Combine costume 98% complete PICS!!

Ya guys know why he's not having a gun without red tip? Some cops might mistake him for a terrorist.
If you can figure out how to make your eyes glow red then you'll pretty much have it covered :)
Originally posted by Tredoslop
Hey, that does look like a combine mask.
Happens to be real isn't it?

ye, a pmg mask

These are new Russian-made high-quality Military gas masks PMG, designed to protect from nuclear, biological and chemical (NBC) agents. These protective masks are intended to protect mans respiratory organs, face and eyes from poison gases, radioactive matters in vapor and aerosol forms and bacterial (biological) agents. Includes: 1 Filter, 1 Carying bag, 1 Set of instructions
Hmm, needs the white stripe going down the sides of the pants, the orange arm band, and i think thats all.


  • city17.jpg
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sorry if anyone posted it already:

nice halloween costume
Excellent job on the costume! And Figge, excellent job on the postcard!
Actually that mask is very ineffecient..the filters are too small an kinda drown the wearer in what ever is in the air...ya know like gas....
to answer some questions

yes the mask is made out of rubber

no, i can't remove the orange cap, i left it orange because if i cover it over i can get arrested. In the US oranage caps on toy guns are there by law.

the costume is not quite done yet

i did email the pics to valve, they said they'd give me an autographed poster :D

i am not dressing up as any of the actual ingame combine because to get the suit right i'd need body armor or a blue green army jacket, both of which are really expensive. I am going for the general appearance of the all black concept art pic

I have put thin pieces of clear red plastic beghin the eyes to give the eyes a reddish look, plus i will have a glowstick behind the eyes to light them up from the inside

I will be adding a combine logo on my arm and some kneepads too.

The second i can get a better gun, i will

the clothes get very hot

yes it is geeky cosplay, i have actually gone to conventions dressed as Tetsuo from Akira, metal arm and all in the past. However a halflife geek saying that a cosplayer geek is geeky is like the pot calling the kettle black

that city 17 picture was great
haha thats freakin great :)
very cool costume
post more pictures when its done will ya? :)
okay...well i intend on going to the necronomicon convention ( a sci fi, horror, gaming convention on the 24th of october in tampa Florida. I also intend to go to halloween horror night at islands of adventure at universal studios, Orlando on the same day since they are only an hour's drive apart.

I'll probably have oodles of pictures from those places and maybe i can meet some of you guys there
haha very nice, god some people go to extreme with cosplay thou, any one ever seen that guy that dressed up like the chick from cowboy beop, the one with a yellow top, one of the main characters. A GUY! lol its soo funny, yet sick.
Originally posted by AgentXen
What is that Orange thing on the Uzi?! !
thats to identify to people its a fake gun, but there have been cases were people have carried guns like that with coustumes on hallowen, and the police have shot them dead.
I thought it was me on the tip of the gun : (
Originally posted by antistructure
Excellent job on the costume! And Figge, excellent job on the postcard!

messed it up :flame:
But im happy with the barrel :cheese:
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
okay...well i intend on going to the necronomicon convention ( a sci fi, horror, gaming convention on the 24th of october in tampa Florida. I also intend to go to halloween horror night at islands of adventure at universal studios, Orlando on the same day since they are only an hour's drive apart.

I'll probably have oodles of pictures from those places and maybe i can meet some of you guys there
sweet, I live in tampa, gonna check it out

very nice job on the outfit; see if you can get someone to lend you an airsoft ak-47 or something :p if you need, I'll ask my friend for his mp5 (what would be best for a combine?)
Would you be angry if I thought you were a loser for wasting your time making a costume?
i mean it would be cool if you were actually a terrorist or soldier with that suit but just to play around, no.