Community Reviewers Program

Hectic Glenn

Site Director
Staff member
Aug 8, 2004
Reaction score
You may have noticed recently, that we have been fortunate enough to get our hands on lots of new games coming to Steam, and this is going to continue. Some of these games are massive titles, others are smaller indie games. We often like to get feedback on these games as well as adding a review to our site from the community which could appear in our new features slider on the front page!

So basically, I'm looking for community members who are interested and good at reviewing games! Well what is in it for you? We will provide the reviewer with a free copy of the game on Steam, which you can use to review the game and keep forever after.

I'd like to hear from volunteers who would like to be on our 'regular community reviewers' list to write reviews. Unfortunately we can't give Steam games away to any unknown members of the community so I am addressing members who are well known to with talent for reviewing games.

The speed of the turnaround of your reviews, the quality and communication reviewers use are all important. If these are consistently good you will be selected more often and will earn more free games. If problems arise expect to be blacklisted and removed from the program.

We obviously have limited spaces available, so please post if you are interested / if you have any reviewing experience. We will request samples of writing after an initial shortlist.
I'm up for reviewing mods, but my English bit sucks (but i know few guys who can help me with the grammar). I used to review games for some sites long time ago.
Any kind of vague leg-up anywhere would be interesting right now. I haven't written an in-depth review on anything for some time mind you. Wouldn't hurt to get back into it.
I'd definitely like to give it a shot, considering it's something I'd like to do for a living at some point...if possible...
I'd like to give it a shot, but the conditions would be nice to how long we have to review it (for example I work 40 hrs a week and I'd like to know how long I'd have to complete it) or if theres going to a review score like this:


I would love to be a reviewer. People ask me all the time if a game is worth it or not.
I could consider doing these reviews. I haven't really had my reviewing skills judged before, so I'm not entirely sure how good I am to be honest, however I find my english to be somwhat decent.

EDIT: Also, not sure if I qualify as a "known" member with my current post count, but I did join back in 2003. Also, Pi knows me from IRC, however not sure if he wants to attest to that, I think he hates my guts. ;)
I would say that the best way for us to judge it, is if you write a mini review of a game you've played recently. Either post in the Games section, or PM it to Glenn or myself.

Also, we're not after formal reviews with a rating - just your own impressions of the game.
How long time do we have to make this "test" review? I'm playing a game currently, that I'm thinking of making a mini review of, but I have to play all the aspects of the game before I feel that I can write the review.
Oooh ooh pick me, pick me! I is a righter who can speke the englisch good.
Well you are correct, you'd need a good amount of time to put the game through it's full paces before being able to write anything. Turn around times will vary and we will notify the people involved when we'll need a review back for. If one week someone is too busy then we will pass it onto another member. 7 days would be an average turnaround time, but could vary depending on the size and depth of the game.

Format isn't locked for a review, but the important aspects should always be discussed. Story, puzzles, weapons / maps of interest, visuals, multiplayer, price, summary etc. It kind of ruins the impressions you felt of the game as Pi said, if we lock the format and make it too formal. We'd like to see your own style. Normal reviews should be around 600/700 words.

We would also like participants to be fully capable with their written English.

Which game you are currently playing Murray? To gauge your ability it would be helpful if you did a mini-review on a game we are familiar with!
Currently I am playing Guitar Hero World Tour. I bought the full set for my Ps3 slim, and so far I've only played the guitar part. I'm gonna try mic and drums as well, plus I haven't tried online mode yet.
I'll help out if you don't mind a distinct lack of experience.
I'd love to, time permitting...

Sent through the one we were talking about for you to have a look at.
I like the idea, and my brother used to review for Gamers Europe a long while back, (He still has business cards :P) but I'm not sure I'd be able to commit the time. I'm not exactly a renouned member either, nor particularly trusted as yet.

If I find the time I'll write a mini review. Does it have to be a recent game?
Is it too late to send in your review? I'm done with mine.
The next game we will need a review for is Darkest of Days Glenn is away on holiday. I will be selecting who will get to review the game for us from this thread. I will be sending a pm to confirm you are still interested and will do the review.
BlueWolf, want me to send my review to you via PM then?
Send them to glenn or pi not me. just this week I will select the person to do the review.
Can I send it some document format? The review is longer than 2500 letters, so I can't send it via PM.
I'm very interested in this. I'm currently playing Beyond Good and Evil and could write a test review for that. Is there a format I should put it in or something, or do I just do what feels right?
I've been away for near 2 weeks, so apologies to people who have emailed / PMed me and I haven't replied, as you can see Pi was handling everything!

We have a couple of solid people interested now, which is great to see. As said earlier...example reviews should have the key parts of a review but still be your own style. We'd like the reviews to be 600-700 words. 2500 is far too lengthy.

Email reviews through to Pi's email and mine. (kupo / ZT / Murray / Sheepo as of now). glenn at halflife2 dot net

Anyone else still interested is welcome to throw their hat in the ring.
I would also like to become a community reviewer, do you guys need another (backup) person?

If yes, please tell me and I'll review a game I've recently played.
Sent off my review of Red Faction: Guerrilla to Pi and Glenn. Here's to hoping they like it :P
EDIT: I just remembered that I forgot to add in my review of the MP Component.
Whoops. I'll add it in if you guys want me to.
No file attached to your email you've sent Alex. Also, I'm not sure how much of the game you have played since you only started working on this tonight I'm concerned you've done a rushed review, or have you already played the game through thoroughly?

When you resend, feel free to include the MP section.
Are you going to leave this option open for all time?
I like the idea that anyone can be a kind of freelance reviewer for the site. Might encourage some good competition.

edit: Oh I just read the first post again. Limited spaces.

Hmph! Well I like my idea, but I suppose that might have the potential to create gluts of reviews that are impossible to sift through.
Update the first review will be on Darkest of Days just don't have the keys to it yet stay tunned in. Glenn will pick the person to do the review more info soon.
The way it will be Farrow, is we hope to have a selection of people we can rely on...mainly because game developers give us keys expecting a review as part of the exchange. So it is very important that the individuals deliver.

If anyone causes problems with relationships we have with the game developers as you might expect...we'll drop them from the program before they can blink. Availability changes for individuals so I expect a turnover of reviewers as we go on.

When we receive the keys for our next game which Bluewolf mentioned above, me and Pi will pick our first reviewer from those who have been accepted!