Combine: The Great HL2 Mystery


Jul 15, 2003
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Of course, there's so much speculation surrounding the combine. That strange picture of Barney in a combine suit... Now I don't know if this is new, or previously mentioned, but go here That's a picture of you, as a combine. Not only are you fighting along side the combine soldier, but you are wearing the combine gloves and using the combine shotgun.

Also, on a somewhat side note, remember that strange horse in those fly-by images at the end of the trailer? That same horse is in the front of the pier. Since they bothered to put that horse on the fly-by images of HL2, could a very large part of the game be at the pier, or could there be something climactic there?

Just a few thoughts, and as the admin has said recently, dont flame me if these have already been suggested. Thx guys, later.
Just another mystery that will only be unlocked when we get our hands on the game....oh well...I can wait. The release date is getting closer and closer. Yay!
Interesting, the link gives me teh redex of doom
I dont think thats u as a combine, u can easily get the shotgun, and how do u know they are combine gloves. either they have it so u are "invisible" to npc's or hes more worried about the ant lion than u.
Originally posted by SnowBall
Interesting, the link gives me teh redex of doom might wanna edit your post. The link you have has a period at the end of it. :bounce:
K, ill fix teh link.
Also, look at the combine in that picture. Those are the EXACT same gloves. I mean, if barney is in a combine suit, what makes you think you aren't, either?
No .. I think everyone wears the same gloves, and you could have just picked up a shot gun. (where you got the combine flare gun is more interesting). But yes, you do fight on the combines side (sort of) at one point in the game.

And the horse is just a symbol of City 17 - that's why it's showing up everywhere.
if they were storm troopers they'd never hit a damn thing, obviosly they are n-(remebers back to all the videos and the horrible inaccuracy of the combine's shootin) on second thought maybe you have a point, maybe they ARE stormtroopers

That pic is of a demo from an early version. The map hasn't been finished yet even. The walls need to be given their material qualities (texture). Probably the char model/texture is an older copy also.

Another theory is that this is another kind of Combine guy. The street combine have white masks while the "jaill"(see pics) combine are different, they have more armor(vests and such)
Also the combine in the pic in question and the one at the end of the tunnel video are also different looking (yellow stripe on arm, not as much armor)

do you think they look similar under their armor? (the arms, exposed sides)