
If you go to and go to the wallpapers it shows that the combine soilder has hair in one of the wallpapers. So combine are human?
maybe it's fan art? If so it's rather good.
WHY is his hair showing is my question? and i believe that the soldiers are human, just that something ELSE is in charge
I doubt they are human, look at the writing in some pics. whatever the combine are, if they are some alien race they could easily have hair and have a similar body structure. Form follows function you know.
Just because they have alien (probably) writing on their arms means they're alien? their "boss" may want them to wear it, to show their willingness to serve or something. and why even bother disguising themselves if they aren't human?
It's fanart, and it's probably EARLY fan art, the artist obviously thought the helmet/gas mast was/were not all encompasing.
im pretty sure its valve concept art. the combine soldiers are human beings. if they are 'alterted' in anyway is unclear at this point, but certainly they are controlled by extraterrestrials.
I think they are humans cuz I dont think a alien race will be under the domain of a human
I think the Combine is a government or private organization who got ahold of Xen bio samples and used it to bioengineer things like the Strider and the Gunship. The troops are either normal human soldiers, or humans that have been biologically enhanced.
Look, the combine are alien, thats not to say the soldiers arnt human. The plot summary on practically shows that yes the combine are human, and the vivendi site says:

Gordon freeman joins forces with a rag tag human resistance to fight extraterrestrial invaders.

And even gabe said the alien combine.
Well if you look at the photos from the front page they HAVE to be human. Or at least part human. Because our friendly "owe you a beer" man is wearing the same outfit.
The cops and soldiers probably are human. The Combine who employ them aren't.
THE COMBINE ARE ALIEN. THE SOLDIERS ARE HUMAN. THERE IS NO DISCUSSION TO BE HAD. Ugh. In each of these threads, the same exact things are said. "they look human" "no, valve says they're aliens!" "the soldiers could be humans" "aliens!!111" It just gets really, really old.