Community Competition

Are you interested in a community competition (to win prizes)?

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Hot Soup

Original Five
May 19, 2003
Reaction score
Well as you know hl2 isn't out yet. :p

Irrespective of whether it's going to be summer or autumn there will be a bit of time to kill.

But it's been suggested to me by a couple of the peeps in the community and some of our scurvy staff that we run a competition for the community.
It could be art or fan fiction, at any rate I've had some cracking suggestions for it. What I want to do now though is just get a quick straw poll before we get stuck in.

Do you guys wants us to this and is it a good idea :)?

Personally I'd like to do this and the rest of the staff are up for it so how about you guys?
One thing that Hot Soup didn't mention though guys - the competitions will have various prizes. Any time you put into the competition will be rewarded if you win :)
I Personally think that a competition would be a great idea, would give something further to the community, allowing people to show their talents and such and win prizes in return. Anyone else have any comments on this?
One other thing I'll mention is that I'd probably go for submissions to an email address so you dont need to feel shy about entering something :)

Believe me I know what thats like, recently had to write a "Morality tale" for my work of all places and then have the other 50 members of staff read it. Fun it was not! So rest assured your submissions wouldn't be plastered all over the forum. Although saying that if you agreed ie each individual who entered could designate if they would like it up at some point .. we could have a gallery or library or something.

But anyway thats later , now is just for me to gauge interest :)
Design a new header :)
On top of that the first competition winner will be judged by eight staff members or other affiliated sponsors.
lol, what's wrong with the current header? Munro spent many precious seconds on that! ;P
Actually MrBond did, he doesn't work with us anymore. We need a completely new design tbh.
Ahhhh. Well, hmmmmm. Could be onto something SixThree, but remember, we are just trying to get an idea of the amount of people would enter it. No point trying to give out prizes/getting someone to sponser us if only 2 people enter the competition!
Sniper said:
Ahhhh. Well, hmmmmm. Could be onto something SixThree, but remember, we are just trying to get an idea of the amount of people would enter it. No point trying to give out prizes/getting someone to sponser us if only 2 people enter the competition!

I think many would enter, Art Contests are boring, you get a whole bunch of nice purdy pictures and you never see them again. If we had a contest to redesign the site, we could see the grand prize winner everyday.
Jeesh, even the mods forget about the art forum.
We have an art contest every week, you know.
Hence, there is a Weekly Art Contest thread that is changed every week, on a weekly basis. :p
Mechagodzilla said:
Jeesh, even the mods forget about the art forum.
We have an art contest every week, you know.
Hence, there is a Weekly Art Contest thread that is changed every week. :p
You still hold that art contest?!

I thought I knew everything that went on here.

EDIT: Who the **** is Munro?
Mechagodzilla said:
Jeesh, even the mods forget about the art forum.
We have an art contest every week, you know.
Hence, there is a Weekly Art Contest thread that is changed every week. :p

I always thought those stickies were just really old contests tbh :)
I know there is :p

But not everyone can make purdy pictures. I know I sure as hell can't so I'd be looking at having a larger thing with art just being one part :)
And like chris said we'd hope to have some prizes to offer for the winners, which would make it a little different to our weekly one and probably entertain more netries as well.

netries = entries ;(

It's 3am :'(
Interesting idea. It may be a magnet for new members that hear about it.

But the competition might split the community.....I certainly won't participate.
That website idea sounds like a great one, however, web design normally requires tools or specific talents, and I think it would be best if the competition was open to everyone. For instance, a short story or something similar would only require wordpad to write it, and the quality of the writing or it's style wouldn't rely on what software package you are using.

Spfara: Do you really think a community competition would split the people entering it from the others?
Sprafa said:
Interesting idea. It may be a magnet for new members that hear about it.

But the competition might split the community.....I certainly won't participate.
Why do you always bring things down to the community splitting.

Maybe your trying to split the community with your comments hmmmm? :p
If anyone else has got any other competition ideas, I'd love to hear them (no doubt soupeh would thank you also)..
Well, you gotta remember you'll actually need to do something for the competition, probably won't just be like a prize draw, lol
If you can do it without making it tacky...bully to you. :p
Sniper said:
Do you really think a community competition would split the people entering it from the others?

No. I think that arrogant winners might split from the losers with the usual dumbass comments.

And that some members might just be around for the competition.

Still, it's a good idea.
I see what you mean with the 'aroogant winners' thing.. there is such a thing as a bad winner, after all. Not much can be done about them, thru..
Competitions could be held in the Source World I suppose... racing or something along those lines might work. Or a 'use the manipulator to make a pyramid out of crates' competition :rolling:
U dont need tools to make a headbanner, everybody has paint right :p
besides This forum definitly needs a better head and a contest is the best way to do it, they did the same at the ns forums and look how nice their headbanner is ;)
and to make sure the head doesnt get worse munro could post his ugly banner aswell :p
I dunno, I just think a artwork competition would really limit the amount of people who can enter it. :/
Not everyone can write well either.
Not doing something art related because not everyone can do it is silly, you can't always target the lowest common denominator. And most popular art apps have trial versions anyway.
theGreenBunny said:
Not everyone can write well either.
Not doing something art related because not everyone can do it is silly, you can't always target the lowest common denominator. And most popular art apps have trial versions anyway.
I'm with tGB here :)
I do agree bunny, which is why what I have in mind and what people have suggested to me will encapsulate ( /me puts away thesarus :p ) a couple of different things. We would want to give people as much opportunity as possible

And I like your avatar \o/
A competition where we just ask people to "do something creative" would be a) a little too vague and open and b) a bloody nightmare to judge.

We'll be having many competitions ranging from art, writing, design and general "answers on a post card" type competitions too. Just watch this space :)
It would be complicated but you could combine art and writting together by letting people set up teams that will write comic strips about HL2 and the community. That way you can let a combination of different skills take part.

EDIT: Or you maybe have fan fiction with illustrations if you don't like doing cartoon work.
That's an interesting idea...
How hard would it to give teams prizes, thru.. We'd need tonnes of prizes.. unless we can rent out staff for sexual favours, of course.