Combine to steal human weapons


Sep 23, 2003
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Just a thought:

on website >> half life 2 >> overview, there is a screenshot (the 1st) of a combine soldier.
Well, it's firing with a HK MP5 (or what seems to be a HK MP5).

But... do alien beings really need to steal our weapons instead of using their most-advanced ones? :dozey: :dork:

Ok, ok.
This is a useless thread.
Ban me.
No, nooo!!! :eek: Don't do it, I was jokeing!
MAYBE because they are (appear) to be a combonation of human/alien they are more familiar (human side) with "Earth" weapons and more proficent with them.
Who said they are aliens? We've yet to find out what they actually are...

They have Striders, they have Gunships... and they have MP5s.

I expected nuclear slings, instead :D
tbh i still beleive that the combine are the equivalent of the specal ops soldiers in HL.
umm "human weapons" are pretty damn good.

perfectly craftes for "humans" and since the combine have the same form or indeed may be humans then our weapons would fit them just as well as you or me.
Hey, if you want to know the best way to kill a human, just ask one. Nobody knows how to build a better and most cost efficient killing tool than humans! Logic -> use human weapons to kill humans.
That brings up a good question, if the combine are using human weapons, who developed the manipulator?
Originally posted by Deviant
tbh i still beleive that the combine are the equivalent of the specal ops soldiers in HL.

"We" are specualting they are a Combination (Combine) of Human/Alien.

To join (two or more substances) to make a single substance, such as a chemical compound; mix.
Originally posted by Aknot
"We" are specualting they are a Combination (Combine) of Human/Alien.

To join (two or more substances) to make a single substance, such as a chemical compound; mix.

You can believe what you want to believe, and he can believe what he wants to believe.
Originally posted by Abom|nation
You can believe what you want to believe, and he can believe what he wants to believe.

And your point being? Did I say he was wrong? Did I say "We" were right? Nope. Just gave another view to the solution. Bad milk in your cereal this morning?
Originally posted by Aknot
And your point being? Did I say he was wrong? Did I say "We" were right? Nope. Just gave another view to the solution. Bad milk in your cereal this morning?

You sounded incredibly arrogant in that post, it was pretty much like saying "This is what we think, and if you don't agree, you can shove off." Try wording it a little more thoughtfully next time.

And no, not bad milk, just bad posters :rolleyes:
Originally posted by CrazyHarij
BTW, dang cool avatar , Abom!

Heh, thanks! Made it a few months ago, flaming Combine are just pretty damn cool in my opinion :D
Originally posted by Abom|nation
You sounded incredibly arrogant in that post, it was pretty much like saying "This is what we think, and if you don't agree, you can shove off." Try wording it a little more thoughtfully next time.

And no, not bad milk, just bad posters :rolleyes:

Sorry did not mean to be. I wanted to make sure I said "We" (as in a group of people) instead of just "I" so no one would get upset thinking it was my idea alone. which it is/was not.
Originally posted by Aknot
Sorry did not mean to be. I wanted to make sure I said "We" (as in a group of people) instead of just "I" so no one would get upset thinking it was my idea alone. which it is/was not.

Okay, understood.
its an mp7, not an mp5k or mp5. The mp5k is a placeholder model and then mp5 is not in the game at all
Well since human made weapons do a fine job of killing humans it makes sense to use them and not some sort of uber alien laser rifle since said laser rifle could then be stolen by humans to attack the aliens that might be impervious to regulaer human killing guns. That's a really long sentance, but a good point i think.You can't get shot with your own weapons of mass destruction if you only use what the other side has (and it isn't effective against you).

Heckler and Koch 4.6x30mm MP-7 Personal Defense Weapon. It's deisgned to put the punch of a full assault rifle in a compact and concealable SMG. It sure looks like the one from HL-2 to me. The pistol is a USP Match .40:


The image is a USP9 Compact, which I included because it's the only one on the HK site with a silver slide. The Combine also carry HK M29 OICWs:


It has a 5.56mm rifle on the bottom, a 40mm mag-fed grenade launcher on top, and a scope that is fully programmable for elevation, windage, etc.

Watch the Tunnels video, and look at the "grenade launcher." There is no explosion, and unless there are multiple grenade types, it looks to me like it fires a glob of napalm that ignites when it hits something.
Watch the Tunnels video, and look at the "grenade launcher." There is no explosion, and unless there are multiple grenade types, it looks to me like it fires a glob of napalm that ignites when it hits something.

the nade launcher is really a flare gun. If you watch the Barricade video you'll see the combine on top of the tower fire a flare into the air and then an alien gunship comes with guns blazing :D
Hmm...that makes sense. I did see the flare go up, but he shoots at the other rebels with an MP7, so I wasn't sure. I wonder if you can call in air support?

I don't understand why Valve would go to the trouble of making an MP5K placeholder model when all they need is an MP7. It's just one extra model to make....
Originally posted by FoB_Ed
the nade launcher is really a flare gun. If you watch the Barricade video you'll see the combine on top of the tower fire a flare into the air and then an alien gunship comes with guns blazing :D

The Combine certainly doesn't look like he's using a two-handed weapon.
Yeah it looks like a one-handed weapon there, but at the same time he was far away and it looked like the same kind of projectile. Maybe Its a flare gun that can be used to call for help or to catch people on fire as a weapon as seen in the one vid. know, actually, the combine may just be the personal of City-17. They could just be humans, with no mechanical parts.

Since I dont remember them actually being called Combine by Gabe, I just remember him talking about the Combine Fortress. And Combine also means: To harvest (a grain crop) using a cutting, threshing, and cleaning machine.

And the combine fortress(as Gabe worded it in the E3 video) was sucking up the resources. Makes sense.