Combines - Angry Russians?

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Well im still thinking about it all. I mean you are working for G-man so that could be why. This is just a stupid idea so take no notice of it.

All i was saying is that why would the combine have to be alien human hybrids I mean that seems to be the idea alot of people are sticking too (partly because of the 'yellow' blood). They could just be part of some dictatorship of a country. I mean even in HL1 where you were in the US the soldiers were killing the scientists.
Originally posted by Sir Swallows
I think that the Combine are American soldiers who have gotten ahold of alien tech. They carry the M29 OICW, which is an American gun, and speak English, so they must be American. Their huge fortress is probably built with alien technology.

They also can't be alien, otherwise they wouldn't be running from the Strider in the screenshots.

The M29 OICW is made by Heckler & Koch which is a German company, the combine forces also carry the H&K PDW which isn't used by the American Millitary.

They could easily be a force that has bought russian gas masks and H&K guns and is neither Russian nor American.
You know I wouldn't assume they were russian, since we know that the aliens are consuming natural resources, maybe they also make use of existing manmade resources? Like the gas masks!

Anyway, sounds like a pretty good theory, the aliens could be after an old research project or something.. or maybe it takes place in City 17 because they key to ridding the earth of the aliens is to do with some research carried out there.
They R not Russian Gasmasks. If u look at it, they different in many ways. Inspired somewat? Yes. The Russian gasmasks dont have double filters (basically those canisters) while the Combines have 2. There are also some small other details which can be pointed out, but i dun think i wanna go into that :P.

As for people who might thinks City 17 is actually located in Russia, its a slight possibility, but many of the Bilboards, store names, arent Russian (Cafe, Terminal, and other varities of other europen languages).

Also theres also if the Combines were to be Russians, it would be reviving the cold war all over again, the pro-capitalist idea in many of our media would be once agian revived again, and it would be irrational for Valve to do so.
I think even if they were Russians, Valve would make them speak English so that we knew what was going on, like in Half Life when you sneak up on Marines sometimes they are discussing what's going on - "Answers sure, but civilians? Who ordered this operation anyway?" etc. There could be scenes where the Combine soldiers are talking to each other revealing parts of the plot.

The only place I've heard the Combine soldiers talking so far was when one shouts out "Man down!" when the bar swings down killing a few of them, and he doesn't sound entirely human, although that might just be from wearing a gas mask.
Nah, game companies (at least the good ones) would have each nationalities speak their own language on where they came from. MoHAA did this, so did many strategy games that use different nationalities (Blitzkrieg for instance). And the new technology of the muscle system would allow foreign dialogue besides english to be added in with ease.

Also the Combines, y their voice sounds like that, is because its through a radio (ear piece kind, or implemented in the mask, i dunno). Its the same way the marines in HL had done using their kinda radio robotic voice. And if u hear in the video showcasing the Hydra, u can clearly hear the unfortunate combine soldier :P before he gets impaled by the Hydra, he says "Hold it There".
The following message is for you f4gs that hate Russians. The rest of you are excused.

Shut the fsck up all you racist bastards! Fsckin smacktards! You probably learned about other countries from a brick! Fsckin racist smacktards!
Maybe because they are corrupt and are trying to kill you as well?
Originally posted by talleyban
Maybe because they are corrupt and are trying to kill you as well?

Who is, Russians or Combines? Or Ameirca?
ok first off Serpent, theres noone here that hates Russians. Its an arguement over in which who are the combines and do they have the slightest chance of being Russian? Me myself respect them, and have followed and learned many of the history they contain (especially WW1, WW2, and the Cold War as u can say im a student under those studies) if u are offened by any of the posts which give u the idea that they're offending, im sry. But none of these had or was saying that Russians are bad
wow, idiots come in here with the first white rubber gas mask they see and say it's the one that the combine gas mask is based on. this is the one they based it on:


ps. who cares what country they're from. they used russian gas mask because it looked cool and creepy. and they used an m16 in the concept art because the artist was probably more familiar with it.

wow, simple reasoning...have you morons mastered it?
wow, simple reasoning...have you morons mastered it?
Kind of ironic coming from someone that feels there is still ground to cover in a 4 yr old debate/thread. Nicely done sir.
Uh, wow. Can anyone say infraction?
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