kaneda. Its all a bit to geeky for my taste. but i must admit, the costume is nice. but it doesnt really resembles the real constume, no fancy belt and a similar armourvest. no yellow stripe on the sleeves

Ah, evil definitally doens't like teh cosplay.
Haha, a bit crazy, but I'm not going to care for that! Looks evil, have fun scaring the people next door! :P
aahaha, also, take the red saftly cap of your gun
and you wonder why gamers get given a bad reputation...