Composer looking for an original solo mod to compose for


Mar 5, 2005
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I love music and modding (i used to be a HL mapper but my mapping skills aren't that good). I own a synthetizer, and I compose many little things that i've been keeping for myself, until now.

I want to be part of a motivated team which needs a soundtrack to give some colours to its solo mod.

Waiting for your call... Thanks.

at the momment the mod i'm in is slowing down a bit, as our modler is away with study and we already have a composer, but you never know.
have a look at the site, it's a HL2 Mod set in BMRF.

have a look around
Nice mod idea.

As you said, you already have a composer... and the Black Mesa site doesn't really inspire me (original soundtrack from HL 1 has already set the tone of it).

Though, it seems you're about to make a second episode. Don't know where it will be located, but I may be interested... Maybe MashedBuddha and I could each work on a different episode ? I don't know... Tell me what's your idea.

-> Keep proposing, modders !
The story of your mod is very exciting.

But it seems you already got some talented composers in your mod... And many nice pieces composed !

Do you really need my help ???
I am the founder of a street racing mod called World Racing Syndicate. Our website is being made. But we have 2 modelers and maybe a 3rd, and a mapper that are all workin hard. Production of the mod is relatively new. But I can show you are moddb profile and our forums, and if your interested contact me and i can get you the design doc.

[email protected]
Well, we currently do NOT have a composer!

I really dont know what to say though because our site isnt up yet...

My email is: [email protected] if your interested!

I do have some info on our mod:

Mod Name: The Gallantry
Type: First-person Singleplayer mod.
our 2nd EPI is still in Black Mesa, following a Covert OPs.
I'm trying to make a emphis on music acuttaly coming out of the game, ie: Guys playing music, ipods, a violinist playing in the streets of C17.
not all of our EPIs will be in BMRF, the rest will be after the incident.
you should post your portfolio :)

links to some of your music
MANTIS > I guess you'll need some 'Boom Boom' tracks in your mod (I think about NFSU for instance). Sorry, this is not what I'm looking for. I'll follow your mod though !

CHAOSRYDER > I'm curious : will the Gallantry be flyable ? About your mod, I can't answer you right now because there are no rendering on your website yet ... You know, I need this to see the tone, the colour of your mod's story.

> That's Ok : I can do some ambient musics like the guys playing in the streets. But you didn't answer me : why do you contact me when you already have a composer ?

> Good idea, though I don't want to spread my music all around for the moment. This is the first time I offer my services as a composer. I'm working on two projects right now, but nothing is decided yet. Once I will be "hired", I will be able to link some of my work.
Cause you should always grab at any chance
LoL. That's true.

But I don't want to compete with one of your team mate. And the most important : I don't know his own point of view about it. Will each of us compose for one episode ? The situation is unclear.
You can join our mod for composing. We don't really have a music composer, since the team page isn't updated yet. We're good with any stle of music you can throw. Our mod is City 13

**edit** hl2db royally anal raped us with their site update and are looking for a new host atm. Contact me VIA MSN

MSN = [email protected]
Well, I'm already on two projects. You know at least one of them : it is the Caliber Mod (I saw you on the forum). If the soundtracks of the two mods don't take me too much time, I can help you, if you wish.

I'd like to look at your website but it seems to be down...
Like I said, the host did us up the butt when they re did their site. And yah, I know Caliber, I remember it from when it was just still a blueprint. I even did all their freaking posters :) It's on their forums, under Art
I know that, your favorite one is my wallpaper since yesterday (this is my favorite too).
I'm already working for a Mod about Vampires (Caliber). I'm sorry but I can't accept the job you offer me : I don't want to give the same soundtrack to 2 different mods !

TO EVERYONE > I can take no more projects for the moment. Keep roaming in the forum, I will return... with a portfolio this time.
Thank you all for your offers.