Comment on the above person's sig

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Apparently he is the king of noobs, and that link never gets old.

Edit: God dammit Piggy! Spoilers may contain awesome lols.
Spoilers contain awesome quotes and colours.
Has a sig. Loves penis, especially those belonging to large sea mammals.
Enjoys reading uninformative pieces of shit, then putting a long made up word FTW.
Hey, is your Nationstates still alive Numbers?
Jintor is like some sort of demigod.

He can do art, he can play violin, piano, HE CAN SING.

AH! HE CAN SING! nooooooooooooooooo
Keep replying to people until somebody mentions my name in relation to your signature Jintor...


Awesome signature by the way.

P.S. Whoever replies to me, don't comment on my signature cause it sucks, reply to Jintor's signature and say how much it rocks.
Umm okay......

Jintor is like some sort of demigod.

He can do art, he can play violin, piano, HE CAN SING.

AH! he can still.....sing.........
Creepy big eyed anime chick who seems to be poking her eye while sticking out her tongue.
Presumably is a consumer of drugs.
*worships Jintor*

*comments on Raziaar's relationship to it*
Um... Yuri... I'm lost?

Has too many links which one day I might risk by clicking...
Reminds me of ducks crossing a road. I also see a very strange daily procedure for Phobie; the fact it was serious comment or a joke eludes me.
I'm not sure where that quote comes from, but I'm going to assume it's humurous, because it appears to be.
A true statement, several links, and something that looks like a penis.
A quote, a spoiler, and something that looks like a penis.
:o It's a hat! I mean... sure, can understand that people don't see it normally... but it's even got a title!

Rapstah's contradictorarily wrong. Get several links and some confused face. In large font.

Edit: Damn! Two people posted while I was posting! And I broke the chain >,<
Enjoys taking super massive dumps that stretch the anus with in a inch of it's life. Enjoys pain, loves the smell.
A quote I assume, but from where... I doubt anyone knows.

EDIT: **** you druckles!
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