Command and Conquer!

Favourite C&C Game?

  • C&C Red Alert

    Votes: 45 37.8%
  • C&C Tiberian Sun

    Votes: 11 9.2%
  • C&C Red Alert 2

    Votes: 31 26.1%
  • C&C Generals

    Votes: 13 10.9%
  • C&C Tiberian Dawn (Original Command and Conquer)

    Votes: 19 16.0%

  • Total voters


May 6, 2005
Reaction score
Who remembers C&C in the glory days that were C&C Red Alert 2? It was my first RTS and i loved it. I think it was one of the last games to use FMV's wasnt it? The mass tank rushes were (stupidly) amazing.

Later i picked up Tiberian Sun on the cheap from Blockbuster, liked it but was too outdated at the time for me, so meh.

Lastly i got Generals, a massive change in the series imo from futuristic Tiberian Sun style and changed history to fully 3D real life events. It was good but lacked to subtle quality i loved so much from C&C Red Alert 2.

So what were your favourite C&C games and moments?
Nothing can ever beat Command and Conquer: Red Alert. That game was God. I liked Red Alert 2, but it was far too colourful and cartoony for my liking... Red Alert had that fantastic gritty feel to it, and Frank Klepacki's tunes were in their peak at that time - Bigfoot, Crush, Hellmarch, oh the memories.

You forgot Command and Conquer on the poll, by the way.
Gotta be RA2... the step from RA1 to RA2 was awesome. :D

The original is still great though, hmmm, may have to install that tonight.
Damn, can you add that to the poll please Axyon?
C&C Red Alert was the true champion of the series, although I think Red Alert 2 was a great sequel. The game was well balanced and had some great missions, most of the single player missions would last me hours until I build up my forces and crush the opposition for supreme satisfaction. The dogs that attack the infantry and moving your tanks to run over guys with great squish sounds was classic. I really enjoyed the cinematics and the ending for both sides in the original. I also prefered the Soviet Union side over the Aliies. Btw you forgot about C&C (vanilla) which looked similar to RA but wasn't as good imho. :)
Edit: Ahh yes Hellmarch, how could I forget!
Original RA for me. Closely follwoed by RA2 and Generals.
C&C (Tiberian Dawn) - the original and the best.
Call me a n00b, but the only one I've played is Generals :( It was exceedingly good until they ruined it with Zero Hour, IMO.
Bloooody hell, how many did i miss (excluding expansions) i purposely left out Renegade as it ain't true C&C imo
Evo said:
Bloooody hell, how many did i miss (excluding expansions) i purposely left out Renegade as it ain't true C&C imo
Excluding expansions and Renegade, they're all there now... Tiberian Dawn is the official name for C&C.
What about the oringal C&C(no extra name), which btw I have a fully working cd.
Ah right, my mistake again *shakes head in disappointment with self*
thanks for sorting it Mod's :thumbs:
ive still got the original red alert and the expansion pack. Theyre awesome.
Red Alert and Red Alert 2 for me. Tiberian Sun, too, because the Titans kicked major ass.

I think they were called Titans, anyway. The things that looked like At-At walkers for the GDI. OH OH, plus that gates aswell. Yeah.
I am doing, right now!
how dare you include Generals in that list, its a discrase for the CC games! IT SHALL BE BURNED AND HANGED!!! 3 TIMES OVER AND OVER AGAIN!
I liked red alert 1 but i played generals teh most so i voted for that. Its pretty good although it lacks something compared with the red alert 1
RA2, but it should have RA1 music.

Edit. The generals option should be EA:Generals. It was NOT a C&C game, it was an independant RTS.
Actually, it shouldn't be there at all, it was a decent game BUT IT WAS NOT C&C!:flame:
*/me gets consumed by rage*
Me and my bro's got every single one except generals and renegade. I wasn't really into PC games the time the oringal was out, I just watched me bro play it sometimes. The first one I really got into was Red Alert, I really liked RA1 + 2 and Tiberian Sun. Cheesy cinematics ftw!
Axyon said:
Excluding expansions and Renegade, they're all there now... Tiberian Dawn is the official name for C&C.
Meh, remove the Tiberian Dawn, that got me confused so I voted RA. Just put C&C...
I bought the C&C box...came with like 5 or 6 C&C games..

RA was my fav. I loved RA2...but yeah...I don't know, seemed like they put too much effort in the looks of things. Granted I loved alot of the ideas *mirage tanks...Weather Device..oh yeah*

I voted RA none the less...I had to toss it around with RA2 though.
original (+dinosaurs).
red alert (+ants).

you could've added the expansions and renegade too ;)
Tiberian Dawn and Red Alert. The story. The music. They were great. Even the bad acting was awesome. RA2 was a joke though compared to the other 2. I say joke because they made it into a joke. Look at the ending cinimatic for the allies. I rather liked the serious overtones of Tiberian Dawn for example when Kane walks into an office gets into an arguement with one of his officers and caps him in the head.

As for Generals it's one of the many reasons why I hate EA.

First of all Generals wasn't created by anyone of the original C&C crew. Infact EA had closed one of the best companies ever which was responsable for C&C Westwood. It was a sad day in gaming when this happened. They then slapped the C&C name on the garbage called Generals and called it a game even though it had nothing to do with the original series.
Tiberian Sun.
'Nuff said.

If you disagree, you suck at life.

I liked Generals better, but Zero Hour broke my computer.

Red Alert, i was never able to play. Something about an 'memory error'
My fave C&C was sole survivor...I loved the feeling of only having one unit to control on a huge map. It was better than sex...With a 12 foot crocodile.

My real fave was RA1. So many memories playing that over lan when I was 14.
It was only sold in the US.

...fresh in off the gossip network... a new C&C game to be announced soon.
Red Alert was the high point. Later games were probably better in some way or other, but the series just stagnated and didn't bring much new with each new title (didn't play Generals or whatever it was mind you) The original was great, but RA was refined and didn't have any of that Land of NOD crap or whatever it was.
You mean the Brotherhood of Nod vs GDI. Yes, almost as silly as Allies vs Soviets. Both games were so enormously similar (RA was more or less a minor mod of C&C with a few engine overhauls).

C&C storyline > RA storyline (although Kane from C&C was in RA anyway, in an attempt to link the two)
Pi Mu Rho said:
You mean the Brotherhood of Nod vs GDI. Yes, almost as silly as Allies vs Soviets. Both games were so enormously similar (RA was more or less a minor mod of C&C with a few engine overhauls).

C&C storyline > RA storyline (although Kane from C&C was in RA anyway, in an attempt to link the two)
And in the Sov ending didn't that girl kill everyone and say that Nod would rise or something?
And they also mentioned something about the GDI forum in one of the videos.