Community School Shooting


Feb 3, 2005
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WOODBRIDGE, Va. -- A community college student was upset about his grades when he walked into a classroom and fired two shots at his professor before his new rifle jammed, police said Wednesday.

Jason M. Hamilton, 20, was unable to continue shooting at mathematics professor Tatyana Kravchuk, who ducked behind a desk and was not hit, Prince William County police Maj. Ray Colgan said. No one was injured.

I took some Computer classes there about 12 years ago.

I don't understand how people can try to kill their teachers; shit is crazy. Maybe just flip them the bird or something, idk.
What, he didn't being a back-up gun?
this could have been MUUUUCH
I thought schools in the US had metal detectors at the entrances. How do they get in so easily?

Fortunately for the people there, he didn't have a sidearm.
I thought schools in the US had metal detectors at the entrances. How do they get in so easily?

Fortunately for the people there, he didn't have a sidearm.

Only the bad schools, like inner-city ones. I live in the suburbs and have never encountered such things.
Only the bad schools, like inner-city ones. I live in the suburbs and have never encountered such things.

Oh. That explains a lot.

You know, if you're going to have crazy people run around with guns, why not have metal detectors on the good schools as well?
You know, if you're going to have crazy people run around with guns, why not have metal detectors on the good schools as well?

It's not nearly as common as it seems. I don't believe my high school has ever had a shooting in the past six decades it's been open. Just wastes money that could be being used to actually educate these people.
I'm kinda surprised they don't, but community college is so open. There are tons of entrances.
Yeah I remember taking a summer class at mine, it was quite accessible. Pretty nice feeling to it actually.
Meanwhile, right wingers assure Americans that this is completely, totally unrelated to America's bloated gun "culture".

By the way, would you like a free S&W 450 trial?
Shit like this doesnt happen because of easy access to guns. It happens because some people can't take the pressures of society. In fact, the easy access of guns could be what saved the teacher, because a knife never gets jammed.
Shit like this doesnt happen because of easy access to guns. It happens because some people can't take the pressures of society. In fact, the easy access of guns could be what saved the teacher, because a knife never gets jammed.

In Sweden there luckily hasn't been any school shooting yet while there's been 3 of them in Finland, yet there are almost twice as many people living in Sweden and people in Finland have easy access to guns while those living in Sweden don't.
Most schools don't have (can't afford) metal detectors. At my high school they would very rarely (once a year or so) bring a metal detector and "randomly select" (racially profile) students to walk through it on their way into school. This entailed a backpack search too.

As for the topic at hand, too bad the gun didn't backfire and explode in his face or something. Violence in schools is repulsively evil.

Krynn I don't think this would have happened if the dude could not have so easily purchased a gun on his walk home from class or whatever. He clearly didn't have the balls to try to strangle her or something, after his gun jammed he dropped it and sat waiting for police and peacefully turned himself in and confessed. I imagine he also wouldn't have had the balls to knife her.
I thought schools in the US had metal detectors at the entrances. How do they get in so easily?

Fortunately for the people there, he didn't have a sidearm.

I am going to stop reading your posts until you conform to the regular font style and size.

That stuff isn't easy to read.
If someone did that in my school and their gun jammed that guy would have tackled and beaten. I hope hes locked up in jail for life and the key is thrown away.

Also like in all the shooting spree threads I've mentioned, stop killing innocent people. do it the Dexter way or not at all. pick the most corrupt, morally empty and evil people in society. what a F*U*C*K*tard
Dexter style criminals need to be more prolific.

Or Max Payne.
In Sweden there luckily hasn't been any school shooting yet while there's been 3 of them in Finland, yet there are almost twice as many people living in Sweden and people in Finland have easy access to guns while those living in Sweden don't.

Different societies really. Shooting up the place has been the cool thing for failures in the US to do since Columbine.

Krynn I don't think this would have happened if the dude could not have so easily purchased a gun on his walk home from class or whatever. He clearly didn't have the balls to try to strangle her or something, after his gun jammed he dropped it and sat waiting for police and peacefully turned himself in and confessed. I imagine he also wouldn't have had the balls to knife her.

Its possible, but he also could have realized how ****ed up he was doing when the jam gave him time to think it about it. Frankly, I think a person who is pissed off enough to try and kill someone at all would have been willing to do it any way possible. Once he messed up his attack, his rage may have dissipated.

I'm not a psychologist though.
Frankly, I think a person who is pissed off enough to try and kill someone at all would have been willing to do it any way possible. Once he messed up his attack, his rage may have dissipated.

I'm not a psychologist though.

I think you are right. When people get really angry they say and do things they feel really guilty afterwards.
Thank god the gun jammed.

You could say that he was a trifling young man.
Incidentally I have almost subconsciously begun ignoring numbers' posts since he started using the system console font to display them. Bad on the eyes = don't give a shit. There is a similar albeit more dire effect with Comic Sans MS - seeing people post in this elicits a sort of reflexive ban reaction in me. So far the only person to have survived this is toaster, because she did it ironically, and even then she nearly died. NEARLY DIED.
Incidentally I have almost subconsciously begun ignoring numbers' posts since he started using the system console font to display them. Bad on the eyes = don't give a shit. There is a similar albeit more dire effect with Comic Sans MS - seeing people post in this elicits a sort of reflexive ban reaction in me. So far the only person to have survived this is toaster, because she did it ironically, and even then she nearly died. NEARLY DIED.
Good to know! ; )
Incidentally I have almost subconsciously begun ignoring numbers' posts since he started using the system console font to display them. Bad on the eyes = don't give a shit. There is a similar albeit more dire effect with Comic Sans MS - seeing people post in this elicits a sort of reflexive ban reaction in me. So far the only person to have survived this is toaster, because she did it ironically, and even then she nearly died. NEARLY DIED.

I've put the Huntingbear on my ignore list because his signature had red text in it and it was obnoxious. About to do the same with numbers :(
I don't understand how people can try to kill their teachers; shit is crazy. Maybe just flip them the bird or something, idk.

Oh man, that sounds so much better than shooting my teacher. I wouldn't have come up with that myself because, you know, I AM ****ING INSANE AND I KILL PEOPLE.
Both of you are lucky. Again, irony is all that saved you, and that only just barely. Farrow, please do not tempt me again - for, if in my throes of agony I ban you, upon awakening I will be stricken - mine torments have caused me to sin, and kill a great friend.