Companion Cube Cake


Sep 24, 2004
Reaction score
So myself and the significant other were just so in love with Portal and everything in it we wanted to make a cake... the cake in the game has already been made, so we decided to make the next best thing. A yummy cakey tribute to our lovely companion cube... crazy vanilla cake with lots of icing that was a bitch to get in place but now we've finished we don't really want to eat it :-s

Looks good though me thinks :D


My girlfriend and I made a cake after beating it too. But yours really puts ours to shame. Looks delicious. =)
I'd love to win the internets but that was already won by "Still Alive"...
That's an awesome cake and a big woman.

Watson, my dear boy, your powers of observation have outdone you !

Yes she is big and she's mine, all mine....muhahahahahah *inset evil cackle here*

No idea who the female is though......lololol (proceeds to get bitchslapped from the cube)
Nice work on the cake, man ... Good luck eating it though, it'll go in your mouth and come out hers! These portals are tricky.
As a big woman myself, I have to saw we know a thing or two about cake!
Ah, so when we threw it in the incinerator, it wasn't being destroyed, but baked! Sweet, delicious euthanasia.
Ah, so when we threw it in the incinerator, it wasn't being destroyed, but baked! Sweet, delicious euthanasia.

"The Enrichment Center is required to remind you that you will be baked, and then there will be cake."
Hey, could I come to eat with you?

Eh, just joking, I know that THE CAKE IS A LIE.
I have great and sad news, The great news is the cake is not a lie ! the sad news is the cake was my companion cube :'(

Very cool!

Now, who's going to be the first to make companion cube case mod? :D
Haha a CC case would be awesome.

Oh god looks like we have a cult following for the CC now. That should be sent to Valve or something and be put up on STEAM..get that out to the public man, its awesome.
I want this cake

Can I have the ingredients for this cake

please :)
*chokes upon your awesomeness*

that's friggin' awesome, yousir, are a god amoung cakers.:)
Very cool!

Now, who's going to be the first to make companion cube case mod? :D

Is it bad that I'm thinking of doing that? On top of the speed machine I want to build, and the fire helmet case ...

The cake, by the way, is awesome and made of win.
Never have I seen anything more NOM-worthy.

Haha, witness the deliciousness. I'm tempted to turn these two into a looping gif to preserve the awesomeness. :D
So myself and the significant other were just so in love with Portal and everything in it we wanted to make a cake... the cake in the game has already been made, so we decided to make the next best thing. A yummy cakey tribute to our lovely companion cube... crazy vanilla cake with lots of icing that was a bitch to get in place but now we've finished we don't really want to eat it :-s

Looks good though me thinks :D

On deviant art I saw a very sloppy one, your's is much better though! Nice :cheers:

Some people go too far...

How so?