Combine Tactics and AI

Pesmerga said:
I'd like to see also, how masses of say, zombies, react in a city. 50-80 zombies roaming around a city, taking different routes maybe to avoid the high concentrated zombie areas.
Not very well, if my experiments are anything to go by. I was starting out a modding project, looking to see if I could make a Zombie mod a la Dawn of the Dead (the original). Large, open, light environment - lots of randomly meandering zombies.

The actual AI of the Zommos was really bad. They only followed me a certain amount and as soon as I went through a doorway they refused to follow without a large amount of coaxing. Same with stairs, they'd follow as long as I waited around in their Line-of-Sight.

The game mainly works on Info Nodes and Hint nodes. Invisible blocks telling enemies where there is good cover, where would be good to walk through etc. I haven't done a lot with it but I think this might be used for flanking too.

Technically this isn't scripted as we, in the real world, have things that would tell us whether a place is good to hide or not - our eyes.