CompUSA - Closes All Stores


Mar 24, 2007
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We had a CompUSA here in the city I lived in, up until around 6 months ago when it closed. Over the years I bought a lot of hardware & Software at that store. Games like the original Unreal Tournament & Diablo 2.

Full Story Here. Looks like online giant retailer "TigerDirect" has been buying up the stores in several different cities. Hope one comes to mine.

When Diablo 2 was released in my area, it came first by a day to the now closed CompUSA. At the time of Diablo 2's release several years back, I was living & working in a city 25 miles away from the closest CompUSA store. I remember being all excited that the game was finally released & calling ahead of time to make sure that they had copies & was told they had ample. So on my lunch break, I left & drove to the other city to buy my copy. Only to find out that when I got there, they were all sold out & had been for hours I overheard an employee telling another customer. So telling myself I was not going to leave without a copy, I went to the Returns Desk & acted like I was picking up my reserved copy. When they told me that my name wasn't on the list, I proceeded to get really bent out of shape, telling them that I had driven over 30 miles to pick up my copy after being told that it was ready to pick up. I had the manager involved & everything. The exact facts elude me years later, but I remember that it was really busy that day, with a long line of people waiting. Instead of causing a bigger scene, the manager gave me an "extra" copy he had to shut me up.

Man, I felt like pond scum & was sure I was gonna catch hell once I got back to work over an hour late. Would have served me right too. Karma & all, but somehow I went un-missed & managed to get back to my office before anyone noticed I was gone. That was the first & last time I ever acted like a punk to get something I wanted.

You are the worst kind of link.

Glad CompUSA went under. Their management were the biggest group of assholes I ever worked for. Dont feel bad that you scammed them. Karma was in action, but not against you, against them for scamming so many unassuming customers.
And not buying stuff from Compusa or Tiger Direct continues...
And not buying stuff from Compusa or Tiger Direct continues...

I've never bought anything from Tiger Direct. I don't have to as Newegg always has what I'm looking for at the best price. I haven't heard the best about them though. CompUSA was always nice to demo something before I went and bought it online though.
I bought crap from Tiger-Direct before NewEgg and ZZF come to public (Components of my first custom rig) and I'm still pissed about it for so many countless unsatisfactory issues.

The only reason TD didn't go belly-up is because they been ripping people off, therefore they have more many than they can count to stay in business.
The Comp USA in my area is currently having massive sales 15-40% off everything. I picked up a few things I needed.
I absolutely hate compusa, glad they finally went under. They had absolutely no customer service. Their prices sucked. And their selection wasn't that much better than stores like Best Buy or Circuit City.

I've never had any real problems with Tiger Direct although I usually stick with newegg.