Comprehensive List of Upcoming PC FPS

ailevation said:
:naughty: <---- Doesn't that look like STALKER? The game is called Xenus

I'd been following Xenus for a bit. It takes place in columbia I believe. With you looking for your sister who's been kidnapped by one of the gangs. I think the company was on offshoot from the one developing STALKER. It did sound like a similar style of game to STALKER back then. This was a about 6-12 months or so, when someone on another forum posted a link to their website.
HEHEHE Duke Nukem Forever... man how I laugh...

seriously though, cool list
Burger Wars will be the Game of the Year, guaranteed. Don't believe me? Go to and watch the trailer for it :)
Bloodrayne 2 how i laughed and then i saw it in action!
Starship Troopers looks pretty cool
Burgerwars trailer....was scary.
It's a Tribes2 mod? Because it looks exactly like Tribes2 only a version created by someone very troubled.