Comfort eating...

May 24, 2003
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I think ive been doing it, like for the past few weeks ive been feeling the strain of collage, work and my social life and ive noticed that ive been stuffing a lot more sugar down there than normal.

It feels really weird knowing that im doing it, because i know exactly why i feel like eating all this junk, and i know that its not the best idea but i still do it anyway because for a short time it makes me feel better...

Its just feels odd.

I dunno, i just felt like i needed to say that to someone, might as well be internet folk :)
Internet folk are the best kinda folk... for letting out random stuff anyway.

Any yeah, I can relate to that. Allthough junk foods dont seem to affect me. I eat absolutely loads and yet I don't get any fatter....

But don't get all depressed yet. You have to remember that my arteries are probably getting all furred up and I will die early instead. My family has a history of bad hearts.... Yipeee.......!
I've been wasting away into nothing for the past.

I've lost like 20 pounds since fall.

I'm 6'2" and 150, and therefore I qualify as a lightweight in crew.
Well...its not like im getting fat or anything. Funnily enough, i am around 6'2" and i weigh something like 170 pounds...which is about right.

I dunno, i wouldnt expect many people to reply to this thread, but its just nice to say these and know that at least 1 other person knows.
Heheh, I have a LOAD of exams coming up soon. So you can expect some random threads from me angry about anything and everything....
Do you want me to discuss this or give you a Final Solution?
Whenever customers treat me badly i eat a chocolate bar after too feel better :(
I drink diet soft drinks instead of eating when stressed or bored. 0 carbs and calories!! Works for me :)
There was some study where they found out that poor neighborhoods eat a whole lot more paistries and sweets than rich neighborhoods.

So I guess if your sad and poor, your going to stuff more candy in your face......

so says science........
|MaTT| said:
I drink diet soft drinks instead of eating when stressed or bored. 0 carbs and calories!! Works for me :)
but you neeed caaaaarrrbbssss

atkins diet is suiiciiiddeeee
|MaTT| said:
I drink diet soft drinks instead of eating when stressed or bored. 0 carbs and calories!! Works for me :)

Diet drinks can really screw you up. The chemicals in them can cause really bad depression, and just tons of other things.

Here is a link to what the sweetener in Diet Coke does to you...

here's a little bit of it for lazy people that don't click on links....

1. Aspartame (nutrasweet) breaks down into methanol (wood alcohol).

2. Methanol quickly converts to formadehyde in the body.

3. Formaldehyde causes gradual and eventually severe damage to the neurological system, immune system and causes permanent genetic damage at extremely low doses.

so look out for Aspartame
Im sure it isnt...

Ive probably made it sounds worse than it is, but im just under some stress and food relieves that.
I eat when I've got nothing to do... which is most of the time. But when I'm busy I never eat. I've gone 2 days before where I've only eaten a sandwich and a packet of crisps

- You only do confort eating when you're depressed for some reason and have nothing to do. Plan your day. Be busy.
-- If you are stil unable to stop it, try eating fruit (with lots of sugar if you can't help it, still better than eating fast food)

- If you are strong in mind, you can simply control yourself.

- After a while, you get fat. When you do, you'll stop ( I personnally ensure that works)

- Try messing up your day to a happier routine. Be more optimistic about life.
-- Especially try not to think bad stuff.

- Eat stuff that fills you with few (TPS).

I dont know why but i have a strange urge to kill my parents...and buy a leather hat for my cat.
Right now im drinking a large bottle of grapefruit flavoured mineral water... :)
Yeah, im in rowing too. I eat as much as I can and I'm still a lightweight but at 5' 8.5" and 156lb. Put on about 10lb since last year. I don't see the desire to eat in excess, eating seems sorta like a chore sometime, like when you're busy and it's dinner time. Keeping fruit around might help, 2 or 3 apples are pretty filling.
For the personal brag I pull a 6:48 2k
I pull a 7:20 2k :( am improving though, considering I literally did nothing my whole life before I joined crew I'd say its pretty decent. Also being a novice I need some leeway :P Improving though.
I usually eat no breakfast, hardely any lunch, then chow down at night...
LittleB said:
Whenever customers treat me badly i eat a chocolate bar after too feel better :(

Whenever customers treat me badly i eat them.
yeah but at work they lock me in a bulletproof cage. in the past we've had incidents involving disgruntled cashiers....
Comfort eating is nothing more than a plosh of plish. As yin into yang thus is the perfection of the situation, nothing more nothing less to be free is a mans right. Sweet dreams are made of these..........