Combine dying with one shot

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Oct 22, 2006
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Yo when I take the Combine by surpise they die with one shot is this a bug or a feature?
i think it only happens with metrocops early on in the game where you are still unexpected most of the time. Its a feature.
Headshot! I hope that explains what you are asking.
They do that? I've never noticed. I should probably check it out some time.
Shoot a Combine in the back of the head. Instakill. Bug? Feature? Who knows?

Not me.
Sounds also like you may be playing on the easiest difficulty mode?

Try a harder mode. I believe they are harder to kill the higher the mode.
Combine: Uhh... So, has Valve made it so they can't kill us in one shot yet?
Other Combine: ...No.
Combine: Sh*t.
Gord0n: I M G0Rd0N FR33M4N I WILL KILL U
Comine: ...?
-bang bang-
Combie: Sector is not secure! Sector is not.. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep
Combine: Uhh... So, has Valve made it so they can't kill us in one shot yet?
Other Combine: ...No.
Combine: Sh*t.
Gord0n: I M G0Rd0N FR33M4N I WILL KILL U
Comine: ...?
-bang bang-
Combie: Sector is not secure! Sector is not.. beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep

"Outbreak! Outbreak! Outbreak!"

Well, first of all, you might have the difficulty setting on "easy" and you're shooting at the metrocops; one shot to the head at point blank gives you an instant kill. When you play on "easy," you have auto-aim. Let's say if your cross-hairs were not on the target but they were closer to the head than the torso, then the computer might automatically aim for the head. I don't know about anyone else but this is what I think...
They take more damage if you surprise them. So even on hard the metrocops will die with one hit.
I thought only soldiers/elite said Outbreak, Outbreak, Outbreak.
Yo when I take the Combine by surpise they die with one shot is this a bug or a feature?

I know they CAN die in one shot, like with the shotgun's secondary fire, But does it happen ALL the time you catch them off guard? Because (earlier today in fact) I played Hghway 17, for the tenth time, and sneaked up on a combine who was facing out a window, he didn't die in one shot, but he DID run, for a few seconds before turning around into a hail of bullets.
Hmm they seem to die in one hit with the crow bar when i do it, o wait i forgot i changed its damage to 1000 never mind. but yeah they do die very faster if you catch them off guard.
Sounds also like you may be playing on the easiest difficulty mode?

Try a harder mode. I believe they are harder to kill the higher the mode.

Hmmm I thought someone might come up with that reply. Obviously this doesn't happen all the time due to the nature of this thread I thought that would be quite damn obvious. No, I am playing on "normal" okay?
4 things must be taken into account:
Your difficulty setting (are you playing on easy?)
What part of the body are you hitting? (Headshot?)
Are you early in the game? (Metrocops in the first few chapters have more health than soldiers and metrocops in the later chapters)
What weapon are you using (A headshot from the revolver will always kill a soldier in one shot AFAIK)
5. are you playing gmod and spawning a deagle which is overpowered?
I also noticed this thing... if you shoot a combine from the back right into his head even a pistol grants you a 1 shot kill... even on hard.:thumbs:
4 things must be taken into account:
Your difficulty setting (are you playing on easy?)
What part of the body are you hitting? (Headshot?)
Are you early in the game? (Metrocops in the first few chapters have more health than soldiers and metrocops in the later chapters)
What weapon are you using (A headshot from the revolver will always kill a soldier in one shot AFAIK)

I always Play Normal,
I aim for the middle of the body, where the shotgun hit smost :P,
Nope, I was at Highway 17,
Shotgun, but I have used the machine gun and pulse rifle, ahh the pulse rifle.
Are you early in the game? (Metrocops in the first few chapters have more health than soldiers and metrocops in the later chapters)

Are you sure? Did you mean the metrocops have less health? Because that seems highly unlikely...
What Is It With You Idiots Why Cant You Understand That They Die In One Shot Even With The 9mm In Normal Mode When You Take Them By Surprise!? Why Is It So Damn Hard To Comprehend!?
Dude, come here to insult us? Go die in a fire.

More information needed.
meh, since you just comence flaming each uther, i shall bring in MY Post about this: MAybe the difficulty configs are broken, so maybe you should look up the cfgs and check whether they allow npcs to have a decent amount of health. Also, if the weapons still don't get the job correct you might have to check the waepon_stubbs.dll, but it's unlikely that it could possibly brake. Apart from that, there's nothing else I know how to change the efficiency of your gunz.
Metrocops have 40 health, and in HL2DM, shooting people in the back of their head with the 9mm still only does 20 damage. Weapons could have been balanced for DM, though.
Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! If you take them by surprise they die with one 9mm shot to the head even in normal mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bloody hell are you guys not seeing this!?
Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! If you take them by surprise they die with one 9mm shot to the head even in normal mode!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bloody hell are you guys not seeing this!?

We see it. It's not true.
Waita sec, why are we still talking??? THERE'S NOTHING TO DO HERE *close*
Well, if it's true, then discuss it, don't just keep going 'Wtf why don't you guys see it *insult insult flame*'

I can't see it because i'm a couple of thousand kilometres away from my copy of Half-Life 2.
It does work, only in the earlier levels, though. Now go stfu.
When I take the combine by surprise they have their pants already pulled down...Man I love those Metrocops.
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