Computer Building...


Nov 16, 2003
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How long does it take you guys to build your computers? It took me 2 hours from the time taking the stuff out of the box to having Windows XP fully installed on the machine I just built last week. Curious to see how fast some of you other hardware guru's build computers.

Also, do you ever have a common mistake throughout all your builds? I do, I always hook-up my floppy cable wrong. It's a thirty second fix, but I never do it right. What about you guys? :E
I've only built one, and I'd estimate it took about 6 hours in all. The hardest part for me was getting the front fan on, since I didn't expect to have to take the whole front of the case off. Of course I was taking my time, double or even triple checking my several references. Now that I've actually done it I'd love to take a crack at "speed-building" one.
OMG I Hate connecting floppys they always break on me. :rolling: I dont know how long it took proably 7-9 hours my first. time :eek:

It depends on a few things but I generally take 2 hours as well if I mess with hiding the cables and doing the check (long) format.

My last PC I put together very quickly because I avoided all of that time consuming stuff.

I've turned around floppy before too but it isn't everytime. ;) Think red wire next to power connector...that generally gets it right the first time.

I generally don't make mistakes and have to backtrack at all.
I've help ppl pick out parts and they bring it to a LAN a lot. So I'll put it together for them right there (Not public but private LANs).
first time was like, 9 hours. i had a boot problem, the screen didn't show, and it took me 3 hours to fix.

since then, maybe... one hour for hardware, more for software. i usually do full drive scans and mem tests before i set stuff up, and try to make sure it goes just right. if i did it more than once a year i'd prolly skip all taht or course.
Where did you order it from?

My friend is an Abit kind of guy. He had ordered an Abit board from newegg and he had to RMA it back 3 times...he then bought an Asus board.
2 hours, for consruction, or simple fan isntallation. stupid hard-to take-apart cases

+ heatsink
First time about 5 hours, now I got it down to about 2 or 3 hours.
I finally put everything in my new case, took me about 2 hours, which isn't bad seeing as it's as close as you can get to building a new one as you have to take everything apart and put it in the new case. But it looks awesome, I gotta get a pic of the neon lights, and the cooling is sweet, new hs/f is awesome, the side panel fan is getting rid of all heat in the case. Hey Asus you changed back to your old avatar.
Last years comp (the 3ghz p4 some of u might remember) took me 3 days :p

This years comp (sig below) took 2 hours tops to have everything up and running.
wtf? a comp a year?? if you have some, uhhh... obsolete parts,... send em to me, eh!?
Ill be selling my fx-53 chip next year for one hundred united states dollars. idk what that is in other countries, but when i get the fx-57, my current fx-53 is up for grabs @ 100 bucks.
guinny said:
Last years comp (the 3ghz p4 some of u might remember) took me 3 days :p

This years comp (sig below) took 2 hours tops to have everything up and running.
i dont like you :(
lol :p
Hmm, 2 hours to get everything hooked up and software installed, and 1 week to get whatever went wrong (Something always does) fixed. Usually.
Most Often I forget to plug in the HDD LED and PWR LED connecters, and by the time I have everything perfect, I Don't care enough to plug them in.
my biggest problem (and fear) is hooking up the power connector/HDD connector pins etc. to the motherboard.
i attempted it once but thought i did it wrong and decided to get help from a friend.. i had the motherboard user manuel but still.. i guess everyone has trouble with some things.. for me its these connector pins.
other than that i don't have a huge problem getting stuff hooked up :)
I found out that if I hurry I can get all the hardware put together (and in working order) in about 15 minutes. :E

I won't be doing that again any time soon. I only did it the first time because someone else bet that I couldn't build one from scratch in under 30 minutes. You know, I don't even remember how the subject came up. It probably had something to do with him bragging about how "quickly" he built his computer.

EDIT: The longest process was getting that damned motherboard on those little metal risers without knocking the insulating washers off (I didn't have any of those those plastic pop-in risers at the time). The rest of the build was easy.
took me about two hours, but that was because i was so careul on everything. i never screwed down the screws really tight, so as not to do any damage, and i always gave cards that extra bit of flexability in terms of tighting screws.

not atually that hard to build a computer when you know what you're doing...or study the manual alot...
I used to do 10 PCs in around 3Hours. ;) that is 20Mins each

If I want to make a pc for myself I will make it in 2-3Hours
Im a lazy bastard and bought mine, works fine and i got it cheap so im happy.
guinny said:
Ill be selling my fx-53 chip next year for one hundred united states dollars. idk what that is in other countries, but when i get the fx-57, my current fx-53 is up for grabs @ 100 bucks.

:O :O :O

Only $100?! I WANT IT! But I'd need a new mobo. How 'bout you sell your mobo AND FX-53 for say $130? See I may make this deal with my dad where I give him my processor as that's all he needs for a new computer and he gets me a new one for not too much money. I dunno though, I don't think he'll do it. Besides you're not selling it just yet. What happened to your 3.0ghz P4?
bosox188 said:
:O :O :O

Only $100?! I WANT IT! But I'd need a new mobo. How 'bout you sell your mobo AND FX-53 for say $130? See I may make this deal with my dad where I give him my processor as that's all he needs for a new computer and he gets me a new one for not too much money. I dunno though, I don't think he'll do it. Besides you're not selling it just yet. What happened to your 3.0ghz P4?

Your forgetting, I'll need the motherboard. Or maybe not. Depends, if PCI-X starts to REALLY show a dramatic improvement over agp, ill toss the motherboard and the video card in all for like 300 bucks. hows that sound?
2 hours or less, Dont have a floppy so dont got cable problem. Although It used to always bug me.

I dont make many mistakes really, This one took a little longer cause I've got a crap load of fans.

and networking todo.

To build a computer, with an hdd that already has windows installed.

15 mins or less.
**** all 100$ buck for 53fx.

If i didnt just buy an athlon 64 3000, i'd take you up on that offer.

But the rest of my silly credit card must go to College books

Being poor blows the donky dong.
blahblahblah said:
How long does it take you guys to build your computers? It took me 2 hours from the time taking the stuff out of the box to having Windows XP fully installed on the machine I just built last week. Curious to see how fast some of you other hardware guru's build computers.

Also, do you ever have a common mistake throughout all your builds? I do, I always hook-up my floppy cable wrong. It's a thirty second fix, but I never do it right. What about you guys? :E

Well seeing as how everything didn't go exactly "smooth" I'd say the two hours it took me (Excluding break) was pretty good. But then I got Sasser so all in all it took me 2 days before it was working.