Combine costume 98% complete PICS!!

you're just ignorant; it's a fine piece of art and not a waste of time for a round of paintball or airsoft practice :P
i mean it would be cool if you were actually a terrorist or soldier with that suit but just to play around, no.
oh you're saying it's ok to be a terrorist but it's not okay to create a mockup of a Combine to show your support for Valve? well, sorry if I misunderstood your post, but I do think it's more creative to show off something that we don't see much of (even if it's not a homemade mask or suit); one more thing, to me he looks like a terrorist in that outfit :P
Originally posted by s3v3n
i mean it would be cool if you were actually a terrorist or soldier with that suit but just to play around, no.

You're telling me you never acted out scene's from movies with you friend as a kid? (Or currently a kid, it doesn't matter)

I remember me and my best bud dressing up with ghostbusters outfits when it first came out, I had the hole plasma backpack and he had the trap thingy, we'd setup traps in the backyard and have our parents walk by and scare the crap out of them. (or atleast they acted scared lol)

It's called imagination. Something the modern day young people are lacking, which is sad really.
Need a gun?


Doesn't shoot well at all...but for 30 bucks...can you really beat the look?'s customizable and it comes with a case.

best airsoft guns of all types; only if you're serious about it tho, they can get expensive; take some of the $1000+ sniper rifles for example :P


forgot to mention $50-100 shipping since they come from hong kong and mauri made
i know...i love m4 and my desert eagle GBB are teriffic...but for a halloween don't need to spend over 100 bucks
true true... only prob I have is you can waste 50 of those BBs in 3 secs, lol... they go like crazy unless you're careful and jamming can occur with the wrong brand
Awesome. Wear it...

1. For Halloween, and
2. To the store when you purchase HL2. (Unless you're getting it over steam or preordered. ;))
Nice man, but seriously, who goes around dressing up as a combine soldier?

Not me, I don't do that thing.

I dress up as Freeman swinging a REAL crowbar around at the jerks that don't give me candy!
Wow, very cool!

So the Combine is actually using 1982 tech? I think we might have a chance of beating them after all. :)
you SERIOUSLY should consider a life... I mean I have a very small life but you my friend go waaay beyond that...
Originally posted by wako
you SERIOUSLY should consider a life... I mean I have a very small life but you my friend go waaay beyond that...

Not much logic here.
I am aware i have no life, damn well aware.

However aside from the mask, the black army clothes are great for games of capture the flag and manhunt. Also its great for pranking people. Nothing like bursting into a room with a black ops outfit and a ski mask on. Scares the bejesus out of the prankee.

I am not really looking at spending much money on the toy gun. the suit itself cost me about 150ish including the mask.

So yeah those that want to settle for walking around in "normal" clothes and calling me a loser for my wish to pay an homage to our brave combine soldiers, go right ahead. Me, I'm going to me chilliaxing (chilling & relaxing) with all the hot gaming honeys and my autographed halflife 2 poster. Booya

BTW Ghost Freeman, that picture you did on deviant art is awesome

one thing though about the description you did for the art, i am not a kid so to speak, although i do tend to think like one, i'm 19
Damn i can't believe i missed this....dude (flyingdebris) that suit looks so friggin' sweet :D

I'd add a bigger rifle if you can get a hold of one...but everything else just looks very good, even if you're not completely done yet.

Btw its cool that valve is getting you a signed poster, makes me wonder if i'll get something when i send in my drawing...i did'nt really get to send it the 30th. Tho i might send it soon, since valve/gabe might not be the most cheerfull developer atm.
How do you all know how big the rifle is?????....guess what we never get to play the OG haflife2...sorry....damn i'm worring about you all..God shed his graise on theee

i know i know how the hell do you spell whichever
WOW that's great!
you should go dressed like that when you go buy hl2 the first day it's on store and ask someone to take a picture of you in combine with hl2 box on your hands lol :p

and the weapons on this website are awesome!

P90... ghaaaa my favorite weapon!!

will someone make a Gordon Freeman armor? ;)
come on! it can be done with clothes, some spandex clothes, some paint for walls (sorry i dont know the exact word in english :/ ), some cut paperboard and transparent tainted plastic for the mask :p
you fix the cut paperboards on clothes so it looks like the armor, then you put the spandex thing on it, then you paint the spandex with uuh the paint lol, and you make the helmet with cut paperboard and transparent tainted plastic

and then you find a crowbar lol :p

aah i wish i could do that.. i used to make things like that when i was kid with paper and stuff (i made an earthwormjim costume once lol)
Second Theory, excellent photoshoppin' skills there man.

Frosty, don't know how to break it to you but your costume ain't so great. perhaps you should sit in a corner and play with this toy

and hoodlum, haircut? life? what are these things you speak of? These abstract concepts of yours are alien to me. My hair looks better at moderate length, and i prefer having no life thank you very much.
be nice guys, geezus. u dont hear this stuff everyday in tokyo :x

btw, flying debris kikz ass. atleast he got the balls to dress up and show it to everybody :cool:
omg thats nice :eek: you just brought me on an idea... Lets all dress up like a headcrab! :D or maybe walking zombies (inclued headcrab)
we should all go as hl2 characters for halloween. i think a zombie mask (complete with entrails hanging down from the mask) would be pretty cool.
hehe, looks like youve been spendind your time wisely in lou of the delay

it keeps the voices away, the voices want me to burn things...oh no they're back!

You know what would be awesome? a bunch of us dress up as random halflife characters and monsters and have a big dramatic mock fight out in public for no good reason on the day of the release. it would totally confuse everyone
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
A PMG communist bulgarian gasmask from 1982. ... It only cost me 27 bucks, shipping included

Are you saying that there are cheap, mass-produced combine gasmasks on E-bay right now!? Imma get me one!
Originally posted by Flyingdebris
it keeps the voices away, the voices want me to burn things...oh no they're back!

You know what would be awesome? a bunch of us dress up as random halflife characters and monsters and have a big dramatic mock fight out in public for no good reason on the day of the release. it would totally confuse everyone

ahahah that would be awesome to see :p
Nice job! You've gotta wear that when you go buy HL2! Just make sure you've got the HL2 logo on your back or something so they don't think you're trying to rob them :P

I wish I could make a Gina costume for Halloween. I've got no money tho. Oh well, there's always next year...
Thats pretty shitty.

It's not even a combine sotume, just a black tacticla suit and a gasmask that looks vaugley like a combine helmet.
he needs the shiny thing on his middle part.

what you call it? I forgot?
ok magnethead, you go out and buy me some 500 dollar kevlar if you want it to be oh so accurate or how about a 120 dollar jacket. Point is i am working with the resources i have available. The army surplus store i went to lacked a jacket that looked combine-ish so i went with black jacket, assault vest, and black pants.