Combine voices


Dec 28, 2004
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I don't know how to check the voice files, but what cool things have you heard the Combine say when your fighting them?

Last night I was playing Our Benefactors and I cleary heard an Elite say something like:
" *static chhhh* Freeman *chhh* Tell Dr Breen".

Before that I was doing the rooftop battle with the Striders and ALL the combine were talking really rapidly like it was actually an emergency for once.. I could hear a lot more voices than normal... one guy said something like "Rooftop is not under our control"

I also heard a Combine clearly say the words "Anticitizen One", all the way back on Route 17.

Obviously it's hard to hear what they are saying some of the time, but sometimes I hear them say stuff that really bugs me out, even if you can't understand all of it. Especially if you don't see them yet, but you hear them talking and you can only make out certain words like "Freeman".
When they are fighting against zombies and headcrabs you can hear them say

cchhhh we are in an infestation zone chhh

and they also sometimes call out the ranges to their targets
I think I've clearly heard one of the overwatcher saying
"Freeman, *static* watch out for his crowbar".
Combine Hybrid said:
I think I've clearly heard one of the overwatcher saying
"Freeman, *static* watch out for his crowbar".

Ohh man I wish I heard that one! That's funny as hell.
Actually you can read everything they say in every situation by making a new mod and looking at sentences.txt under the scripts folder under your SourceMods folder. i.e:

// My enemy is behind cover; I'm shooting out his cover
METROPOLICE_SHOOT_COVER0 npc/metropolice/vo/(v100) on1 breakhiscover off3 {Len 1.5 closecaption NPC_Combine.Alert}
METROPOLICE_SHOOT_COVER1 npc/metropolice/vo/(v100) on1 destroythatcover off4 {Len 1.5 closecaption NPC_Combine.Alert}
METROPOLICE_SHOOT_COVER2 npc/metropolice/vo/(v100) on1 firingtoexposetarget off4 {Len 1.5 closecaption NPC_Combine.Alert}
METROPOLICE_SHOOT_COVER3 npc/metropolice/vo/(v100) on2 firetodislocateinterpose off1 {Len 1.5 closecaption NPC_Combine.Alert}

// I'm moving more than 20ft to get into a new shooting position
METROPOLICE_FLANK0 npc/metropolice/vo/(v100) on1 V_MYNAMEP V_MYNUMP ismovingin off3 {Len 1.5}
METROPOLICE_FLANK1 npc/metropolice/vo/(v100) on1 covermegoingin off1 {Len 1.5}
METROPOLICE_FLANK2 npc/metropolice/vo/(v100) on2 V_MYNAMEP V_MYNUMP isclosingonsuspect off3 {Len 1.5}
METROPOLICE_FLANK3 npc/metropolice/vo/(v100) on1 V_MYNAMEP V_MYNUMP converging off4 {Len 1.5}
METROPOLICE_FLANK4 npc/overwatch/radiovoice/(v100) on3 suspendnegotiations officerclosingonsuspect off2 {Len 1.5}
METROPOLICE_FLANK5 npc/overwatch/radiovoice/(v100) on3 officerclosingonsuspect off2 {Len 1.5}
METROPOLICE_FLANK6 npc/overwatch/radiovoice/(v100) on3 allunitsapplyforwardpressure off2 {Len 1.5}

// I heard something
METROPOLICE_HEARD_SOMETHING0 npc/metropolice/vo/(v60) on1 V_MYNAMEP V_MYNUMP investigating10-103 off1 {Len 1.5 closecaption NPC_Combine.Alert}
METROPOLICE_HEARD_SOMETHING1 npc/metropolice/vo/(v60) on2 Ihave10-30my10-20responding off3 {Len 1.5 closecaption NPC_Combine.Alert}
METROPOLICE_HEARD_SOMETHING2 npc/metropolice/vo/(v60) on1 V_MYNAMEP V_MYNUMP is415b off4 {Len 1.5 closecaption NPC_Combine.Alert}
METROPOLICE_HEARD_SOMETHING3 npc/metropolice/vo/(v60) on2 V_MYNAMEP V_MYNUMP responding2 off4 {Len 1.5 closecaption NPC_Combine.Alert}
My favorite is when you toss a grenade at a soldier and you hear him shout "Oh s***!" before it blows up in his face.
It is cool when you hear them warning each other and radioing back.
weren't some of the combine communications taken from actual police radio chatter?
When your leaving Nova Prospect with Alyx, I believe it is, your in what seems like a basement. The lights are dark and a few red flares light the way. You hear the Combine say something like;

"5...4...3...2...1...Go Go Go"
Then they rush out.

I love that.
hehe, i like when the metrocops gotta reload and they're like

cchhh Running Low On Verdicts....Reload cchhh
cchhh Contact Confirmed, Prosecuting chhhh

and my favorite is in nova prospekt when u start using the antlions against combine

cchhhh Warning, Primary Target has uhhhh full Tactical Command of uhhh Bionics....Repeat Primary Target has Tactical C&C of Bionics cchhh
"Outbreak, outbreak"
If you throw a grenade at them
"Oh sh..." *Boom*
Freedom Fighter: "If we get out of this alive, Im gonna buy you a 'Combine Hydration Packet.' Heck, Ill buy the whole damn rations depot."
zinquaff said:
Freedom Fighter: "If we get out of this alive, Im gonna buy you a 'Combine Hydration Packet.' Heck, Ill buy the whole damn rations depot."

There's already a thread for citizen talk. It's "Some nights I dream of cheese"
Seems to me that they speak like robot does. Even the metrocops w/c are still human beings.
EatChildren said:
When your leaving Nova Prospect with Alyx, I believe it is, your in what seems like a basement. The lights are dark and a few red flares light the way. You hear the Combine say something like;

"5...4...3...2...1...Go Go Go"
Then they rush out.

I love that.
That was also my favorite "combine line".

I think that was the only time they sounded like humans. Most of the time I could barely make out what they were saying, and not everything they say is in the captions.
Combine Hybrid said:
I think I've clearly heard one of the overwatcher saying
"Freeman, *static* watch out for his crowbar".

Speaking of that, when you go back to Kleiner's lab, he's looking for Lamarr and Alyx tells you to go with Dog, and if you walk up to him after Alyx tells you to go, he will say, "Yes Gordon, do go on. Lamarr is extremely wary of your crowbar."

This isn't on topic of when the combine talk, but when you are in Eli's lab, if you go up to the Cremator head in the jar and press the use key, Eli will walk over to you and say "Were still not sure what that does. Alyx brings in the strangest things."
freedom fighter: when this is all over, i'm gonna mate :cool:

or i must be going crazy
Freedom fighter also says: "When this is all over... oh who am i kidding"
I found that funny cause he was the one to get killed first.
Yes, the rebels say some pretty hilarious things, my favourite has to be:

"Quick pick up his crowbar!"

When you die, of course