Combine Headcrab Factory


Nov 26, 2004
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I just saw mentioned somewhere that there was a plan in place for a level in a combine headcrab factory. Basically, they captured a Gonarch and hooked the sac to a large machine. They can then mass produce headcrabs, ready for pod bombardment. That would be such a cool level. there could be different 'wings' of the installation for different headcrabs, fast poison etc. Possible aftermath-friendly material?
Well, the Headcrab factory is one of the key points in the proving of a lack of connection between Xen and the Combine before the 7hr war. If they do include it, i'll just be able to sit there and laugh at Riomhaire for being wrong all day long. Bliss.

Whether they include it is anyone's guess, though.

-Angry Lawyer
Where did you see this at ?I would like to look into it sometime.
Angry Lawyer said:
Well, the Headcrab factory is one of the key points in the proving of a lack of connection between Xen and the Combine before the 7hr war. If they do include it, i'll just be able to sit there and laugh at Riomhaire for being wrong all day long. Bliss.

I don't see why; they could have easily of had the headcrab factory idea/method in existance with or without knowledge of Xen.
Maybe the church in the lost coast will be that factory! They mention a zombie-cannon anyway.
It was mentioned on the head-humped forums, but i dont know where the information originally came from.

i also wouldnt mind seeing a combine explosive-barrel factory level..
cabbs said:
It was mentioned on the head-humped forums, but i dont know where the information originally came from.

i also wouldnt mind seeing a combine explosive-barrel factory level..

Yeah, mentioned alittle, but i can't recall the thread. I remember it though.

But it would be cool so see more about how head crabs come to be, straight from valve.

That would be a cool thing indeed. It would be something like the factory where they killed all the soldiers in Quake 2, those different processes, only then with headcrabs that are created.
I'm pro on that one :)
It was mentioned in raising the bar, but for various reasons was not pursued.
I don't think the Combine use poison crabs in their pods, plus acording to my theory they don't come out of a gonarch
ríomhaire said:
I don't think the Combine use poison crabs in their pods, plus acording to my theory they don't come out of a gonarch
then why do they spew headcrabs in HL1?

Or do you mean the combine make headcrabs with like genetic engineering
I think fast and normal headcrabs come from a gonarch but poison ones are a seperate species.
UndeadScottsman said:
I don't see why; they could have easily of had the headcrab factory idea/method in existance with or without knowledge of Xen.
Well, the theory behind it is actually comparing where Headcrabs are coming from in the two games. Both games likely have headcrabs used as biological weapons. However, HL1 has a living, free Gonarch producing them. In HL2, the Combine have got rid of the inefficient parts of the Gonarch, to conserve energy and make it easier to control.

Now, if the Combine were on Xen in HL1, then why are there still free-roaming Gonarch?

Now, this theory opens up the possibility of the Combine stomping on Xen AFTER the events of the seven hour war - by seeing our interaction with the Borderworld, they decide to take a peek, and take home a few Gonarch sacks as they see their usefulness.

-Angry Lawyer
Now, if the Combine were on Xen in HL1, then why are there still free-roaming Gonarch?
Now, if the Combine were on Earth in HL2, then why are there still free-roaming Antlion?
I see a pattern emerge:

1. Angry Lawyer/Laivaisse/Riomhaire posts.

2. Thread turns into a Combine/Xen thread.

3. Original topic is lost.

"Adrian and the 7 Hour war" didn't stand a chance, mearly because you started that topic Riomhaire ;) .


Riomhaire said:
I think fast and normal headcrabs come from a gonarch but poison ones are a seperate species.

I think Fast and Poison are Combine experiments. But while Leapers die out, Poison Zombies can breed at the Mawman stage, hence meaning they don't get enough "energy" to go to the next level, due to constant Headcrab breeding.

Riomhaire said:
Now, if the Combine were on Earth in HL2, then why are there still free-roaming Antlion?

The Combine have no use for Antlions, also, the 'Antlion King' is reportedly 60 feet tall, more than enough for a detterent (But mainly my first point ;) .)
Stop, stop, stop and stop. Let's not hijack another thread with combine/xen - go to the actual thread for that :p
That would be a really cool level. You would constantly have to worry about headcrabs jumping down. They could have a part where you blow open the machine and (from somewhere safe) you watch as thousands of headcrabs rush the combine gaurds. There would also HAVE to be anouther fight with a new Gonarh...
ríomhaire said:
I think fast and normal headcrabs come from a gonarch but poison ones are a seperate species.

Ive always imagined that there was a 'normal' headcrab Gonarch, a 'fast' headcrab Gonarch and a 'poison' headcrab Gonarch, seeing that they are 3 different species (of headcrab) .

It may be possible that the Combine did create the headcrabs. Then, introduced the headcrabs to Xen prior to their invasion, thus giving us the illusion that they were ingidinous to xen when they teleported to black mesa.

Combine Gonarch factory anyone? you could fend off half-incubated headcrabs, about head height.
i think the combines dont use the antlions because they dont know about the pheromones yet , else they would use the pheromones instead of that giant stompers on the coastline to prevent antlions from rushing their base.
Yes, I think the Gonarch is some biological factory created by Combine bio-engineering.
And toxic and fast headcrabs are geneticaly modified.
I can actually imagne the Gonarch hooked up to the ceiling on various wires, ropes and chains with large machines humming around it and a eggsack spewing headcrabs out.

...then cue Ripley to walk in with the Pulse rifle/Incinerator looking for Newt.
TheBleeding said:
...then cue Ripley to walk in with the Pulse rifle/Incinerator looking for Newt.
...or cue Freeman to walk in with the Pulse rifle or shotgun looking for Lamarr ;)
looking for Lamarr
Omg... THE idea for that mod about Lamarr (forgot name) !
You tell the story of how he escaped the factory BEFORE he got launched!
God, that would own...
the combine don't need to know anything about xen to get gonarchs. remember the portal storms. there were enough headcrabs coming through that at some point quite a few of the crabs must have matured to gonarch status. All the combine had to do was nab a few of those.

In raising the bar there was supposadly a room with a gonarch nutsac minus the legs popping out headcrabs
Angry Lawyer said:
Now, if the Combine were on Xen in HL1, then why are there still free-roaming Gonarch?

-Angry Lawyer

Why wouldn't there be, unless you think the Combine would have any reason to expend their resources to hunt down and destroy all the Gonarch's in Xen.
Flyingdebris said:
the combine don't need to know anything about xen to get gonarchs. remember the portal storms. there were enough headcrabs coming through that at some point quite a few of the crabs must have matured to gonarch status. All the combine had to do was nab a few of those.

The combine had invaded Xen, enslaved all of the sentient populace, and left the Nihilanth in charge, before you arrived there. Im interested to know whether the combine found headcrabs on xen or the combine introduced headcrabs to xen themselves.
I think the Combine ever took notice of headcrabs until they saw how they kicked human ass.
Mr_Fofo said:
That would be a really cool level. You would constantly have to worry about headcrabs jumping down. They could have a part where you blow open the machine and (from somewhere safe) you watch as thousands of headcrabs rush the combine gaurds. There would also HAVE to be anouther fight with a new Gonarh...
nope, you should find a 3 barrel shotgun that shoots mini rockets and poison and have to fight like 60000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
zombies :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper: :sniper:
I have a picture of the machine!!! but imageshack is down.. posting it as fast as i can.. [EDIT] fixed it! It's from the beta i think the whole model is in the directory .mdl and .mdx

ríomhaire said:
I think fast and normal headcrabs come from a gonarch but poison ones are a seperate species.

Doesn't a drawing in Kleiner's lab suggest that they could have been genetically engineered?
Yeah it is. To me, it conveys the ruthless, super-efficient Combine use of some captured Xen creatures, which emphasises their differences.

-Angry Lawyer
The blackheadcrab was supposed to be in hl1, but they cut it out. do'nt remember why, it stands in rtb.
Feath said:
Doesn't a drawing in Kleiner's lab suggest that they could have been genetically engineered?
I want to believe it... but this drawing in lab is mayby Lamarr during "sterilization" process.
Feath said:
Doesn't a drawing in Kleiner's lab suggest that they could have been genetically engineered?

The drawing says that Kliener suspects the new ones are either evolved or mutated versions of normal headcrabs.
that, to me, suggests the opposite of genetic engineering. But we won't really know for sure.

In HL1, the gonarch was allowed to be free-range because it was kept on a relatively small island. And the headcrabs didn't need to be shipped or processed or whatever because Nihilanth just teleported them directly to the planet, instead of having to package them into rockets which would require a more industrial assembly-line approach.
Mechagodzilla said:
In HL1, the gonarch was allowed to be free-range because it was kept on a relatively small island. And the headcrabs didn't need to be shipped or processed or whatever because Nihilanth just teleported them directly to the planet, instead of having to package them into rockets which would require a more industrial assembly-line approach.

But, in my opinion, the Combine don't like stuff that's not used to its greatest efficiency. The Combine, in my opinion, prefer battery-farmed chickens, GM crops, and irradiated vegetables. It's much more economical to run a Gonarch by just keeping the breeding sack alive, than by allowing it to be "free range". The resources used to feed it could easily be shipped off world to feed other things, like people. Although, I stand by my argument that the Combine put dead people in the ration packs.

-Angry Lawyer
Well, it depends on what you consider more efficient.

Option 1:
-Take a pre-existing island with enough resources for a gonarch to survive, and put a gonarch on it.
-Teleport the headcrabs directly to the targets on Earth.

Option 2:
-Capture a gonarch, restrain it, preform extreme surgery, hook it up to life support, send a continuous supply of power into the life support.
-Collect the baby headcrabs, care for them until they reach an acceptable age, package them in missiles, ship the missiles to the launchers, launch them at the targets on Earth.

I'd pick 1 in this case, if I were the combine.
The combine aren't 100% efficient anywho.
off the topic, i think raising the bar said somewhere that Xen was just a rock planet, with no fauna, that's why it was called the border world, and species that had ended up there somehow(aka Gonarch) and could adapt, remained there, but there was no aliens originated from Xen... if that makes any sense.
the combine use BM pods wich look like the conaraches sack attached to a big pointy cool machine.