compiling maps outside of hammer

Feb 21, 2005
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Hi, what programs can I use outside of hammer to compile a map, like a compiling gui. Id like to speed up the process and be able to shutoff the resource hog, hammer. also, does CST cut back on compile times or is it not much faster than norman vvis vbsp and vrad. if it is, how much faster? Thanks.
CST is faster but also legacy i think.

VALVe has yet to release the never verisions of code so therefore CST lacks newer features.. I'm not even sure CST supports HDR.

Google "Batch Compiler" and you should get external compilers.
Just create a batch compiler. All you need is notepad, and it works great.

Just make a file called whatever.bat, and paste this text into it (replace paths and filenames with your info):

Full compile:
@echo off
"D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk\bin\vbsp.exe" "D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\mapsrc\dm_plaza17.vmf"
"D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk\bin\vvis.exe" "D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\mapsrc\dm_plaza17.vmf"
"D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk\bin\vrad.exe" "D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\mapsrc\dm_plaza17.vmf"
copy "D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\mapsrc\dm_plaza17.bsp" "D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps"

Fast compile: (should take about 1/5 as long as full, depending on map)
@echo off
"D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk\bin\vbsp.exe" "D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\mapsrc\dm_plaza17.vmf"
"D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk\bin\vvis.exe" -fast "D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\mapsrc\dm_plaza17.vmf"
"D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk\bin\vrad.exe" "D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\mapsrc\dm_plaza17.vmf"
copy "D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\sourcesdk_content\hl2mp\mapsrc\dm_plaza17.bsp" "D:\Half Life 2\SteamApps\dariodee\half-life 2 deathmatch\hl2mp\maps"
You can make one file for each.
I never compile in Hammer anymore, because batch is too convenient. You can also use a freeware app called Process Tamer to automatically turn down the CPU priority of the compiler, so you can still use your computer while compiling. It doesn't slow it down; it just makes it wait while you use the CPU with another program.