"Community Off to a Good Start"

Sep 28, 2003
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FileFront are currently hosting a small article that takes a look at the booming Half-Life 2 mod community, whom they proclaim are "off to a good start". The article contains quotes from members of the Citizen 132 and Heat modifications, as well as a few choice words from Doug Lombardi of Valve Software. It's an interesting read, to say the least.
“For my own personal enjoyment, I'd love to see someone take a shot at a billiards game that uses the roller mines,” Lombardi said. “I've actually been thinking about it non-stop since the first time I saw the mines in action.”
[br]You can read the full article here.
And how would billiard work if all the mines wouldn't stop attacking the player closest to them? Madness yes :)
I dont know about Billiards, since i dont know how to play it.. but Snooker would rule :)
And how would billiard work if all the mines wouldn't stop attacking the player closest to them? Madness yes :)

Disable the combat code of the combine mines would do it.

-Angry Lawyer
- nitpicking on

Meh, they don't even mention our bots! We got very first bots walking in CSS and they don't even mention them! (yes, walking, shooting you,etc).

- nitpicking off

w00t, can't wait to see those mods released :D
Angry Lawyer said:
Disable the combat code of the combine mines would do it.

-Angry Lawyer
Yeah but that's cheating ;) Where's the fun in that?
That sounds like the worst idea i have ever heard in awhile.;
Someone tell Doug I'm working on a billiards mod.

It should be ready late September.