Combine or Umbrella Corp


Dec 11, 2006
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ok who would win the combine or the umbrella corp?

ive got my money on combine.:borg:
Yyyeaahhh... I'd say the galactic empire with numberless armies of super-advanced weaponry and soldiers would win against a biotech company.
Combine, obviously.

A bunch of mindless zombies VS a Strider.

I think we all know the answer to that.
I think I can safely say that I don't like these kinds of threads, when they don't intrest me personally one way against something that intensely interests me the other.
Why even compare a galactic enslavement machine with Umbrella Corp? :sleep:
I would normally take part in a vs. thread, but this really is dull. However, If I have to be on topic, the combine would slaughter umbrella, obviously.
Resident Evil SUCKS. Please close this useless thread.

Anyways. Let me try to interpret what this lad is thinking. He thinks umbrella corp is like Black Mesa? and can manufacutre weapons good enough?
Yeah. Dumb thread. dUmbrella corp is just a little military organisation. ooh... hellycopers! vs. OMG gunships? Combine easily ftw. They owned earth, after all, so how would Umbrella stand a chance, ever?
They are blocked my acid rain with supah umbrellas, combine get pwned by acid rain =D
Umbrella are more like...old school zombie lovers :p and i love that ahahah

combine sounds like a robot thing, a robot army
Pfff, Combine FTW. And I don't think The Combine have to worry about airborne pathogens/viruses due to the fact that they have respitorial gear and gas masks.