Commander Keen dating sim

Kaptain H

Nov 29, 2007
Reaction score
About as unbelievable as one, but I've accepted a job offer at id Software! I just wanted to share, since sharing game jobs seems to be all the rage around here, but I'm super excited to go work on the Rage team and work with the megatextures!

id is seriously like, my number two dream studio to work for. Everyone there is already a thousand times more awesome than me, so I expect to learn a lot. I turned down an offer from Bioware (a rather crappy one), and though this means staying in the horrible Dallas area for the foreseeable future, it's totally worth it.

So, hooray. Now I just need to get my female TF2 character mods done before I start in April, in case Zenimax tells me I can't publish outside personal projects or some crap.
I'm a huge fan of your art work, and a huge fan of id Software. This should turn out well. Congratulations!
lol zenimax/bethesda
in before shitstorm
Congrats! And hey, Dallas isn't so bad. Me and a couple friends from the studio I work at just went there this weekend for the Zbrush User Group meeting, and it was a paradise compared to where we live. We actually saw Brett Briley there, and he was giving a demonstration. Funny how small the industry is. One of my friends just moved to the Dallas area (Plano to be more accurate) since he got a job at Gearbox.

Damn, I need to refresh my portfolio and start applying again. You guys are taking all the good jobs!
Congrats man! You're a great artist, good luck at id!
Corner them all in a dark room and force them to start making good games again.
Good job dude, say hello to carmak for me :P
You must teach me rendering techniques. :( Good luck
Congrats dude! And make that dating sim. Sounds like an awesome idea :D
FYI Kaptain H isn't a dude.

What is your job specifically? Are you doing environmental stuff, or characters/creatures? Modeling and texturing?

Dallas isn't so bad... it's Texas that is awful.

Beware of South Dallas however... that area is dangerous! Or so I hear anyway... never been there.
Well damn. A person with your talents deserves good things from now and then. Go make the world a better place. :E


Dallas isn't so bad... it's Texas that is awful.

Beware of South Dallas however... that area is dangerous!

Really? I was under the impression that Texas was one of the better states in America, in terms of living standards/conditions. I mean, they have Texas Instruments! *kisses TI-89*
Really? I was under the impression that Texas was one of the better states in America, in terms of living standards/conditions.

Its the Deep South dude, all our problems come from the Deep South.
Its the Deep South dude, all our problems come from the Deep South.

Lol, yeah I kinda noticed that in the lectures on American History. Damn them and their cotton for creating events that created events that transformed the United States multiple times!

And I didn't know you still called them the Deep South. I thought it was a term in use for the 18th and 19th centuries with the westward expansion and shit.
Thanks, guys, you are swell.

Me and a couple friends from the studio I work at just went there this weekend for the Zbrush User Group meeting, and it was a paradise compared to where we live. We actually saw Brett Briley there, and he was giving a demonstration. Funny how small the industry is. One of my friends just moved to the Dallas area (Plano to be more accurate) since he got a job at Gearbox.

Damn, I need to refresh my portfolio and start applying again. You guys are taking all the good jobs!

That's awesome, I was at that meeting too. I was pissed that it wasn't actually held at the Guildhall, since we have a much better setup for larger groups like that. But it was closed still for spring break. Where do you work? Job opportunities are still kind of crap right now, I've been finding.


Dallas isn't so bad... it's Texas that is awful.

Beware of South Dallas however... that area is dangerous! Or so I hear anyway... never been there.

Dude, I used to have to drive down to this part of Dallas called Oak Cliffs, and it was p scary. They always put the VA hospitals in the ghetto.

FYI Kaptain H isn't a dude.

What is your job specifically? Are you doing environmental stuff, or characters/creatures? Modeling and texturing?

I'm an environmental artist, and I'll be working with the megatexture stuff, and I think with a little modeling or extra texture creation to start out. Much better than the basic asset placement they wanted me to do at Bioware D:
FYI Kaptain H isn't a dude.

What is your job specifically? Are you doing environmental stuff, or characters/creatures? Modeling and texturing?
Everyone is a dude unless they're a square AND WHERE IS YOUR SANTA HAT
this thread is desperate for mikael's posts
That's awesome, I was at that meeting too. I was pissed that it wasn't actually held at the Guildhall, since we have a much better setup for larger groups like that. But it was closed still for spring break. Where do you work? Job opportunities are still kind of crap right now, I've been finding.

You were actually at the user group meeting? Whaaaat. Thats so weird. I work at a really small indie studio called Dream Forge Entertainment. Its pretty rocky here though, which is getting stressful.
Was the bioware offer for austin? I could imagine it being exciting placing "assets" (lul that word makes me think of tiny asses) around a KOTOR MMO... in a boring sort of way.
Was the bioware offer for austin? I could imagine it being exciting placing "assets" (lul that word makes me think of tiny asses) around a KOTOR MMO... in a boring sort of way.

Yeah, in Austin for that Star Wars MMO. Bioware outsources its environmental artists to China, and they like to hire contract people here and there to fill any random tasks that need to be done. And thanks to EA's bizarre hiring rules, all contract employees are automatically let go after 12 months, and you can't reapply for 3 months at that point (and future hires must be full time.) I think it's their special way of telling you that they don't want to keep you around permanently.
Congrats on the job!

Just out of curiosity, if iD is your #2 dream studio, what's the first?