Combine WIP = DONE!

I Really dig it! Only 2 small critiques: his toes seem a tad flat, and I would expect a small highlight on the top of his unmasked head.

Very nice.
awesome job. it that the one you sent to VALVe or is it the one without the background?
Both i already got a reply from less than 5 minutes after i sent it..

Gabe answered: Cool. Either one is fine.

Lol its the first one of my emails he's answered

Finger: yeah i know about the highlight tho i'm done with it now....just did it for fun, if i have to go through every little detail it is'nt fun anymore...but you're welcome to add one yourself ;)
Exelent scribblehead! maby try to do a version sometime in the future with a set lightsource and shadows. I think that would make this image shine even more!

Keep em coming dude
Originally posted by EVIL
Exelent scribblehead! maby try to do a version sometime in the future with a set lightsource and shadows. I think that would make this image shine even more!

Keep em coming dude

Too true, but as always i'm still a student, and freetime is sparse and far apart---so i'm afraid it'll be a whil---but hey if someone's up for the challenge i can upload the 5000px X 3500px sketch...color away ladies :D
What did you ask him, he seems to be answering a question...
Oh yeah sorry, i asked him if the resolutions were alright, cuz if they wanted i'd upload a bigger version....but it seems he did'nt need a bigger ver. :D
myeah.. freetime is indeed sparse as a student. I have to cope with the same problem. wich means that my knight drawing hasnt made any good progress latly :/

and i'd like to have a go at colouring your sketch :)
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
is it me or is that gun getting broader at the muzzle?

great job though!

meh no need for nitpicking, this was a fun project and i did'nt care that much for nonessential details i.e what size boots the combine is wearing or if the muzzle size is correct......don't get too focused on small details---its not like i don't apreciate the crits, but just don't nitpick too much :D

EVIL yeah i can upload the sketch tomorrow, i hope you handle it :)
Originally posted by PriNcE oF SpAcE
is it me or is that gun getting broader at the muzzle?

great job though!

lol, this is because the weapon is being tilted towards the screen...
tut tut PriNcE oF SpAcE, :p...
nit picking tut tut...

anywhom, really nice, I'm going to post some of my first work soon onto here (me nervious about it)
for all you guys to look at and laugh at....
and this is far superior than anything I could do...It is really nice, good work, and keep it up...

anywhom, off to bed, job interview in the morning... :x
Beautiful! Gun looks kinda odd and limp in his hand, but otherwise, beautiful!