
Jul 14, 2004
Reaction score
Does anyone else get the feeling from the screenshots released and what-not that the combine are going to actually work with you now that the citadel is destroyed?

-Does the citadel have some sort of combine mind control that has shut down now that it's destroyed?

-Combine soldiers are basically just human, right? What if they realize that fighting you is not important, and just escaping the city means more.

-Or perhaps I'm completely wrong and the combine still hate you etc... I wouldn't doubt it; this is just an idea.

I thought the metro police where humans and the rest of the combine are half machine/human hybrids from another planet.
Probably so...

But... Does anyone think that there's a chance that they'll end up working w/ us?
RaBiD WeAzEL said:
Probably so...

But... Does anyone think that there's a chance that they'll end up working w/ us?
Probablyl not, b/c when the combine created them they probablly restricted thier ability to have a free will. They aren't humans. They'd shoot you b4 you could brainwash them into working for you.
i doubt the combine will be working with gordon. i suspect that the Universal Union will send a representative to Earth in an attempt to regain control of Earth. If this was to happen, the combine soldiers would then follow orders from that representative

oh wait, actually, if the citadel is going to explode and take C17 with it, it may be more likely that the combine wouldnt send anyone to C17 to take over. but maybe they would send the representative to another Citadel.
tacc2 said:
I thought the metro police where humans and the rest of the combine are half machine/human hybrids from another planet.

The soldiers aren't from another planet, they are humans augmented with Combine technology.

I doubt the soldiers will help you, but its at least possible some metrocops will simply give the combine the finger and attempt to help.
Samon said:
The soldiers aren't from another planet, they are humans augmented with Combine technology.

I doubt the soldiers will help you, but its at least possible some metrocops will simply give the combine the finger and attempt to help.
Or just run. If I were them I would *not* count on the citizens simply forgive and forget.
AJ Rimmer said:
Or just run. If I were them I would *not* count on the citizens simply forgive and forget.

Niether would I. I doubt I'd even give them the chance :p
-Civil protection are definitely full human, they laugh and have a sick sense of humor in enjoying bullying citizens. Not to mention Barney works as one.

-The Overwatch Transhuman Forces orgins I'm not too sure about. Although they seem much more hostile and relentless they still definitely show fear and scream things like "shit". Maybe they have some minor augmentations and more propganda drilled into their head.

-The Overwatch super-soldiers though are definitely part cyborg and possibly alien, like a less multilated stalker. They have holes and dents in their head suggesting lobotomy taking away emotions such as fear and mercy and evidence of drugs and machinery attached to make have let them have quicker reflexes and better fighters. They most probably may have been unwillingly brainwashed.

I think since the whole City is about to blow and aliens are swarming in from every corner, the morale is definitely lowered but many will still be hostile or harbor ill feelings towards the resistance. Most of it is probably "I know we're enemies but lets take out these buggers together first before we continue fighting
It actually would be cool if some combine soldiers or metro police decided to switch sides and help Gordon.
diluted said:
It actually would be cool if some combine soldiers or metro police decided to switch sides and help Gordon.

While others stayed hostile, testing loyalties and even making Combine "traitors" fight Combine "yes men".
Very good point made by Doc, the mention that metro police actually yell "Shit!" It may not sound like much, but it does show that the metros still have human habits. None of the other Combine soldiers show human traits other than showing alertness, not neccessarily fear, when a grenade lands at their feet. I seriously doubt any Combine, metro status or otherwise, will help the resistance. Even if they did, any rebel would shoot them even if they layed down their arms and surrendered. I know I would. Just plant a gun on him afterwards ;). Yes, it would be cool to have a troop of combine soldiers defect and tell all the Combine's dirty little secrets, and yes, they would be DIRTY... you know what I mean. Jeez, juveniles...
I think a mind control device might be possible. Mabye as they're being made a device is put into their heads and is powered by the citidel (to transmit orders more efficiently or something). Now that the citidel is pretty much shut down, the devices have been turned off.

I really do think that you'll still be fighting them in Aftermath, but just yet another theory.
Samon said:
The soldiers aren't from another planet, they are humans augmented with Combine technology.

I doubt the soldiers will help you, but its at least possible some metrocops will simply give the combine the finger and attempt to help.

dont u think that with combine and their infinite technology that they could clone combine?
Thatguy25 said:
Very good point made by Doc, the mention that metro police actually yell "Shit!" It may not sound like much, but it does show that the metros still have human habits. None of the other Combine soldiers show human traits other than showing alertness, not neccessarily fear, when a grenade lands at their feet. I seriously doubt any Combine, metro status or otherwise, will help the resistance. Even if they did, any rebel would shoot them even if they layed down their arms and surrendered. I know I would. Just plant a gun on him afterwards ;). Yes, it would be cool to have a troop of combine soldiers defect and tell all the Combine's dirty little secrets, and yes, they would be DIRTY... you know what I mean. Jeez, juveniles...

What if they removed their helmets then painted a huge lambda sign on their uniform? And they never shot at Barney but I guess most rebels knew him, so it doesn't count.
Don't forget to factor in that that the Metro Cops have had their memories erased also.
"Reminder, memory replacement is the first step toward rank privileges."
That’s in the Source Sounds GCF under hl2/sound/npc/overwatch/radiovoice/remindermemoryreplacement
Grimfox said:

Civil Protection Units are very much combine as well. The combine or "synth" are humans with an alien called the "synth" embedded into them. They've been dubbed "combine" by the people who've encountered some of them with the masks off. You'll notice throughout nova prospekt that there's one lying down on the operating table. You can see they've removed some vital organs and you can also see various stiching(s).

They will laugh and boss people around on the streets but that's just the alien manipulating the human side of the combine itself.

Barney doesn't work as a combine, he knocked one out and stole it's uniform to mimic one and snoop around to relay information back to alyx and kleiner.

That stripped soldier in Nova Prospekt was a super soldier (Combine Elite) not a CP. It says right there in the files. A random NPC also tells you in the beginning that he/she is considering joining up CP just to get a decent meal for once. This has been discussed many times and I still don't understand why it's still debated.

Can you honestly believe that one guy can just masquerade in a Combine Uniform and checkpoint card completely undetected by his co-workers and superiors, using every checkpoint, going into supply closets and locker rooms for at least a month? I don't think so.

Never state theory as fact, you will notice in nearly all my messages you will see "I believe" or "think" or "my theory is".

EDIT: You are in fact correct Agent G-Man, I discovered my mistake while searching for ITT's sound file, and that radio voice does both Civil Protection and Overwatch so I don't know. But remember it say it's the first step towards "rank privileges" so you don't have to unless you want a promotion. Like going into Military academy instead boot camp.
Actually, the stripped soldier in Nova Prospekt is just a Combine Soldier. And Civil Protection is made up of humans who willingly join the Combine Overwatch with no Combine implants required.
Civil Protection (Metro Cops) are likely just under some crude mind-control device while the Combine Soldiers and the Elites require more conditioning. That sound that you hear when you kill the CP's is likely the life-support/mind-control device shutting down. Logically the Combine would need to put something there to insure that the new recruits won't use their new power to help the resistance. They would need something to ensure loyalty.

Barney might have been able to elude the system with a special augmentation to his uniform installed by Kleiner.

Anyway, I doubt that the Combine Troops are running off the power of the Citadel. If that were true, the meltdown would shut their systems down, effectively killing them off.

Actually, the stripped soldier in Nova Prospekt is just a Combine Soldier. And Civil Protection is made up of humans who willingly join the Combine Overwatch with no Combine implants required.

I don't like this theory about the CP's. Why would they attack their icon Gordon Freeman if they were without controlling implants? They're even fighting the resistance after the uprising from Nova Prospekt's destruction.
A True Canadian said:
Civil Protection (Metro Cops) are likely just under some crude mind-control device while the Combine Soldiers and the Elites require more conditioning. That sound that you hear when you kill the CP's is likely the life-support/mind-control device shutting down.
Actually, it's Overwatch registering a downed officer. "Officer down at<...>".

CPs are humans. For God's sakes, how would Barney work undercover as a CP if they'd be brainwashed and so on? Missing logic here. Oh, and Grimfox, you're wrong about Barney beating one and taking his clothes. First of, he says "I've been working undercover as Civil Protection", and I doubt that a Metrocop coming out of nowhere would join the CP. He also says I still have limited acess to<...>, meaning he was given access, when joining the CPs.
"What if they realize that fighting you is not important, and just escaping the city means more."

If I was a Combine soldier, fighting Gordon will be my least of my worries….but that just me.

“Combine soldiers are basically just human, right?”

I gees most are….

“It actually would be cool if some combine soldiers or metro police decided to switch sides and help Gordon.”

$h** I would….
Roman Legion said:
"What if they realize that fighting you is not important, and just escaping the city means more."

If I was a Combine soldier, fighting Gordon will be my least of my worries….but that just me.

“Combine soldiers are basically just human, right?”

I gees most are….

“It actually would be cool if some combine soldiers or metro police decided to switch sides and help Gordon.”

$h** I would….

Combine Officer: Should I focus my energy on this puny human with mercy, compassion and understanding first or eliminate that Antlion Guard carving and crushing through the crowds? Hmmm.....
A True Canadian said:
Civil Protection (Metro Cops) are likely just under some crude mind-control device while the Combine Soldiers and the Elites require more conditioning. That sound that you hear when you kill the CP's is likely the life-support/mind-control device shutting down.

The CPs are human. Straight humans. I doubt they've been tampered with in any way.
Samon said:
The CPs are human. Straight humans. I doubt they've been tampered with in any way.

The General is always right! Those who disagree are dissend or desert who will be shot!
CPs could very likely be on your side, though frankly it'd surprise me to actually see any fully/clothed/masked who are. That's basically an admission that you were a traitor to the resistance and that now you're a completely cowardly, untrustworthy bastard, switching sides when it suits you.

Combine Soldiers? A toughee to tell really. The most interesting tidbit is this screenshot ( Where it seems that the Combine are far more interested in taking down the Antlion Guard than Alyx. Note also the much speculated upon new black Combine - is this a way of showing us friendly soldiers? Perhaps these guys are combine who were being put into service when the Citadel stopped working - their brainwashing unfinished, they have free will. Or otherwise, I'd favour some kind of central control by the Citadel - perhaps linked to the Overwatch Announcer - that is destroyed in order to free the Combine Soldiers. That'd be another asset to the Pro "Combine on Xen" arguement...

Combine Elites? IMO, These guys will remain combine loyal because:
1) They're the least human, or at least, I don't know too many cyclopses.
2) If these guys aren't enemies, we'll be fighting sub-humans and wildlife for the entire game which is potentially incredibly dull.
Samon said:
The CPs are human. Straight humans. I doubt they've been tampered with in any way.

If they are unaltered, then why would they fight against Gordon Freeman? Freeman is supposed to be the icon of the Resistance, the savior if you will. Freeman is a legend, so I ask why are the CP's freely attacking him if they have not been tampered with? Gordon destroys Nova Prospekt and then sets his sights against the Citadel to end the tyranny, yet the CP's still fight against humanity.

Do they suffer from the Star Wars syndrome? Once you join the dark side there's no turning back?
A True Canadian said:
If they are unaltered, then why would they fight against Gordon Freeman? Freeman is supposed to be the icon of the Resistance, the savior if you will. Freeman is a legend, so I ask why are the CP's freely attacking him if they have not been tampered with? Gordon destroys Nova Prospekt and then sets his sights against the Citadel to end the tyranny, yet the CP's still fight against humanity.

Do they suffer from the Star Wars syndrome? Once you join the dark side there's no turning back?

The metrocops joined Civil protection in quest for food, better living conditions and overall a better life - with most likely promises of a future among the stars....They have brutalised the citizens for years, bullying and provoking them. Reckon they'd be accepted with open arms simply because Freemans turned up? Nope, doubt it. And even then, most think hah...yeah, Freeman...what chance has he against a massive alien race?
Samon said:
The metrocops joined Civil protection in quest for food, better living conditions and overall a better life - with most likely promises of a future among the stars....They have brutalised the citizens for years, bullying and provoking them. Reckon they'd be accepted with open arms simply because Freemans turned up? Nope, doubt it. And even then, most think hah...yeah, Freeman...what chance has he against a massive alien race?
*has visions of a CP kicking a citizen*
"Where's your Freeman now? Mwuahahaha!"
AJ Rimmer said:
*has visions of a CP kicking a citizen*
"Where's your Freeman now? Mwuahahaha!"

Cut to Freeman appearing from behind and lodging a crowbar into his head :p
Samon said:
Cut to Freeman appearing from behind and lodging a crowbar into his head :p
“They’ll be looking for you now. You better get going.”
A True Canadian said:
If they are unaltered, then why would they fight against Gordon Freeman? Freeman is supposed to be the icon of the Resistance, the savior if you will. Freeman is a legend, so I ask why are the CP's freely attacking him if they have not been tampered with? Gordon destroys Nova Prospekt and then sets his sights against the Citadel to end the tyranny, yet the CP's still fight against humanity.

Do they suffer from the Star Wars syndrome? Once you join the dark side there's no turning back?

If they just go for Freeman that really shows they have no free will.

Sorry to make another political comparison...but your point is like saying like saying if Americans aren't brainwashed why are they all against Osama Bin Laden? I mean he's supposed to be a hero and savior to mankind right? Fighting against the fascist and murderess U.S Government.
DoctorWeeTodd said:
If they just go for Freeman that really shows they have no free will.
The New Testament. Jesus. Crucifixtion. Nuff Said.
It's entirely possible that this is sort of a cop-out for those that wanted to see Adrian Shepard, or wanted to play as a Combine Soldier. You'll get to play WITH Combine Soldiers, instead.

As for why the Combine Forces would suddenly be on your side, I think that the threat of total annihilation and the invasion of the Antlions (notice how close they are to the Citadel in the screenshot) would be a good reason for teaming up. Citizens and Combine can put aside their animosity for the purpose of continued survival.

And remember that the Combine used "Supression Fields" to prevent reproduction, and they use force fields as well, so they obviously have a good knowledge of energy fields. The cybernetic augmentation could physically control the Combine Forces, or they could have used some sort of mind control field to then affect those augmented with the proper recievers.

This is, however, speculation.

And let's not forget that without the Combine higher-ups calling the shots, why should any person fight against the INVINCIBLE Gordan Freeman, survivor of Black Mesa, Figurehead of the Resistance, and the man who cannot be killed by conventional weapons. That would just be suicide. :p

Seems to me that all those "traitors" have the mantra "it's better to be the right hand of the Devil, than in his path." ;) Which basically means, it's better to be on the winning team than to be an opponent.
I think that the Overwatch have no free will so cannot rebel but the CP are jsut brainwashed so there is a slight chance to rebel.
As already pointed out a lot, how could CPs be brainwashed? Barney wouldn't remember that he worked for the resistance if he was brainwashed
Even if you think Barney just simply knocked some dudes out and his superiors and co-workers were too stupid to notice there was a fully active human in their ranks what do you say about the people you meet in the cafeteria telling you they're thinking of signing up as a CP?