Comparing Level Design in HL1 and HL2

Sunny weather and blue skies cheered it up for me nonetheless.

Original HL2 concept art showed typical dystopic sci-fi cliches of a perpetually dark environment with a polluted sky. Fortunately Valve didn't resort to using these cliches, with the end result being a much more believable experience. City 17 is a nice pretty European city with good weather, except with aging buildings and an insidious Combine technological corruption that had stabbed the heart of the city and is slowly eating it up. I found the most disturbing part of HL2 the was the way the nice weather contrasted so starkly with the dark oppressive themes.
It was a bit odd though, the nice weather with the sea level so low. The Combine must be artificially maintaining the environment, or something.
It was a bit odd though, the nice weather with the sea level so low. The Combine must be artificially maintaining the environment, or something.

Correct me if im wrong, but i believe theres a giant portal suckin' up all the sea water.
Correct me if im wrong, but i believe theres a giant portal suckin' up all the sea water.

No, that was simply one of the ideas they came up with. It never made it past the concept stage as far as I know.
Awh, way to go piss on my parade :(

i think i read it on wikipedia, i cant believe wikipedia has lied to me :eek:
Sunny weather and blue skies cheered it up for me nonetheless.

As before... it was a sort of lifeless light.

If i had been there, I don't think I would've felt any heat.
You're a bastard Samon, a real bastard.
You're a bastard Samon, a real bastard.

He's off my friends list for that.

I don't mean the forum friends list. I mean a list I have of people who are my friends.

Take that, oppressive overlord!

And I figured the combine were draining the oceans they just didn't put anything in about how or whatever, with the weather or air filtering station or whatever they cut out.