combine politics



Maybe the combine are an international force established after an alien invasion, as an agreement to keep the peace and take care of any human renegades and fanatics.

Gordon and his friends are part of a fanatical terrorist anti-alien group who believe they can take on the aliens since Gordon did so well in Black Mesa.
But that doesn't explain why the Combines are fighting the Aliens...
Gordon & Gang= VALVe?
Combine= The evil Vivendi?
Aliens= The vicous yet primitive EA Games?
AJ Rimmer said:
Gordon & Gang= VALVe?
Combine= The evil Vivendi?
Aliens= The vicous yet primitive EA Games?
Yeah, VALVe were wrong about the release date, Vivendi were disastrously wrong? Or the other way around...
No, but everyone knows that distributors are the second most evil beings in the world.
The_Monkey said:
But that doesn't explain why the Combines are fighting the Aliens...
Why that's pretty obvious
These are not aliens which are affiliated with the alien government, they are the renegade, disobedient aliens! they just didn't like the fact that they had to stop eating humans so they kept doing it anyways. :rolleyes:
alien government ???????? what the hell are you talking about ?
I'd debate that, I'd say "Tax Men" would be somewhere in the top three...
Brian Damage said:
I'd debate that, I'd say "Tax Men" would be somewhere in the top three...
1: Lawyers
2: Distributors
3: Tax men
4: Software telephone support employees
5: Riot police forces
6: ?
OMG! City 17 is Iraq and the Combine are the American troops!! Valve goes satirical!
RoguePsi said:
OMG! City 17 is Iraq and the Combine are the American troops!! Valve goes satirical!
Oh oh oh! I know! The xen aliens are Al-qaida, and there is no connection between Xen and City 17 what so ever!