Command and Conque: City 17


Aug 4, 2004
Reaction score
Ok it may sound silly at first but I think it would make a great mod, using all the art from Half-Life 2-

The Combine:
They have the most powerful weapons but Resistance guirella attacks pose a threat.
Vehicle factory
Drop off point (Dropships drop down units)
Prowlers ect...

The Resistance
They are weaker than The Combine but have the ability to make any empty building into something to suit their needs
Recruiting building
Amoury (Turn normal recruits into pecific units)
Attack units (with assult rifle)

Xen Aliens
With no powerful human weapons they are the weakest but have the ability to teleport in from the borderworld (though this leaves a portal for others to come into Xen)
Buildings(if you can call them that)-
Gonarch (for headcrabs)
Healing pool
Nithalinth-thingie (Creating other units)
All the aliens from HL1
Im getting excited, i like it. I think I will write a design doc when I have some time.
If its single player C&C style, then I would find it interesting.

If its NS Style (One rts player and team of players for the units) then I'm officially excited by the idea.
There is a mod in development which is very similar to this idea called Empires mod. Check out of site sometime if you're interested.
Game combinations are stupid.
The idea isn't just the title is.
And if it's Command and Conquer wouldn't it just have ties to EA, and as far as THAT company is concerned, I want no part of it.

Stupid EA, took over Westwood.
Ch1cKeN said:
Game combinations are stupid.
The idea isn't just the title is.
And if it's Command and Conquer wouldn't it just have ties to EA, and as far as THAT company is concerned, I want no part of it.

Stupid EA, took over Westwood.

Thats because a lot of them are money making licensed trash, like renegade all of those different Dune games.
And also I only used C&C to give an idea of what I was talking about.
sounds like a good idea, but you got the wrong forum.

General Editing is where you wanna be.
Yeah go for it try to introduce it to some modders if they like it they may make it happen.
Not sure if this is the right forum for this thread, but it definitely sounds good
Link said:
If its single player C&C style, then I would find it interesting.

If its NS Style (One rts player and team of players for the units) then I'm officially excited by the idea.

Empires Mod is NS style ;) And it's in the realm of C&C tech-wise (50 years in the future, about).

AND it was my idea to create a C&C mod! ;) J/k, I'm sure lots of people have thought about it. Problem is, I can't use the name C&C, so it'd have to be something else.

To the main poster, to make it truly a tribute to C&C it has to have a Side HUD style, not like Generals *cough*crap*cough*. Only good thing about Generals was general powers (which Axis & Allies is using too).

If you decide to get on with this, I want to be an idea person ;) Since I love C&C to death.
I love C&C as well. If you need a writer, I'd be more than happy to help. :)